Beep boop beep bop boop beep New Vegas thread beep bop beep boop

Beep boop beep bop boop beep New Vegas thread beep bop beep boop

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Where do I direct the power lads?

I'm convinced the only reason these threads keep being made is to bait people into telling you to go to /vg/.

Where the NCR tells you to, soldier!

Is there any reason not to side with Caesar's Legion?

Not wanting to get beaten to death by the other 9/10ths of your squad is a good one.

If you dont care about the NCR, all of Freeside
If you want a situation but cool gun, power up the Archimedes weapon and spawn in ammo for it
Otherwise, NCR
I know people enjoying games is hard for you to imagine when you're likely fresh from the console wars, but not every thread is a shitposting falseflagging thread like those.

You fuckers know well that the best options are house and ruling over vegas yourself, you fucking know it.


Yes Man is only there for the people who fuck up so much they get locked out of every other choice.
Anyone who thinks it's a legitimate, wise decision is a fedoralord

Yes, lack of sidequests.
>inb4 frumentarii playthrough and Legion Quests Expanded

Nope and frankly every time i play the game i allways side with Caesar or Yes Man because the House and NCR endings are underwhelming as shit.

Besides you actually accomplish shit instead of giving the NCR more territory or letting House get more caps

Why does the independent ending have the best dialogue then?


Epig meme broseph

>Courier's lines turn into mostly edgy fedoralord lines
>best dialogue lines
My description of those who choose it remains fitting

House ending does

Having Oliver read through that treaty is the best

What are some fun characters to build and play as?

You'd want to work under Lanius?

Goddammit, that's so cute. OOC, but cute.

A Jew

Intelligence 10
Speech 100
Barter 100

Pacifist run

Other than Archemedes II and purging, did diverting power actually do anything other than brownie points?

arm the ion cannon obviously

why you people insist the 'you decide' ending is bad is beyond me, inb4 house is going to magically rebuild nasa from his medtube.

Independent ending leaves the Mojave in disarray and only like two places benefit from it
Also the House path leaves him powerful enough to actually achieve his goals, but a Yes Man supporter wouldn't understand something like that

Apathy is death

>inb4 house is going to magically rebuild nasa from his medtube
He did that with Vegas so I don't see why not.

Anyways, House is the only reason Vegas still exist. He single-handedly prevented Vegas and the whole region (including other vital areas such as Lake Mead, Hoover Dam etc) from nuclear anihilation and getting reduced to irradiated craters.

That alone makes him the righful owner of Vegas, he earned it justly. Every other factions are simply lazy assholes trying to steal the fruits of his work.

My only issue with the house ending is he kind of neglects the outer regions like Novac, Goodsprings, and the other smaller towns, rather than working to improve the entirety of the Mojave

>That alone makes him the righful owner of Vegas, he earned it justly
Can't rule Vegas if he's dead. And according to the law of go fuck yourself the city belongs to whoever killed him. Namely me.

For a sidearm, 12.7mm pistol or 10mm pistol? Damage or capacity?

I'm doing a hajime no ippo run bare hands then boxing tape then boxing gloves.
No guns.

.45 auto

generalizing, same with house too, he says straight up he will be set back by 20 years or so if the assassination event happens.

there isn't just one varient of each ending.

>yes man supporter
he just does what you tell it, its not even a person.

>these are the kinds of people who pick Yes Man
as expected

Sending it all to /vg/ is the only correct answer.

He mostly neglects them because they are none of his business. He does send a few securitrons to few settlements in a few endings, namely Primm and Goodsprings, for protection and taxes.

House isn't doing charity and he doesn't even pretend like he does. Nothing wrong with that since he doesn't fuck other people up either.

>raising up the bomber from the lake
>increased wasteland spawns
>shitload of young cazadores by the boat dock
>shoot them dead using elijah's laer
>chain corona takes care of the rest

There have been many times where that explosion has fucked me, but sometimes, it pays off.

I guess, it was used in Tactics but my inner meme machine doesn't want low energy rounds.

Yeah you can get whatever you want by just killing other people and stealing their shit.

Except you can't claim to have moral high ground that way, which is the whole point.

>he saved Vegas
So? That doesn't make him the owner of the city. That's like me disarming a bomb on the Empire State and then claiming the building for myself because i saved it

Also, just because he has the means and the plan doesn't mean he should win in the end

Holy shit, he's using footwork! I haven't anticipated this.

What does sending it to freeside do for freeside

how do i advance ED-E's quest? so far I've triggered his dialogue twice but idk where the fuck else to go to trigger the rest. I just want to upgrade his laser

Gives it more electricity so that areas without it do once more.
Sucks that the game doesn't display this properly though

It's what I do. I play a little girl courier and help the Legion.

>He did that with Vegas so I don't see why not.
so teaching literal canibals and raiders to be classy equates to the same as going to the moon for you?

what chems are you smoking and how do i aquire some?

>all these house-fags complaining the PC wouldn't be able to rebuild civilization
meanwhile in fallout 4...

>Except you can't claim to have moral high ground that way, which is the whole point.
Is it? You are at the right place at the right time and you're given the opportunity to fuck him over take over New Vegas for yourself. It might not be the best option for the Mojave but it's not the worst either so who cares? I'm a courier, not a saint.

>So? That doesn't make him the owner of the city.
It does.

>That's like me disarming a bomb on the Empire State and then claiming the building for myself because i saved it
The situation is not analogous because Empire State already has an owner(s).

Vegas didn't have an owner after being saved since everyone from the old world was dead. House was the only person to have strong reasons to claim ownership.

I suggest you read more about ownership and use common sense before replying.

>Also, just because he has the means and the plan doesn't mean he should win in the end
He should win because it's his property.

