Are begging threads still normal thing here?

Are begging threads still normal thing here?

I would be grateful to death if anyone would send me ds2 on steam. I have low end pc that can barely run anything, I have no money since all my savings go for the college, my gf left me and all my joy is in playing video games now, but I never experienced true dark souls cos I never could have afforded to buy it.

Pls, Sup Forums. Help.

Other urls found in this thread:

That's pretty sad.

Check your PM.

Post ID

Whats your steam user?

Dead Space 2?
Dark Souls 2?
Duel Shock 2?

No ID no game

My name on steam is Chyraeth, if that's what you think of. You can se that all I play is f2p games like dota haha.

I don't want you to send me anything if you are playing it atm, if you're done playing it for any reason then I would appreciate it.

user can I please request for something? Can I please have Atelier Firis if it isn't too pricey for you. Thanks. :)

[email protected]

"but I never experienced true dark souls cos I never could have afforded to buy it."

>Dark souls 2
>Not just pirating that piece of shit

>my gf
I hope you die soon, normalfilth.

Link to your profile.

OP here
So, user hooked up with me and we'll try to work it out.
This is just the sign that there is good people on this board.
I thank you, user, for coming up for me. Even if we don't make it, it means world to me.

Link to your profile user

Anyway, if anyone really has a spare copy, I would be grateful. My id is: chyraeth11/

why not pirate it

I pirated it, but it's just not the same without multiplayer/online option, cos it feels like you're missing at least 50% content of the games, like duels, coop, covenants, items etc

Does anyone have extra unneeded stuff from recent bundle? Just interested in Legends of Eisenwald.
[email protected] , if you're feeling generous

Why is it always Dark Souls that people ask for in these kinds of threads?

Because most of us who ask for it tried pirated version and found it really good, but missing too much content compared to original version.

Anyways, I'm still looking for ds2, if anyone can help.