Have you actually played 1-2-Switch with your friends?

Have you actually played 1-2-Switch with your friends?



For about an hour. Then we played all the games and stopped.



Is this the LOL thread?

Now I know this gets said a lot, but it's usually because the comic wasn't funny. But there is literally no joke here.



these make me really uncomfortable



>when your so trans you start to argue that free speech can be meet with violent action

My friends are too busy playing actual video games that require a screen to look at.

But (s?)he's right


> It's another "shitty cartoonist makes up imaginary strawmen to show off his sick arguments" comic
i see they still haven't outgrown that phase....
maybe someday...

when the fuck did milo tell people to attack trans people, Muslims, and PoC?

>it's another "Let's encourage people with mental illnesses to take extreme, unrealistic measures in order to be something they're not" episode
Fuck this planet.

let the psychologists/psychiatrists deal with it. if anything, the people are only hurting themselves


They don't "deal with it". They just prescribe hormones that inevitably don't do shit, then we have to tell them how pretty they look in their dress with their cock and balls hanging out. Otherwise we're "bigots".

Took me a second, but goddamn that is hilarious.

Why are you talking like that

I don't get it

>LITERALLY paints the opposide side in a logical, understandable manner
>Still considers to be in the right by the end
It's just fucking amazing, the dissonance. Not even Sup Forums can reach these levels of retardation.

Well, the important thing is that you've found a way to get upset.


When it fits their narrative

Goddamn, Larson really peaked with this one.


Hitler did nothing wrong

>Cartoon Dinosaur Yarn Adventure
Other game...


my fucking sides dude

>ps1 controller

Is this Larson's Pipe strip?

Where's the joke?

>crack down on pot.
>transnigger fuck heads will have to use harder substances to combat their depression
>point out all trans faggots are just burned out junkies

>against people of niggerdick

doesn't he actually love mcdonald's? i remember one of his early strips is literally about how no one in college wants to go to mcdonald's with him. poor guy




Cause yeah, god forbid people have standards on selecting their partner.

probably trying to make him look like a healthy eater.

How would this even happen?

I'm too dumb, someone explain this to me

When you don't catch said pokemon but get it traded and then don't realize that "NIGGERDIK refuses your command" is something only traded mons do.


It doesn't with catching Pokémon. But if you grind really hard, it's possible to achieve it.

Essentially the comic could be fixed just by saying "when you trade for a pokemon way beyond your level".

if you dont submit your dick to anyone that wants it, you're promoting rape culture

This guy's stuff is really hit and miss.


Yeah "standards" such as "no darkies", "no trannies" and "oh god please some white girl with big tits please save me from this eternal virginity, I am such a good white warrior".

>Imagine being at computers
>so fat you look and see food
Hmmmm, I think I actually know what he meant by this

Ok, the last panel is actually pretty funny.


Last time i played emerald i caught rayquaza (lvl 70) with the masterball.
All my other pokemons were around lvl 50 and he singlehandedly carried me thru the league


it doesnt have to be traded, thats just the most likely scenario. badges make higher levels respect you. other ways it would happen would be like the safari zone or glitches, or maybe even if you use your starter pokemon pretty much exclusively at the expense of training your other pokemon like i used to do as a kid

>no trannies
How is that an unreasonable standard?

Who the fuck are you talking about you dumb faggot

I would laugh at that but I've actually seen people use this argument.


>someone puts forward their beliefs in a calm manner
>offer no counter argument and instead call them names and cite anecdotal 'evidence'
>somehow thinks this makes him/her/it right

Really makes you think.

who needs friends? just play monster girl gamu

>tfw you wouldn't even rape the author
Really gets the cogs grinding


that's the bravest thing I've ever seen

calm down tranny

wtf this comic raped everything I thought about rape

It's because you're seeing the depths of how badly people have been brainwashed.

And before someone mentions Sup Forums, they're a minuscule part of the internet and not remotely as influential as mainstream media. I'm left-leaning and even I see how bad the media has gotten.

hes ok when

- doesnt go retard le political commentary
- stays away from le infantiliasm (adulting is so hard omg i can barely even get up and do things!!)
- isnt crying for any other reason

>If you don't want to fuck men wearing dresses, you're Sup Forums.

Sup Forums

>Exercises free speech by saying how he doesn't like SJW's butting into his hobby
>Somehow this is bad

For marriage, no

For one night stand, a hole is a hole


laughing out loud

That's such a funny joke I laughed a lot at the punchline

oh god... I can feel it... my almonds... activating....

I'm a nonbeliever and I have nothing but hate and contempt for "trans people" and the people who play along with their insanity and try to normalize it.

good job, youve outsmarted Sup Forums and gotten a couple (you)s in the process. i hope you are content

i think a general problem with todays society is no one has any sense of scale or awareness of themselves. everyone thinks theyre the main character in their own movie. depending on what kind of person the movie is different (ie leftists and other SJWs think theyre in some young adult romance/action shit) but everyone thinks theyre way more important than they are. truth is most people arent even extras in their own movie, theyre fkn CGI background imaginary people lol

Cows aren't as skilled as humans when it comes to making tools.

>Oh look someone complaining about how crazy feminists constantly misuse the word rape

it's funny because you think you made an argument

>trans 'people'

Mutliated tranny idiots


rape is batman

I find surgery and extensive body modification repulsive. If it's just a trap it's ok tho.



are you people autistic, retarded, or just underage? thats an obviously satirical post

I don't hate trans people for the same reason I don't hate schizophrenic people. I do, however hate people who pretend that mental illness should be humored rather than treated.

where are the video games

>m e r e l y p r e t e n d i n g

>It was all an act

Fucking trannies man, why can't we just post vidya related comics.