When did Blizzard officially turn into cancer?
When did Blizzard officially turn into cancer?
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2002, when warcraft 3 game out
Awwwww babby hetero boy sad they took away his waifu? Waaah waah waaaah!
What's the issue here?
>he doesn't like hot lesbian sex
OP is a faggot.
Fucking dyke ginger bitch, that scarf was for winston
the very moment each individual first played a blizzard game was when blizzard turned to cancer
About 10 years ago.
When they joined Activision.
Predict the next publicity stunt.
>Dva has a black bf
>everyone gets pissed
>Dva breaks up with him
erm that happened a long time back
>>Dva has a black bf
Lucio x D.va confirmed
>the company that singlehandedly poisoned the MMO genre beyond repair
>but virtue signalling in some cheap comic is the actual breaking point
So did anyone bother to draw fanart of Tracer and literally who?
>x D
>You will never keep Winston company on those lonely days.
>x D
Here is a helpful fun question to always ask yourself.
>Are they doing it because they truly want to.
>Are they doing it to potentially earn more money by feign progressive.
Similar to Liberals wanting to keep Illegals, do they really want them here because they are people, or because they are cheap labor to clean toilets.
honesty is such a hard thing to have now.
Ever notice that all this virtue signaling and leftist pandering happened after Trump got elected? It's like they know they're losing and stopped trying to be subtle, so of course they'd promote deviant sexuality and make all the new characters niggers.
I love how all these companies are pushing this shit, yet making negative returns everytime they launch one of these regressive development cycles.
It's almost like SJWs are low income or "I got 99 mental health problems, but a properly diagnosed condition ain't one of them" on welfare dependent who can't even afford to buy these games and just pirate them anyway.
Shouldn't game publishers and devs aim for 20's-40's straight white picket fence audience with expendable income?
Watch. After Doomfist, the next female hero will be black.
They think by flying the flag they will be spared when the day comes.
I shit you the fuck not, the night Trump got elected I had friends fucking calling me for suggestions on guns, when I asked why they all gave similar answers.
>You know the race riots are gonna start now, I'm not gonna be safe.
White people mind you.
So why wont you be safe?
>No matter how hard I try to show them I am an ally, they will think I am the enemy because of my skin color.
Similar to Hollywood Celebs cheering on Islam to straight up defending it regardless of whats happening in sections of the world. You even notice a few converting to it as a means of protecting themselves for when the time comes.
Trying to earn brownie points with progressives, or as some journalist have stated "being caught on tape" THEY influence the world, and they need to influence people harder into THEIR views.
>Pander to SJW
>Sell 50 million copies
Why wouldn't you pander to SJW?
After lost vikings.
>He didn't notice it before Trump won
Wake up
lol who cares?
>character doesn't have a single voice line indicating that they're not hetero
>nothing to do with their gameplay
>in fact nothing IN GAME is affected at all by the character's sexuality
>took 6 months after the actual release of the game for the character's sexuality to be revealed in a passing reference
So why is anyone upset about this? This is how you make a gay character properly, none of that Antony "BTW MY BOYFRIEND IS GONNA FUCK MY ASS WHILE YOU'RE ON THIS FETCH QUEST" Burch bullshit.
>Who cares if people are honest or not.
>Who cares if people in power, influencing others, is honest or not.
>Who gives fuck about morals.
>Who cares about honesty.
>Lets all be degenerate fucking monsters.
The difference is that they were subtle before. The whole premise of their shitty game is globalist shillery. They could get away with just that before, but now that the whole white genocide scheme got exposed and blown up, they're desperate.
was this you, OP?
Because they waited until christmas to gain publicity for that christmas sales.
shes British not fucking Chinese you faggot.
when they were aquired by activision
>make the "cute" short-haired girl a lesbian
>appease both SJWs and male fans who want to see girls kiss
What a pussy way to do it.
Same as if they made Zarya a lesbian.
And the SFM porn of Tracer taking cock is never going to stop, either way.
>This is how you make a gay character properly,
Degeneracy cannot be "properly" promoted under any circumstance, much less with a white woman (a transparent attempt at subversion)
>Who cares if people in power, influencing others, is honest or not.
nigga they've never been honest
>Lets all be degenerate fucking monsters.
>complaining about degeneracy on Sup Forums
Did OP just wake up from a 10 year coma or some shit?
>comic released less than a week before christmas
I see your point but I really doubt they intended to make that much money off of it. Having played the game since release it really doesn't feel like they're shoehorning MUH DIVERSITY as much as they just want a diverse cast. They're not making a fatass genderqueer spacekin tumblrdyke who screams about feminism and how evil men are any time soon.
I mean they guy has a point, this hasn't added anything to the game.
Also what does is add to the character besides
>Hey guys guess what I do with my vagina.
Big fucking deal, Sup Forums meme aside it adds nothing and besides special snow flakes who need to define their identity by how people think of your sexuality.
