>tfw you have tons of work/assigments and cant find time to game

does any user feel same?

just quit

>Have a 200 word essay for tomorrow but can't stop playing games
Pills or gas?

>200 word essay
That's not long at all

>For tomorrow
Tomorrow is a Saturday you fuck

Thats why I pretty much quit video games

Last one I bought was Phantom Pain

we have school on weekends in india

You've got time to shitpost, it seems

>have tons of work and assignments
>waste all my time playing games


That's the nice thing about vidya, user. They'll still be there waiting for you when you're done with all that other stuff.

I'm in the same boat. Got GR2, Nioh, Yakuza 0 and soon persona 5 and nier as well waiting for me. It will probably have to wait another few months

Try doing a PhD then, fag.

Actually, tomorrow Will have time to play for the first time in a Month. Yesterday, with my gf.
>user, what are you planning for this weekend? (She is going to a conference)
>Sleep, play vidya, go to the fin
>Oh, im sorry that you dont have plans
>Believe me, im not

Oh well in that case choose gas

>No more work and assignments
>No drive to play games anymore

>200 word essay
>literally a paragraph and a half at most
I vote gas

I don't have a job.

Im finishing my thesis in uni and i have no time to game. Like being an adult is fucking horrible man. I miss being a teen with no worries.

God life is not fair

I have trouble working out whether the American education system is so shitty that they consider 200 words an essay, or if it's just a meme.

>200 word essay

Nigga I bust out B+ level 1500 word papers in a damn day, how the hell can't you be bothered to write 200 words?

Only you and I know the pain from this existence.

I'm posting here and on other boards because I can't be bothered to actually play my xbox or PC games.

I'm looking at the beautiful day outside, and I still don't have the drive to do anything but sit here.

Help me.

Does a University thesis really take that long? Can't you just start early on it and do a little bit at a time?

It's literally a meme you dip. Search "250 word essay" in any Sup Forums archive and be ashamed of how new you are.

I know it's a meme, but I'm wondering whether or not there are institutions out there that actually ask their students to write 200 word "essays".

Ya got memed, pal.

Yeah elementary school. It's part of the joke.

>tfw instead of doing my assignments or playing vidya I just browse Sup Forums

>being this new

>yfw people are still falling for the 200 word essay pasta after almost a decade

>tfw been a poster for years
>even seen the meme before
>fell for it


I had short writing assignments at uni that were 200 words. They weren't worth much points though like the bigger essays.

>tfw 3 page paper due in 2 weeks
>and a 4 page paper with 10 minute presentation on a topic you know nothing about due in 4 weeks
>and then another 3 page page a week after that
>mfw playing vidya and these things occur to me

>tfw 3 word research paper due in 30 minutes

I'm not gonna make it bros...

Yet you have enough time to frogpost? Fuck off fag.

>Mcdonald's is unhealthy

There, I did your research paper for you.

no im a NEET
my brother is a weedfag and droped out of school so he will be trown out and i can finally be at ease and play my games more comfy

Heavily debatable.

>got a job
>working on Master's degree
>go to the gym
>am a normie with friends
>still play a shitload of games

It's easy user, just sleep so little that you get on and off dizziness and brain fog, and your eyes become tired all the fucking time.

Fine then.

>weed is unhealthy

You are absolutely not working hard enough to not have an hour or two a day to relax unless you have 2 jobs and daily homework.

>done with work
>life becomes empty because the few people I talk to are around my work

What if I just do things slower than most people?

>art history exam on tuesday
>another exam on thursday (i have no clue on what)
>applying for animation study atm

just wanna play melee

That's just called simple procrastinating son, knock that shit off.
Focus on your work and get it done so you can savor that sweet, sweet free time.

>have money to buy game, hardware, etc
>dont have time bc of work
>dont have power bc of work
>mfw i get old if i get old i have money and time to play

only 38 year from now on

Then get off of Sup Forums and try to do those things faster than most people.

>Then get off of Sup Forums

It's the graduate classes and research on top of it. Also academics are fucking lazy and do everything the night before.

>that image

shitposting, especially from a phone, takes a minuscule percentage of the time it takes to play a game

Can't believe how much newfags you got with the 200 word essay maymay
Neck yourselves

>go to the fin
what's that mean?
also how does your girlfriend's cock taste

haha I'm from reddit and just came to say you're FUCKED haha

>tfw you finish a game in the afternoon
>it's too late a start a new one

This must be one of the worst feels of all time

>tfw literally nothing to do yet still spend all my time refreshing Sup Forums wishing I could bring myself to play vidya or even enjoy a movie

does any user feel the same?