If Legion/NCR/Courier want Vegas so much, they can fuck off and make their own instead of killing House and stealing his work.

Something that's bothering me, if House has been awoke for what two decades, why hasn't he already rebuilt New Vegas, why is the only visible things done is a gate to separate the Strip from Freeside? He's had all this time and its just now he wants to rebuild?

So they say it helps, but in game it doesnt really change anything?

Thanks Gamebryo.

>so teaching literal canibals and raiders to be classy equates to the same as going to the moon for you?
Do you seriously believe Vegas was in the state it is now ever since the Great War?

It was clearly rebuild.

>all these house-fags complaining the PC wouldn't be able to rebuild civilization
Civilization is already back in NV, don't know what you are talking about.

How do you deal with the Legion?

I do it like this.

you're forgetting the giant wall made of signs aswell

Sometimes i play NV and think that Avellone was right when he said that civilization being back was just too boring

Not saying that they should all be invaded by Tunnelers or Elijahfog but i see his point

He needed the Platinum chip. Without it he doesn't have anywhere near as much power and influence. The chip gives him an endless army of Securitrons to expand his influence with and also powers up other things he needs

>Is it? You are at the right place at the right time and you're given the opportunity to fuck him over take over New Vegas for yourself.
Which still doesn't give you a moral high ground. You're still being an asshole killng a man to steal the work of his life.

>It might not be the best option for the Mojave but it's not the worst either so who cares? I'm a courier, not a saint.
As long as you acknowledge the fact that you are not a very good person it's fine.

But then, what exactly is the argument you are trying ot make?


There are none, they are perfect.

>Do you seriously believe
no I actually read into the lore.

>Civilization is already back
automation, manufacturing, cars, a hospital that isn't a mormon fort, roads?

Sometimes I don't know why I care

People still play without ENB? Cmon boys, it's 2017, you have no excuse anymore.

The Legion dies with Caesar.

Because all ENBs suck are not worth the strain of setting up and using.

I want the next game to have a group of "Amazon"-warrior women/female-supremicists.. Just as a pulpy thing and as a bit of a counter-balance to the Legion's Male-supremicism.

it would be a chance for fanservice too.

My excuse is


Are you sure?

Well if you can make the game look better, why not do it?
Visual overhauls have been a thing for classic games since forever.

>if House has been awoke for what two decades
Where did you get that from?

Great war happened in 2077. House went into coma from cystem crashes.

He regained consciousness in 2138 and was busy fixing all the problems with system since then. He started rebuilding Vegas in 2274 because of NCR scouts he spotted, 7 years before events in NV.

Something like this?

Visuals are on the bottom of my priority list when playing a game, especially frequently playing older games. Just shit I don't care about.

No one wanted House in office. Why do you think at least two of the Families were in cahoots with the Legion?

>no I actually read into the lore.
So whatever lore you read states Strip looked like it does ever since the Great War?

You need to either change your sources or work on your reading comprehension.

>automation, manufacturing, cars, a hospital that isn't a mormon fort, roads?
None of those are a requirement for civilization. I suggest you look it up in a dictionary.

Someone broke into my heart and stole a beat or two. The finger of suspicion points at you.

thought this was fanart at first
still a shit enb

t. Victor


>female legion
In your dreams

>No one wanted House in office.
Well then everyone can fuck off and make their own Vegas.

No one wants a whiny little bitch like you, yet here you are. It's almost as denying someone their right to own what they earned/live is not a nice thing to do.

balance ncr + freeside (brownouts)
gets you the most followers rep (which is harder to get than ncr) and i think a bit of ncr rep (which is easy to get anyway)

Enb's are good for screenshots but trash for actually playing the game

This faggot again
You're not welcome in my town, you brown-nosing piece of shit

Who said its female?

>house ending is underwhelming as shit
>compared to yes man ending which is almost identical

give me one reason why I should waste my time if you're going to be a condescending ass.

>trap legion
absolutely degenerate

New Vegas already has most of it, it almost has it all to be perfect. Why not go one step further and make it even better?

I think it looks cool.

You probably say that because you don't like DoF, but I simply turn it off when playing normally.

Are there any good All American/Marksman carbine reskins?

Oh don't mind me.
Just the comfiest location coming through.

>not being an immoral dichead makes you obsequious

I can give you two.

First, you were being a condescending ass as well.

Second, whether I'm a condescending ass or not does not change the substance of my argument.

>Yesmanfags ruin another thread
Guess I'll have to come back later

how come this guy could take so much punishment anyway? like, 'lore' reason, not that he has 40DT or whatever


If the radio extender user from the last thread is around, do you use the classical/blues/country tracks on RNV too, or do they feel out of place?

Millenia is pretty good.

It makes All-Marican camo a lot less visible though, but it looks decent when you get used to it. You can always get rid of All-American files an install only those that affect the regular carbine.

He held the title of being the best and scariest member of the Legion second only to Lanius himself, it makes sense that he could probably take a beating.

When in Rome

Because you don't fuck with mormons

Legion Masterrace

God giveth him strenght.
Lore wise? He's just one tough motherfucker, one of the strongest and toughest characters the series has seen.

Don't quote me on this but IIRC he's the strongest humanoid NPC lore-wise.

ya i know that but why?

ya i guess thats ok, after all someone has to be toughest guy out. just wondering if he fell into a vat of super gunk or something, i never played his DLC

Stronger than FRANK?

but why? because the fire inside him burned brighter than the fire around him

Lore wise he was once a mean motherfucker and survived being tarred and set on fire & thrown down a canyon mostly by sheer will.
Hes basically powered by hate and love of God

ENB or really graphical enhancement mods don't make it better, they don't change the gameplay, they fix bugs and can sometimes be the cause of them.