>epic gay reveal used as publicity stunt
>least offensive kind of gay (pretty girl)
Not to mention, like you said, it's a hugely minor thing, but they presented as if she suddenly had a fucking rainbow flag cape.
It's pandering, and it's one of the least risky things they could've done. That's why I don't like it.
It's astounding how much of Sup Forums is just now becoming aware of blizzard's ways
literal children infest this board
After the second WoW expansion
Hello OP
>>complaining about degeneracy on Sup Forums
Do you still think rage comics and trollface are funny? Of course you do, you still bought into the "LE ASSHOLE OF LE INTERNETZ XDDD" meme like the redditor that you are.
I could see a white or tanned woman from Spain
What's with all you faggots saying "virtue signalling" now? Did one of the Truth Stations teach you that phrase and like a child you keep repeating it?
>this korean guy who's afraid his favorite character might turn out to be gay and that'd be, like, so gross has a point
>bunch of edgy kids and NEETs complaining on an image board = people being degenerates in real life
I really don't see what's so bad about the pandering.
>chubby asian character
>edgelord coldsteel character
>generic CoD character
>GAMUR GRL character
>latex wearing assassin with her tits hanging out
>big ass guy in armor
>fat fucker who plays exactly like you would expect a fat fucker to play
>TWO weeb characters
>russian bulldyke
>next character likely to be a bigass black dude voiced by Terry Crews who punches shit
I mean, there's a bunch more but those are the most obvious examples of pandering. I don't see a problem pandering to LGBTBBQs if you're also pandering to literally every other potential buyer at the same time, it's not like they're shitting on certain fans to appease others.
>Lesbian that isn't defined solely by her lesbianism
>"hurrrrrrrrrr SJW trash"
At least focus on the things that were objectively bad like Cataclysm,D3 on release, and SC2's writing.
>Sup Forumsacks who have been on this site much longer
Are people really going to revise history this much? Everyone from /new/ and /n/ is gone, almost everybody went to Sup Forums with an "o" and later Sup Forums with an "8." The majority of Sup Forums has been here no longer than the 2012 election, most are probably newer than that. While 2012 is older than the 2014 used in the picture, it hardly adds a ton of credibility.
whatever man. this country and its people are going to shit no matter what. i'll be shot dead by some dude in a race war, and i'll be playing vidya when it happens. i literally do not care. i play vidya to get away from reality.
They can't, they're too threatened that characters aren't like them. Sound familiar?
Widowmaker has a 40 inch futa cock.
>implying jerking off to traps and loli doesn't make you degenerate
>i'll be shot dead by some dude in a race war, and i'll be playing vidya when it happens.
>this hasn't added anything to the game.
Exactly, so why would you give a shit if it doesn't affect the game at all?
Because propaganda affects real life.
>people complaining about degeneracy in Sup Forums
>I mean,
Get fucked.
They made the safest fucking choice possible, and then pretended it was some beacon of acceptance toward all those super-oppressed attractive female lesbians out there, or something.
And then all the jobless 20-something SJWs retweet it like it's the greatest thing to ever happen to the fucking industry.
I guarantee you Blizzard literally had a meeting about how "one of 'em needs to be gay," and I bet the black dude on roller-skates or the halo man or the edgelord in the skull mask weren't on the shortlist of candidates for that shit, no it was one of the cute girls, hey maybe even the one all the SJWs got pissed about a few months earlier, hmm, I wonder if there's a connection there?
This was calculated corporate bullshit, and if you accept that in ANY form, you deserve to whipped through the streets.
how so?
Who gives a shit about real life
why does it matter?
when normies became there market instead of people who like videogames
You should. Do you really believe that it won't come back to affect you one day?
Have you taken a fucking look outside, nigger?
>blizzard lore
been shit for years man
You're right it has nothing to do with the game
Nothing but using "progressive minority in our game look at us!" for brownie points
Characters in a game with no lore don't need their sexuality announced. D.va could be a m2f tranny for all I care, announcing something like that would do nothing other than stir up shit in the name of "progressiveness".
It has no business in the game and doesn't add to it at all. Leave that shit to fanfics.
Why are people so triggered by this? It's not like they're shoving it in your face, you wouldn't even know if just played the game.
it started once Obama got into office and picked up lots of steam around Anita fisasco
>SJWs got pissed because her sexy pose didn't fit the character and showed off her ass
>responded by giving her a pose that was ripped from a 50's pinup model that showed off her ass just as much
Nah fuck off back to Sup Forums my dude. Take off the tin foil hat, not everything is about pushing some agenda to wipe out white men.
You need to understand the left a little better. Even IF they were doing these things because they "wanted to" or because the "immigrants are people too" is irrelevant.
They're a bunch of idiots who thing emotions and feelings are a valid basis for forming decisions that impact the rest of the world. They want to help people and diversify the media and workplace because it makes them feel good about themselves. It makes them feel like they're super inclusive and progressive. It doesn't matter to them that Steven Wilson is super qualified for the job and an expert at the craft, they'd prefer to hire Juanita Escobar or Tyrone DeWilliams because of their skin color or sex or sexual orientation, completely missing the point of what discrimination is.
