Technology hasn't improved much in 10 years

>game from 2007
>still looks better and offers more deph and physics interaction than 99,99% games on the market
>graphic engine still manages to drop below 60 fps on some maps with a cutting edge modern rig

What happened? Why did the technological progress stopped 10 years ago?

Other urls found in this thread:

>he thinks Crysis looks good


what other game looks half as good?

quantum mechanics

It looked so good because the game had like 3 different textures


That's why Crysis 2 looked worse, because the game took place in a fucking city and they had to create thousands of new assets and of course they couldn't look as good.

I think Crysis 2 assets looked good, what didn't cut it was the huge physics downgrade.
That and the fact that maps were obviously more restricted and linear.
I still think think Crysis 2 had a better gameplay, but we're talking pure technology here, and Crysis 2 was a downgraded and optimized version of the original

It looked so good because there was some real deph to it

Well consoles are to blame...

Not that games don't look good, but after Crysis there is no "wow" effect anymore.

>Remedy's Quantum Break possesses a level of rendering technology that is supremely impressive. This game is doing things we've not seen in a mainstream title before.

> underage faggots forgetting that nobody bought crysis 1 because nobody could play it above 15 fps

> underage faggots forgetting that crysis 1 was casual garbage compared to the technological masterpiece that was farcry 1


you sound like an edgy faggot

yes Far Cry was impressive, but so was Doom3, for very different reasons.

Crysis is still fuckin impressive maxed out, and modded it's literally the best thing ever from a graphical point of view

Holy shit crysis looks like that?!

Really makes you think!

I wish Crysis fags would all be gathered up and executed.

Holy shit realer than real life

I had a 8800 GTX when it came out, the best gpu available and the game couldn't hold 30 fps on medium.
That doesn't mean it didn't look much better than Far Cry, because it did. Far Cry was great, but never gave anyone the wow-effect Crysis did.

game seemed fun but ran and looked like shit on my 760 planning to revisit it as soon as my 480 arrives next week

Diminishing returns.

Never before seen umbrella and fart cloud technology!

You put him down! Put him down, right now!


This time go into the game and and screenshot and not simply find one of Crytek's bullshots.
If you do that you'll realize the ground and rock textures look like ass and the leaves have no AA, the rest is great and so is the gameplay.

It does when modded a tiny bit.

Crysis 2 would have looked fine if it didn't have this weird vaseline shit smothered all over the screen
it was like a super shitty DOF applied wrong or something

some rock textures look bad yes... but once modded the game look fuckin stellar

T-that's not m-maxed o-out. PC m-m-master race!


what is wrong with you people? its like im on here with a bunch of preschoolers or something

There's more to technology than graphics.

>m-modding doesn't count because reasons!

maybe you faggots need to look at this
PC master race indeed and that's what it looks like really "maxed"

farcry ran smoothly on average pcs 1 year post release though. And the gameplay was more hardcore. Crysis was just casual shit for people that used to play doom with cheatcodes.

> godrays

fucking dropped

> Crysis was just casual shit for people that used to play doom with cheatcodes.

Literally none of this makes sense.
Crysis had nothing to share with Doom from ANY point of view and you sound like a retarded sperglord

Looks disgusting. Sky is way too bright You can add super high res textures to any game and claim it looks better. See also GTAIV, but it still looks worse than GTAV even if you put 8k textures on every object and blow out the sky lighting.

> being this much of an autist to miss out on such a simple analogy
keep on gaymen

It's a good gaem and looks pretty noice in motion

>What happened? Why did the technological progress stopped 10 years ago?
Consoles and "gamers" who can't build a PC and learn to mod to save their lives.

>tfw pirated QB but it won't start for some reason

Not only does it look amazing, even for todays standards. It also featured amazing TECHNOLOGY and ran relatively smooth. Unheard of in modern games.

Requesting lighting comparison between FEAR and Bioshock Infinite.

I just wish the main character didn't look like a fucking retard

Crysis aged like shit.


cant make transistors much smaller and multithreading has large diminishing returns

Looks like a spud

>waiting patiently for Valve to raise the bar once agian


Crysis is dual threaded and plenty of games today use 4 or more CPU cores/threads. Even if there is diminishing returns (which just need to be figured out) that doesn't mean better things can't be done. Developers just don't care to implement anything.

they dont 'just need to be figured out', there's a hard limit to what you can and can't do with parallel processing in an interactive application. they're good for rendering (GPUs) seeing it's a one way process but that's not all there is to a game and its graphics. Games on an 8ghz processor would be much better than any amount of cores on today's processors, but processor speed increases have been slowing down dramatically for the last decade

>implying valve has ever been leader of anything other than jewery

maxed out and ready to shake the world with those pop-ins and quality textures!

They literally lead 1995-2011 in ingenuity.

Kids, i have these technologies you probably never ever seen huh.

>this is what casuals actually believe
top kek

Did i ever tell you about Far Cry? He was a good friend.


>"consoles are to blame!"
>crysis sold like shit on launch and was the most pirated game of the year
>gamers and the press mocked it for being Far Cry but with stupidly high system requirements
>its the game that killed AAA PC exclusivity for years to come
>that same year Super Mario Galaxy comes out and sells 10 times as many copies despite having last gen graphics

>Crysis sells like shit
>the console sell out versions sell even less
It was an early version of the unrealistically high standards of AAA game developers.

The console version of Crysis sold worse because they were years late and ran like ass. The sequels were made to run on consoles from the start and saw much better sales on those platforms as a result.

>PCfags thinking Crysis is the pinnacle of PC gaming because of the system requirements not realizing the game runs like shit because of poor optimization.

I'm saying that 2 and 3 sold poorly.

>The console version of Crysis sold worse because they were years late and ran like ass
Sounds like the shitty ports to PC that we keep getting that developers still like to complain about sales wise.

Are they using the physical likeness of CIA in this?

Crysis 1 had a relatively small budget even compared to other AAA games at the time. It was just that by 2007, PC gaming had been so casualized by Steam faggots that the amount of people who had the hardware to play Crysis and the desire to was minuscule. PC gaming was already dead by 2007. With Steam taking hold of the market with the casual as fuck HL2, there was no return to PC's glory days.

Yes. They also have the actor in the live action cutscenes.

There's something interesting about Crysis 1. It looks better while it moves. There's when the engine show all its potential.

>Everything should be based on sales figures and nothing should be made to push the envelope because it wont ever make a profit because money and corporations making more money is what matters to me as a consumer especially Nintendo since they can do anything and everything and its never wrong because i love amibos and cock up my bum because im a raging homosexual :^)

Didn't it and Spore come out in the same year.

>most pirated game or the year

crysis sold well
it just didn't sell well compared to cawadoody

But Valve did user, that is why games have stagnated recently. Simply because Valve aren't making anything at the moment, its a fact.

it still looks pretty good for 2007

can't remember the last time I was in the california desert but I do remember rock not being that reflective

It actually has, but none of the games take advantage of the new stuff because our current gen consoles can't handle it.