Resident Evil 7

>Resident Evil 7
>Gravity Rush 2
>Nier Automata
>Kingdom hearts 1.5+2.5 HD
>Persona 5
>Injustice 2
>Crash Bandicoot remastered
>Tekken 7
>Red Dead Redemtption 2
>Last of us 2
>Marvel vs Capcom Infinite

Is 2017 the year of VIDYA?

Other urls found in this thread:

no because all those games are shit

Find another hobby grandpa

Another 2spooky youtuber bait
le open world XD
Weebshit, disqualified
Weebshit, disqualified
>Kingdom Hearts
Weaponized autism
>Persona 5
Fighting games are shit
Worse version of Super Mario 64
fighting games are shit
Literally GTA with horses
>Last of Us
60 dollar movie
Capeshit and fighting game

>weeb overdrive
and people said that PS4 was going to be a dudebro console

Cap'd, upvoted, and posted on r/Sup Forums

Yeah.. find a new hobby, faggot.

Tales of Berseria is also quite fun friendo.


if you're going to bait, you can put a little more effort into it

Wow, you should honestly kill yourself man, you bring nothing but toxic to the ppl around you

>yfw you will never try this hard in an anonymous image board

Kill thy self.

He says as he yells at his mom for more food

kill yourslef

You forgot Breath of the Wild my man

Got For honor,RE7 And Nioh

im in tears of joy of how much fun im having now with RE7 and Nioh...i guess the last time i was soo much happy was playing Dead space 2
i really hope the good times stay for a little longer

It's not on any console that makes it worth playing, so no he didn't

BotW is on PC

Doesn't mean it's not a good game senpai

*playable 2025

>A Hat in Time
>Yooka Laylee
>MGO2 Revival

Time makes all things possible. I can wait

Sadly even with all this good shit it, it feels lackluster compared to the ps2/xbox/gc era

>no need for speed that's actually good
>no burnout
>no ninja gaiden
>latest final fantasy was shit
>kingdom hearts remaster (again)
>no top down metal gear game
>no crazy sidescroller (featuring Dante)
>no decent tales of rpg
>no spooky tank controlled resident evil

>>no need for speed that's actually good

Forza Horizon

All of this can be summed up in the sentence "Its not Nintendo so I feel threatened by it"

>>no spooky tank controlled resident evil

Also this is literally what RE7 was, nobody wants to play games with actual tank controls in 2017

>trying this hard

not even worth a (You)

>Racing games are a dead genre. There's only so much gameplay you can do with the formula.
>see above
>Another victim of the regrettable end of hack-and-slash in favor of Soulsborne
>There's always the MMO if you're not avert to it
>Ded series lmao
>see above
>There are probably good indie side-scrollers if you look for them
>don't care for Tales, I wouldn't know
>tank controls in 2017 make no sense unless you're controlling an actual tank. RE7 was fine without them.

Does it have decent customization?

I don't play first person games.

At least Star Ocean 3 is getting an HD re-release. It'll hold me over for a while

>weaponized autism

I laughed.

>hehe im an epic trole

>Does it have decent customization?
Not so much from visible parts changing, but it does have a pretty deep and complex decal system. There's a lot of in depth tuning involved as well

Forgot pic, here's a good example. This was made completely ingame by a player

Fuck off shill



It's already playable

back to

Stop trying to bait when is already here

why do you lie

That has nothing to say about the quality of the game

Great thread you guys

>25 seconds in
>already multiple freezes

playable, that

>available to the public: Never

just amazing

You forgot the 2nd best Atelier after Sophie.

Considering the game has mutiple freezes and drops on the switch, what do you consider playable?

Someone should tell the guy playing to turn off his motorboat next time

Never said it was perfect, just give it a month or two.

right because that's the same thing. It's freezing in spots with no strain on the system like indoor empty rooms, and you see the framerate dip to shit as soon as you're outside

also they seem to have modded in quicksand for some reason i guess they're playing on hard or something :^)

you said it was playable

the first half of 2017 is for sure. There hasn't been this many games that I've wanted to play in such a short progression in years. My year so far has been
Gravity Rush into Resident Evil 7 into Nioh into Horizon into Nier into Mass Effect into Persona 5 into Yooka Laylee. And I'm sure something else will come by the end of April

It's pretty impressive considering it didn't even get past the menu last week. Do you even know how emulation works?

>Injustice 2

Why list that game? Second one looks like ass and the first one was dumpster fire tier.

>everyone's response
>pic related

That's impressive, but again N64 doesn't even have full emulation capabilities yet, there's no indication that the bugs in CEMU will be stamped out soon

Is this actually good? I'm in need of a good JRPG since tales/star ocean suck now

It is. Those games sell a fraction of what Fifa and CoD do.

N64 is a different matter because it's a complicated system
WiiU has the same architecture as the Wii/GC and everyone knows how good Dolphin is

>this fugget


these are the only good shit that has come out that isnt inferiro to the rpedecesor or a rehash.
the other seems like potential blunders or might not come this year.

>>Red Dead Redemtption 2
>>Last of us 2
>>Marvel vs Capcom Infinit
at least 2 of those will be delayed to 2018.

well that was easy

i don't even care if it was bait

Are we forgetting REmake 2?


was it really?

omg did you watch crob's video too? lol

You're not wrong at all.

yeah lol

Last of us part 2 wont be out until 2019 id say.

>Let's show them nerds how hot my opinion is
>hurr I only pretended
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

My Nier Automata is coming in the next few days but I just beat Gravity Rush 2 and Berseria. I'm concerned if I play Nier Automata as soon as it comes, I'm not spacing out the great games well enough and will not have anything to play in summer. I'm planning on playing some less good games like Star Ocean or Atelier Sophie (so I've heard) first to space things out more.

Is that autistic?

ITT: Sup Forums in a nutshell

>>Racing games are a dead genre. There's only so much gameplay you can do with the formula.
>>see above

Bullshit I would murder a car full of clowns for another Burnout game to be made for this console gen.... and multiplat cause im not buying an xboner for 1 game.

How can you list some of that shit and not list Shadow War? Or even Divinity: OS 2?



Get a fucking life

kill yourself

Go back to plebbit you fuck

Epic comeback, got anymore dank memes?

The animation really makes it. I doubt Bioware could've given personality to a character with half of their face obscured at all times.

>Nier automata
>Persona 5
>Tekken 7

Don't care about the rest

>No Yakuza 0

Come on, OP.

>t'was merely an act!

I know. I'm finding it hard to play all these games. I still need to beat Resident Evil 7 and Nioh. Just started Horizon not long ago and now I've got Nier that I haven't even touched yet.

I'm even kind of looking forward to Andromeda so that'll probably be something I get too.

Then Dark Souls 3 second DLC. Too much video games.

>Is 2017 the year of VIDYA?
year of the decade by far so far

I'd like to point out that this whole list consists of 1 (one) new IP.

Reuse, remake, rehash. Can this industry just fall over and burn for a while?

Whats that kid, did you get triggered ? :^)