They don't care about the effects of bringing in hundreds of thousands of immigrants because they don't think about the effects it will have. They only think about how great they'll feel about themselves knowing they helped Muhammed and his millions of brothers find a new place to turn into an urban shithole. Even when their actions have obvious consequences (Sweden) they go into a state of denial and ignorance like they don't see what's going on.
They're a bunch of circle jerking faggots who are more anxious to signal their virtues than they are to sit and actually use their fucking heads for once.
Are you sad fucks still upset over Trace being a lesbian?
As long as I get my autismbux I couldn't care less about the "real" world tbqh
But it's not in the game, is it? How is the company making a comic that has nothing to do with the game any worse than people writing fanfics?
>friend insists overwatch is good
>play it, get pissed for the usual reasons. Team not coordinating, I'm forced to play rein/support because no one else will switch and I have to watch my team get destroyed, retarded casual overflow ruining games with shitty picks.
>he tries to deflect all of my complaints. "you can carry shit teams if you're gud, you need to just speak up and take control of your team if they're playing like shit and you need to tell them what to switch to, be a leader, etc etc."
>insists the game is a masterpiece
>call him on skype later to play rainbow 6
>he's fucking fuming with rage, arguing with his team's shit DPS that someone needs to switch off because they're going to lose the entire game for the team, back and forth bullshit between the two (muh gold dmg, muh 2 support picks etc), they lose the game and he flips on his team.
How do I save him? He clearly isn't having fun with this shit but for some reason he insists on playing it.
It's kinda funny how no one actually got upset about the Tracer thing, there was almost zero controversy when it came out, but Kotaku and other site wanted to make it a controversy by saying people were upset even though most weren't. And now ironically retards are whining about it, trying to make it a big deal again for no reason, falling straight into the SJW's narrative.
i don't see how it's the wrong word to use, oh wait you don't Actually think that these people REALLY care for anyone other then themselves do you?
>Do you really believe that it won't come back to affect you one day?
I absolutely believe it.. I have bigger things to worry about than gay people, and so do you.
It's only a big deal because YOU want it to be a big deal.
It does nothing to the game so why give a shit?
Get YOUR priorities straight.
>revealed in a comic the majority of Overwatch's fanbase hasn't read
>a big deal
It's a side comic meant to add flavor to the gameworld, it doesn't affect you or the game at all.
>why does it matter
Why does it matter if Mass Effect 4 has graphics worse than games from 2010?
I guess you just like to eat shit.
Whatever you say "my dude," she's an SJW video game icon now, and if you think that has nothing to do with the controversy earlier in the year, you're just as much of an imbecile as the other guy I'm quoting.
are you implying that the majority of the rest of the site isn't newer than 2014?
blizzard didn't announce it and make it big deal out of it, it was literally 1 page in tracer's background comic
you're the one wetting yourself and making a scene over it, nobody else gives a shit
Are you kidding? Their nerd games have always been cancer. They made wow. Overwatch is alright but their autist homosex backstories are unneeded and distracting.
I'm still wondering how the fuck they could have such shitty artists working on their fucking comic. It's fucking sad when there's fanart that's 100000x better than the talentless hackjob they got to illustrate this. What were they thinking?
why do you care it's not like you'll ever get anything other than a McJob lmao
95% of the people bitching about it wouldn't have known if Kotaku and other bullshit sits hadn't written up "Tracer's gay, and straight boys be hatin'" articles.
>blizzard didn't announce it and make it big deal out of it
except they actually did
Long long ago.
It became full blown when activision got involved though.
The more money that is behind a western video game studio, the more cancerous it will be. You cannot prove me wrong.
>caring about anything post-2009 Bioware makes
Nobody thinks like that except the 12 year old girls you argue with on Twitter. Everyone knows refugees will cause some issues, the difference is that some people think it's worth having 50 more crimes or whatever in a country of millions of people if it can help thousands of lives. I'm German and I can tell you that 99, 99.99% of people's lives have been changed in no way by refugees.
Winston got cucked pretty hard that winter, he's stuck with his ai waifu that he will eventually make a problematic sex/war bot body for.
>Blizzard writes a letter to some autistic kid saying one of their characters is autistic to make him feel better
>people on/v/ freak out that Overwatch is SJW propaganda parading around mental disorder
Why is Sup Forums triggered so easily. No one would even know about this shit or the Tracer shit if it wasn't spammed on Sup Forums. I play Overwatch and I had no idea Tracer was gay until autists made Tracer comic threads every hour.
>didn't announce it
They didn't.
>she's an SJW video game icon now
who cares?
>if you think that has nothing to do with the controversy earlier in the year
which one lol you niggas have daily spergouts
Blizzard was always cancer.
>hates two cute girls kissing
There's a word for these people and it rhymes with Bags