Why are modern handhelds such shit consoles and have such shit game library compared to old handhelds?

Why are modern handhelds such shit consoles and have such shit game library compared to old handhelds?

The 3DS has been worth it ever since Kid Icarus: Uprising got out,and only got better with time.

The NDS and the 3DS both have more extensive libraries than the GBA.

Go ravioli yourself.

I don't understand your point.
FFTA is shit compared to the original on PSP.

>Kid Icarus: Uprising
>a game with such shit mechanics they literally add to sell an accessory with it to make it playable
great handheld game right guys?

NDS counts as an old handheld by now. It's 13 years old.
3DS doesn't have as many games as GBA.

Of all the games you could mention, why KI? It was shit. Never returned a game so fast until Bravely Default.

A1 fucking right.
Though at least FFTA was something new, even if it was shit. The PSP saw a fuck ton of old games ported onto it. Which was fine the once, but that novelty couldn't save the Vita.

Is that one of the modded ones of eBay? I only have a frontlit model, was wondering about those.

Vita should have been delayed until 720p handhelds became possible.
Sony would have made a better decision if they prolonged PSP life by chargings devs less for access to it, releasing dirt cheap versions of PSP and improving online service.

>a game with such shit mechanics they literally add to sell an accessory with it to make it playable
explain, i don't own any 3ds or kid icarus just a GBA.

It's most likely just an AGS 101 model

Idk OP but my hacked n3ds is awesome to pick up for 15-30 minutes at a time. I play it while laying in bed, waiting for matchmaking in other games, and while waiting for the bus.

I literally have every 3ds game I want, every nds game on a flash cart, and can emulate any snes/nes/gba game I want.

because back then you didnt hate videogames

Wait were GBASP games stretched to 4:3?

NDS is the simply the best handheld of all times with largest game library. Too bad the system is rather fragile and hard to fix.

with the GBA (excluding micro) you had the entire gameboy library to fall back on. Any game from the original gameboy in 1989. It has 15 years worth of a library. That's huge.

The original DS tried at least, giving you backwards compatibility with GBA games, but nothing older than that.

to complicate matters, the original DS was huge, gimmicky, and expensive. the accessory support it had was killed off by the DSi.
The DSi being more powerful went for the most part unnoticed.
The 3DS has some good games, but the #D gimmick is awful. The console feels incredibly under powered. It was over all kind of disappointing.

It's clearly 3:2, user.

reminder pic related is the gba of current gen

Old handhelds includes PSP. Just like a sony drone to try and defend some shit no one was attacking.

Those are made for children hands user.

So? DS Lite wasn't huge and gimmicky. Had GBA support and could easily emulate GB/GBC games.

so was the gba

>want to buy a gameboy advance sp for nostalgia's sake
>worried my long grown up fingers will find playing on it uncomfortable compared to when I was 12
>go back to playing emulated gba games

feels kinda bad man

it's ok unless you're boogie

got an ags-101 recently

Try them on the PSP, it's pretty comfy.

Amount of games =/= amount of quality games

Plus GBA and NDS both had around 10 years of game releases each. That's a little more than the 3DS.

Emulation the way to go unless you have a DS with a slot-2, a hacked n3DS, or a 101 screen and manlet hands.

>hack the 3DS, it literally becomes a device that plays all past handhelds and even other consoles

>all past handhelds

Bullshit, you can't just emulate more powerful systems.

honestly. this is the only version worth buying. Anybody with a clamshell """3D"""S is a cuck

how the fuck do you get it on your shit phone? this is crazy

You can put games on your calculator too.

If it exists then someone's either put a gameboy emulator or Doom on it.

most old phones supporting Java applications can handle gbc emulation.

Meant to reply to

fuck you, unfolding a clamshell nintendo handheld makes that really satisfying SNAP

It comes with like a stand to put the 3ds on. Never used it myself, never had any issue with the controls it's just like Metroid Prime Hunters basically and I played a bunch of that so maybe that's why (online was the shit)

Closing it feels good too. Clamshell was genius design, it protects the screen.

PSP came out in 2004 and was still routinely getting games into 2014 in Japan until they outright stopped production to try and get devs to move on to Vita. Vita came out in 2011 in Japan.
720p is about twice as many pixels as 544p. For reference, tons of PS3 games weren't even 720p. Lots of them were at around 640p while 360 versions were at 720, and some were even at 540p (Vita resolution).

I don't know, I like my Vita more than my Gameboy, Game Gear, Gameboy Advance, and Nintendo DS.

give the Switch a break man it's only been a week, Blaster Master is already giving it a really good GBA feel, hopefully it lives up GBA is arguably my favorite system.

>get GBA emulator
>looking for all the good games
>find shovelware and licensed garbage
>literally anything that wasn't made by Nintendo or one of the Big 3 of 3rd Parties (Capcom, Square, Konami) is shit

Same thing applies to the DS

GBA had a great library but 3DS' is also good. And if you say DS games don't count then you can't count GBC games for the GBA library either.

Atlus stuff during the GBA era was nice as well.

The DS had about as many games as all older handhelds together.

Only good ones not made by Nintendo, Capcom, Square and Konami:

>Crash Bandicoot games
>Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis
>Shrek 2

>Spider-Man: Web of Shadows
>Lost Magic

>no Yggdra Union, Super Robot Wars, Summon Night Sword Craft, Astro Boy Omega Factor, Bomberman Tournament, Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Games, Medabots, Shining Soul or Shining Force
>Shrek 2
I really hope you are just baiting

What about Dementium on DS?