No one is buying weebshit on the PS4. It's the normie/casual console since MS shot themselves in the foot early in the generation. You're lucky if a weeb game sells 500k copies.

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What is it about Steven Universe that makes it so insufferable to me? I've never even seen it, but it has this lolsoquirky air that irritates me to no end.

because you want to hate it

why do you care about sales numbers? It's still the console that's getting them isn't it? And 500k (physical) sales isn't even bad when you consider weebshit has relatively low dev costs and a lot more sales will be digital from autists who don't want to go outside.

It's coming to other systems and PC too you dumb shitposter

Also there's a beat'em up based on that one upcoming cartoon

Best friends play full playthrough when?

Vita is a better weeb machine.

>500k isn't bad
It is when you consider the install base for the PS4 is 50m.

just because it's getting a western game, doesn't mean all the weeb games suddenly disappear.

>What is it about Undertale that makes it so insufferable to me? I've never even seen it, but it has this lolsoquirky air that irritates me to no end.
See how that works? you know what you have to do

Can someone explain to me why Pearl is a cuck?

what does that have to do with anything? It still gets all the weeb games, (even the ones that the vita gets, and now some aren't coming to vita at all like Peach Beach Splash). Why does it matter if other people also enjoy the console apart from weebs? You really don't have a point here.

All I wanna do is __ _ ___

Because some people on tumblr like it
So everyone's gotta hate it

>It is when you consider the install base for the PS4 is 50m.
Unless you're game comes from DQ, Pokemon, etc 500k is not a bad number
Also by your logic MonHun5 should go to PC next since it sold 4M on a handheld with 60M users

>su post S1
Literally GARBAGE
I am glad Ian got his own cartoon

You're probably just a cunt.

It's fans.

Especially since they nearly drove two people to sucide and made half of their staff quit social media

see a woman's vagina

I've seen it and basically it's the worst parts of adventure time turned into a show with an even sillier premise. Like that one song that AT's Marceline so popular, but they just never stopped making more songs. I guess if you like the seldom moody singing about your feelings bit they always do or all the lesbo melodrama, you'd love it but I'm not really into that crap.

I don't get how this implies the PS4 isn't weeby.

It's nothing but Steven acting like a complete retard and the gems fixing the problems

>interracial lesbian mahou shojo

>not japanese

>tmbr universe
back to Sup Forumsmblr with you

My black tranny handicapped helicopter friend will enjoy this game!

daniels brad

>by your logic
>provides a closer margin of installbase and buyers as an example
Ah, that explains the retarded comment.

Don't be triggered friend, I was pointing out that the PS4 wasn't as weeb as Sup Forums goers like think, it's plagued with the filth that jumped ship from the 360 and the only games that are getting attention are the bottom of the barrel normie shit like CoD and FIFA.

>I was pointing out that the PS4 wasn't as weeb as Sup Forums goers like think
>gets as many pantsu quests as the vita gets
>it's not weeb because normies love it

Sup Forums is an anime site. Get this garbage out of here.

raising her wife's son and all that

Why did they turn the lighting all the way up? It's like i'm looking at no game no life with the contrast reaching maximum limit!

Because Sup Forums tells you not to like it and you're a little sheep to anyonymous strangers.

but it literally is. It's getting the same and more weeb games than any other console. I'll ask you again, why does it matter that other userbases also enjoy the console?

>getting attention

what? So do you want the install base to be 50 million weebs who all buy these games? Or are you asking the normies who also enjoy the PS4 to suddenly get into weeb shit? Do you understand why you're being dumb now?

Or do you think that only 500k people should own the PS4, and that all of those people should be buying nothing but weebshit? The 500k weebshit sales (a number you pulled from your butthole btw) is the weebshit audience, and it wouldn't matter what console it was or how big the audience is, that's how many copies would sell.

I swear Sup Forums the mental acrobatics you guys do on a daily basis are genuinely concerning to me.

Because it's mostly dumb melodrama

You must be new here.
And younger than 16.

Lol yeah man flavor of the month boring animu that gets attention because of waifu sure is a lot better! Haha wow...

>females have more health than the males

>Lol yeah man flavor of the month boring animu that gets attention because of waifu sure is a lot better!
it is

>it is
No it isn't.

>Steven who has a fucking invincible shield bubble as one of his canon powers has the least amount of health.
>Connie a fucking glass cannon who is usually useless without a fusion has the 2ND HIGHEST HEALTH.

Steven;s shield isn't invincible, it pops under pressure like when the corrupted gem crushed it in Gem Hunt.

Because it's literally everything Sup Forums is against. I don't know how people can use this site and also enjoy Tumblr Universe

Sup Forums is not one person.
Sup Forums and Sup Forumsirgins are not Sup Forums.

How new are you, my man

Who needs health when you have a shield that can take the damage for you?