>during the sniper duel with Quiet, you can call in a supply drop on top of her to stun her
That's so Kojima. What are some other cool things like that in MGS5; secret tricks or non-obvious features?
During the sniper duel with Quiet, you can call in a supply drop on top of her to stun her
That was patched out
>make a bad game but get worshipped anyway
That's so Kojima
You can select "uninstall" and not have to play it anymore
>tfw you make a shit game but your retarded fans think that Konami is to blame
he can't keep getting away with it
You can also just kill her with a tank
>you can leave this shit on the shelf and buy a better game
That's so Kojima
>shitting on a good game
that's so v
based newfag
you can just go to her and punch her in her stupid face
i'll always be mad at her rescue missions
Thats so Sup Forums
wanna know how i know you're a phone poster?
Goat noises on the idroid
wanna know how i know you're a fucking loser?
>It's 2017 and I'm so fucking poor I have to sit at a desk to shitpost because I can't afford a phone... The post
You can be spoiled at any time just by looking at your reflection in the heli window. It's your created character rather than Snake.
you can use the stun arm to electrocute a wide range of people if they're standing in water
knocking over an electrical pole in the rain does the same thing
shining your flashlight in the eyes of enemy soldiers wearing night vision goggles stuns them
if you CQC combo a guard enough times in a row, his body will eventually break and he'll die
you can use the soundbite tapes you pick up to pacify various kinds of wildlife so they won't run from you, put guards to sleep and get them to leave you alone if they get close to discovering you in a porta-potty
then there's the GZ trick of throwing magazines in reflex mode to instantly knock guards out and the various things that would fall into the TECHNOLOGY category if they hadn't been shown in gameplay trailers already
No, you can still do it. It's one of the ways to beat Cloaked in Silence and get the non lethal and no shots fired stats
lol no
Ebola. If you extract one of the nigger children it gives Mother Base ebola or some shit.
>shining your flashlight in the eyes of enemy soldiers wearing night vision goggles stuns them
I 100% the game I never knew about this
>you can use the soundbite tapes you pick up to pacify various kinds of wildlife so they won't run from you, put guards to sleep and get them to leave you alone if they get close to discovering you in a porta-potty
>put guards to sleep and get them to leave you alone if they get close to discovering you in a porta-potty
wot m8?
Some music tracks can be played while holding an enemy in submission and it will act as a lullaby and put them to sleep. Others can be used to make a guard investigating a porta potty leave it alone.
Which one is better - Ghost Recon Wildlands or Phantom Pain?
on the mother base conservation platform you can get sound tapes for each animal type you've collected, playing these in the wild will cause that animal type to hang around instead of running from you when you get near/make them passive if they're hostile animals
there's also the afghan/african lullaby tapes which will put soldiers to sleep if you play it near them, and Johnny's own cameo with the "soldier on toilet" tape which will get them to fuck off if they're investigating the portapotty while you're in it
each tape breaks once you use it successfully in these situations, but you can find them again where you originally did
V might be unfinished but Ghost Recon is shit bro.
MGSV gets stick because it's missing the last mission and people didn't like the story, but Wildlands is simply unremarkable.
BOTW is the chapter 3 we desrved