Emulation thread

Can we have a comfy emulation thread without it devolving into Cemu shitposting? What are you currently emulating?

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Pokémon leaf green on my phone

Link to that Link

Final Fantasy I with PPSSP on my phone.

Nothing right now.
Will play Xenoblade later, tried to play it on 3DS but it´s so blurry I can´t see shit

Why start with a cemu pic then you baiting nigger

not him, but probably because it´s new and new things are more exciting than old things

When I get home I'm emulating this

PSMD doesn't work on Citra

but I´ve seen screenshots of it running?
There´s even a patch that removes the black outlines

oh man I fuckin loved these games when I was a kid. Air Attack was awesome.

which torrent should I use for xenoblade? there are so many and I don't want to download multiple times to find the right one

My super mario sunshine is freezing after a few mins. Using the 16:9 hack and the 60fps hack along with the recommended settings from he wiki. Runs great til it freezes.

Not our fault you take it as bait.


got it from emudesc.com/threads/wii-xenoblade-chronicles-ntsc.384792/

You would be better off asking that kind of question on the cemu forums, they probably already have a solution written there.

Nope. Gates works perfectly, Super crashes after the intro.

Been thinking of getting into the Harvest Moon/Rune Factory series
What game should I emulate?

pw is "Forcesoul3"

Sunshine is for Dolphin though, not Cemu.

I started playing Bahamut Lagoon yesterday. I forgot how fun it was

yup thx, already saw the pw in the thread
but somehow the script linking to the download doesn't start

yeah, my bad

you should use jDownloader.
It makes life a lot easier with one click hosters. Then just click the "click n load" button

alright, thank you