Why isnt it considered the worst zelda game?

why isnt it considered the worst zelda game?

-linear as hell
-no challengue
-retarded armor ginmick

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no one played it

Why the fuck does it look like a Layton game

Because CDi, Zelda II, and Skyward Sword also exist.

Zelda 2 is a good game though.

Ph was half decent,so why not try it .
It was a though torture session before doppring

>Zelda 2

This meme has to end.SS cant be worse...

>tfw this was my first Zelda game

>-linear as hell
>-no challengue
That describes almost every Zelda game and linearity isn't inherently bad.
Was great and made for some of the best tracks and moments in the series.
>-retarded armor ginmick
Was great and made for some of the best puzzles in the series.

Because overworld theme was dope

Because it was fun and anyone who actually played it instead of just going

would know that.

Also top tier waifu zelda in this one.

Doesn't hold up well.

>Was great and made for some of the best tracks and moments in the series.

I hope you are baiting...

his first Zelda was TP user. Gve him a break

It was the first zelda i couldnt finish out of boredom and cringe.

And i have played all unless Cdi and SS

Because PH was worse.

>Pan Flute is best part of game
>Train customizing just ripped from PH
>Literally bound to rails for exploration
>Drive train underwater
>Final conflict zone is just a floating tower over the grasslands
>No memorable characters, have to bring back Linebeck for even a speck of interest
>Is literally a game about a train

because BotW exists

Because it's the best Zelda game between Wind Waker and BotW.

It actually has a good soundtrack, for one. As well as good characters and an engaging story. Bosses are great, dungeons are solid. Fun and rewarding sidequests, lots of cameos, beautiful visuals... I don't think the game even has any legitimate flaws. As is evident from all your "negatives" being completely subjective:

-Linear =/= bad
-You can make it as hard as you want by just not picking up Heart Containers, like every Zelda game.
-I had no issues with the flute and thought it was really fun to use
-Not even gonna touch the last one, no idea what your problem with that is

Because it has great tracks like these:

Zelda has character in this game
There's a new villain instead of Ganon or Vaati
Gameplay is annoying but with an action Replay, that can be fixed.

>Because it's the best Zelda game
>between Wind Waker and BotW

damiani gave it a 9/10

I thought it was unanimously agreed that this was the worst. There's a reason why there was never another side scrolling Zelda

The soundtrack, story and some of the setpieces are actually really good, which is only offset by the shit graphics and controls.

>It was the first zelda i couldnt finish out of boredom and cringe.
Are you 12 or something?

>Needs AR to fix gameplay
>Says it's still a good game

>why isnt it considered the worst zelda game?
Because it takes everything bad that Phantom Hourglass did and fixed it, while taking what little good there was and improved on it significantly (aside from gutting Linebeck)

Spirit Tracks is tolerable.
Phantom Hourglass is where Zelda reached new lows

Because we need more games featuring trains in them.

>Zelda has character in this game

No one cares about that

>There's a new villain instead of Ganon or Vaati

Instead a castonish two horned old manlet not-boar-like

No U

>It actually has a good soundtrack, for one. As well as good characters and an engaging story. Bosses are great, dungeons are solid. Fun and rewarding sidequests, lots of cameos, beautiful visuals.

All false.Two good boss fights dont save a game

I don't understand the hate for it. Train was fun. Dungeons were fun. The Zelda armor thing was fun. World was interesting. It doesn't stand out among Zelda games, but it's definitely not bad.

I liked it more than Phantom Hourglass.

All LOZ games suck cock.

>Best companion in the series (It's Zelda for once)
>Best Zelda (character) in the series
>Casey Jones looking motherfucker named Byrne and his great theme (youtu.be/stL3E0h6bjM)
>Story is more than just "Ganon's back. Better defeat him and triforce or something"
>Some of the best puzzles in the series
>Final boss is literally Calamity Beast Ganon minus being complete shit
>Link gets the Zelda puss puss (SS does this too)
>Some of the best music music in the entire series

Nice arguments sperglord.

nice reddit spacing you fucking mongoloid

Nothing is worse than the CDi games

>playing spirit tracks on train (ha!)
>pan flute section comes up
>have to blow into mic in public


I'm amazed you played any others after this shitpile

It wasn't that bad since I didn't have anything else to base it off of.

Until I decided to emulate A Link to the Past anyways.

u mad