ITT: Hard puzzles
ITT: Hard puzzles
Genuinely hard puzzle
Not hard. Tedious and heavy on note taking.
Easily the worst part of the game.
I think it was this puzzle from Dino Crisis I always skipped cause I had no idea how it worked. I recall even the strategy guide I bought for it didn't explain how to solve the thing.
Inb4 "Wait a minute... that card..."
Which Zelda has the hardest puzzles? I like hard puzzles.
>mfw found one of these but with rocks
i don't get it how people found this to be actually hard
>replay some game you beat as a kid like a dozen times
>I'm now an adult with a university degree
>struggle to complete puzzles I had no difficulty with as a child
>Which Zelda has the hardest puzzles
Phantom Hourglass because you'll be puzzled as to why you even started playing that shitty game
Breath of the Wild probably. I've never played a game with puzzles that hard. Skyrim is nothing compared to it.
PH is good though. That puzzle about closing the DS was probably the most unique puzzle in the entire series
Oracle of Ages
I'll admit I was stuck there for quite a while...
I ended up solving it by accident by closing it to figure out later.
>I've never played a game with puzzles that hard
Silent Hill 2
BotW is easy because it's almost always 1-2 of 5 solutions + gravity. Actually it is always that, no question.
They're still better than usual, but LoZ is only really good at beating itself.
Haven't played the game yet, but if I had to guess I'd say throw something into it
beat me to it
This nigga knows.
my thumbs hurt just looking at it
I felt that as soon as you align the 3 height blocks it became pretty simple to solve. I was more annoyed with the clock picture one.
Holy shit user, that was sarcasm. BoTW puzzles are probably the worst in the series.
Stil can't get past this
If only pokemon still had these kind of puzzles in the current games
i dont remember the original version of this but the HD version was missing the markings on the ground that told you in what order these should be activated. i had to resort to looking it up after 10 mins of failing
You don't fucking understand, man I had been playing retro games on emulators for years because I couldn't afford a good pc or console so when I finally got a job and saved up enough money for a gaming pc someone recommended bioshock infinite so I tried it out since by that point I hadn't played a game made after, like 2005 and during that opening cutscenes when he opens the box and the card is in there I thought to myself "hmm that card might be a clue for a secret later" so I wrote it down on a fucking post it and stuck it next to my screen so I get to the top of the tower and see the symbols on the bells and I'm like "oh it was just for this ok" and then that dickhead decker mcprivatedetective is all like "wait a minute, that card" and fucking hold it two inches from his face and in that moment I knew, video games had truly become shit
I heard you were tone deaf. Well get fucked fag
>the HD version was missing the markings on the ground that told you in what order these should be activated
No it wasnt
No it didn't, you just had to blow the leaves away.
i played it on an android phone and had to look it up. even when i knew exactly what to do it was tough figuring out how to accomplish it without having anything to close. i had to toggle settings a few times and it just happened to work after a few times of nothing happening
Whatever, I just did the switch toggle trick and didn't even need to go to that stupid age so fuck you, Fatrius.
Doesn't it say dig here?
It's been a while since i learned braille
Is that Myst? I don't think I've ever even gotten ten minutes into that game.
>Jabu Jabu's Belly
I'd take anything to make a level make me feel the way this shitstorm made me feel. At least I felt something, even if it was pure rage.
Can't believe Fujibayashi directed SS and now BotW. What happened?
wtf? how did he know what order to hit them in?
pretty much anything in the Silent Hill games
Fuck! Really? then i feel stupid then. But its not like the game ever let me knew i could do that. is this the one and only place where you can blow leaves away to reveal something underneath?
This really puts it in perspective
OoA is my favorite Zelda and yet I dread the yearly replay when I remember the Belly. I love the idea of the Mermaid suit but the execution was poor.
This is old and boring
Stop posting it
throw a rock into it
Worst part is this is at the end of the game
This shit was fucking great, i mean i looked it up on the internet but still
The ruins of Alph or whatever in Crystal were pretty good too
Myst ain't shit compared to how obtuse Riven gets
literally impossible
i bet the rest of the game doesn't even exist
Muh childhood. If you know the game without googling, props to you.
