User, why havent you backed the best medieval combat system yet?

user, why havent you backed the best medieval combat system yet?

who DEUS VULT here?

fuck off shill

fuck of shill
nobody wants to play your quick moneygrab trashgame

Not a shill, but a big fan of the game

what do you mean moneygrab? look at it

>Not a shill
>Links the kickstarter in the OP

i know youre mad that it got funded ubishill

Because I'm not autistic

lmao ubibabies mad cause their trash game is worse than 10 year old soul calibur games

stop bullying for goner desu

I dont play lazy games that are multiplayer-only. Also, Fuck off shill

the best games are multiplayer senpai

Fuck off you fucking mongrel shill, you have been trying to gather money from Sup Forums from Sup Forums,/his/ and Sup Forums, fuck off.

>donating to kickstarter
I would even be highly suspicious if they were kickstarting a robot waifu that charges up by sucking my dick.

>why havent you backed the best medieval combat system yet?
Because it reached its goal in less than a day. If they weren't faggots they would have released it as a simple Chiv clone as it was originally intended to be, then added the M&B stuff to it after they had gotten a good rep. Adding all this extra shit on now its just ballooning the chances of it falling on its face before it even leaves the gate.

>consolecucks this mad



you will never ever be able to play this god tier PC exclusive, stay salty consolecuck

I love first person melee!

NEVER EVER consolecuck, stay mad


This isn't Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord.

:^) stay mad, consolecuck.



Another medieval combat simulator

Why exactly should I back this when Dark Souls, Mount and Blade, Chivalry and For Honor already exist?

never ever consolecuck

Because its better then all of those games combined

t. backed 400$

Thy wife is a hobby horse

Honestly looks like hot garbage.

Butterlord when ?

I was actually thinking about getting it, but if the guys who are supporting it in this thread are going to be the typical players then lol no. Even Bore Honor passed on the dork vult meme after release.

>Dark Souls
Medieval fantasy RPG, not even nearly the same

>Mount and Blade
More of a strategy game/simulator

Broken janky ass piece of shit (I've played like 200 hours of it, they ruined it)

>For Honor
Fucking lol

In what way is it better? I don't see anything in this entire game that looks even remotely interesting or innovative.

Literally out of spite to that one user who kept spamming for honor threads with mordhau

but theres nobody supporting it. just shitposting antishills

This. Maybe its just me but after years of these I'm getting bored with medieval combat.

None of those even remotely similar except Chivalry which is already few years old, this one seems like a sequel or something.

>These people actually think these games are widely different

You medieval combatfags are holding back the gaming industry. I want devs creating cool gameplay in cool worlds with cool stories and cool music, not spending their entire life to perfect the animation and hitboxes of swinging a claymore.

It just is.

>console release expected with enough support
Maybe aybe PC nutsucker

amazing combat mechanics (watch their second dev blog), first person mounted combat, super indepth character creator etc etc

it might not be innovative in many fields but it does bring a lot of new things and combines many great things into a nice package



Hey guys! Rate my shit!

Because I refuse to donate to kickstarter unless they a finished product they need money to get out to market

>Console" mods" and controls

>console gaming

top kek

pledged 60$, but I have been thinking about upgrading to 100$. I only wish there was a physical Tier :/ I always go for those

Also, I have chivalry, I have M&B Warband, no self-respecting person would ever waste money on ForHonor and Im hyped about M&B Bannerlord. Bannerlord will replace Warband and Mordhau will replace Chivalry. Those four belong to two very different type of subgenres anyway. So I dont see the need to rage about "too many medieval games". Maybe FPS games would also be worth a penny if they just didnt release a new versio every 6-12 months.

t. mass effect andromeda fan

bannerlord and mordhau give me hope for gaming


Because it's already funded. I'll wait until they develop an actual game.

>comparing a good game like bannerlord to a cash grab like memehau

because its just chivalry with a turn speed limit

All these salty consoleccucks shitposting xD

never ever consolecucks, nice tears.

>multiplayer-only game
Not worth it

bannerlord has nothing on mordhau outside of the singleplayer


>says they won't early access
>early access is literally letting players play alpha/beta
>doing closed alpha/beta

Fucking shills. I don't even need to spend money to see the game made at this point anyways and see it end up like chivalry.

you know its true

>playing m&b for multiplayer

I am currently playing For Honor and I enjoy it.
I will play this and will (hopefully) enjoy it too.


Spamming your kikestarter here everyday is against the rules.

Same here

What do you mean ? a closed alpha is not early access you fool

Ha, calling anything that's not mount n blade the best midevil combat game. Here is your (you) buddy, almost had me going there.

Still waiting on bannerlord. This kickstarter probably can't even stand up against for honor.

Woah another game where people slap each other with noodle weapons

Because Chivalry came out years ago.

You are implying that's a bad thing, all these games are leading to the same thing, perfecting midevil combat, and that is exactly what we want.

tfw the best combat system came out years ago

what that?

better than ops game lol

>tfw war of the roses is dead

War of the Rose, It was basically Mount & Blade combat with better hitbox localized damage and tons of customization. The hitboxes were in fact so precise that if you could aim between the eye slit of a helmet you could score a one hit kill. The game came out at the same time that Chivalry did and it never got a good player base.

I'd rather play M&B

yea, the death of that game was a shame :/ I bought it day1 and played it alot, but slowly it just started to die :C

>best combat system
>dead game that got pulled from steam

LOL, wotr was complete trash

Any estimate date when this shit is going to be done?

>its exactly like chivalry
No thanks fag.

Late 2017