This really the tinkered my thinker
One of the Gameboy ones. Link's Awakening DX has some great dungeons.
I actually noclipped past these doors when I played this shit for the first few hours
>mfw niggas paid 200k to not play the game
>mfw niggas dropping clue scrolls
Hard puzzles are fun
Holy shit I remember doing those puzzles. Was the translation for those dots in the manual or something?
This fucking thing ended my Kotor run back in the day. Still haven't finished it.
What are you supposed to do here anyway?
Find the right place for the yellow ball?
>Tf when I was so dumb as a kid I wanted to pay the 25k just to skip it but just smashed buttons till it worked
I know there is a simple logic behind sliding puzzles but they are just so intimidating to me because I'm a retard.
Remember to thank BotW for freeing us of this cancer.
Is this the HD remake? wew lad
yes it was, that was some next level puzzle
All of the braille in that picture is the exact same, you attention seeking cunt.
Are the old Zelda games on gameboy color any good. Are they as good as Ocarina?
Ok, I can SLIGHTLY forgive the zooming in in the torch room, but what the fuck were they thinking doing it again in the switch room too
i love that puzzle. its daunting and difficult at first, but once you get a feel for it its really simple
Otherwise known as the best zelda game
>when you sit at this for 5 minutes and its not because you cant solve it but because you gave Irrational too much credit going into the game and think it cant be that easy.
Yeah they're great
I would say better than OoT but I generally prefer the 2D games anyway
>Are they as good as Ocarina
They're different. I wouldn't but them above OoT but definitely above the other 3D zelda.
Oracles > LA > Minish Cap
Only in the EU and Japanese manual.
America got lacked those pages.
Basically on each of the islands there's a dome that you need to match on this grid using pic related and an accompanied grid to translate the island locations to a grid. It's fucking ridiculous
Missed the picture
>tower of hanoi
The laziest puzzle design in all of video games. No wonder Bioware loves to use it.
So then how did you figure it out in NA? I can't remember
Other grid that's needed to solve it
You mistake "puzzle" for an interactive way to enter a dungeon.
its like the whole" huur eye switch" thing, its meant to be a different means to activate something that's not just standing on a switch not a puzzle.
GOAT Zeldas
I keep hearing people say this and that the shrine puzzles are so simple. But I don't really see what was so amazing about the puzzles in previous zelda games. Most of them were just as simple or worse. I feel like people are only remembering certain puzzles they really liked and forgetting all of the mediocre ones in between. And the divine beast puzzles, at least the camel (only did camel and elephant so far), were pretty fun and tricky.
This is a joke if you did the exact same puzzle in KOTOR. This is the exact point where I started to lose my interest in Bioware games.
Pressing buttons makes that grid move which lets you eventually find the locations to put the marbles on the grid
I dropped Onimusha over this shit. I am AWFUL at sliding block puzzles, let alone fucking timed ones.
Thank you for revealing which solution of 4 is the right one in the title of your copy-pasted rewardless shrines, Mr. Fujibayashi.
Enjoy the divorce, user. You'll hate the game in 6 months.
I dont think a single game has ever made me vomit more than this did as a kid. Underrated platformer but holy shit did it make me nauseous
Zelda puzzles have never been complex. I think what people wanted are puzzles with more impact (like the water levels in the water temple). Shrines are pretty much sealed rooms. I think BotW's puzzles are by far the best in the series.
>giving Irrational credit
Why? The only good games they ever made were Freedom Force and SWAT4. SS2 was a Looking Glass game, Irrational just gets all the credit for it.
Bioshock 1 is garbage. The glacial movement speed alone is enough to ruin it, nevermind the mediocre level design, terrible combat and hamfisted writing. Only things that are good about it are Sander Cohen's level and the Surgeon's level.
It's super easy especially the ones in runescape
>it's a "Sup Forums posts easy as fuck puzzles but since Sup Forums is stupid as fuck they find them hard" episode
list of things Sup Forums finds hard
at least it's not the episode were Sup Forums says the dance water dance guy is hard