Serious question: would you buy a Dreamcast 2?

Serious question: would you buy a Dreamcast 2?

I think it would be cool to have Sega back into making consoles but at the same time it would be annoying having to buy a separate console just to play sega games again.




I buy consoles to play games, not because of marketing

>Buy Dreamcast 2
>support ends within 2 years of launch
>all the worthwhile titles end up on Xbox Three

like pottery

Only if it comes with a new Crazy Taxi

and the dreamcast had games

Name one (1)

Only if Sega launches it with at least 10 first-party games
>New Shinobi
>New Sonic
>New Streets of Rage
>New Super Hang On or AfterBurner
>Shenmue Collection
>Puyo Collection
>New Golden Axe
>New House of the Dead
>New Crazy Taxi
>New Super Monkey Ball

I would not, but I would look forward to nepnep getting off her ass and doing some work in the next Neptunia game if sega made a new console

I'll name more than one. Mind you these would have stayed exclusive in sega didn't exit the console race.

>Shenmue 1/2
>skies of Arcadia
>crazy taxi
>Ill bleed
>soul caliber

I would Saturn 2
>dat comfy controller

this thread is shifting in the right direction

post cute neps

why bother with this thread?

The majority of Sup Forums are 18 and under, the same crowd that knows what it's like to grow up with no sega consoles.

The original Xbox was the Dreamcast 2, man. Heck the Dreamcast already ran a windows OS.

they basically had the same controller layout, even two slots on the controller for memory or accessory devices, and comtinued with online play accessibility in the same scope Dreamcast was going for aside from a browser and keyboard accessories.

Xbox 360 was the Dreamcast 3.

Sega is best at software and i hope they get back into gear and actually start pumping out new titles in their franchises. We need new Phantasy Star and Virtua Fighter and JSR and Panzer Dragoon and Crazy Taxi- it can't just be Sonic...

Not a DC2. But we need third party console to shake things up. Or what I like to call the bunker buster concept.

>Sega releases the Dreamsphere

>can do native 1080p at 60fps

>hardware meets current standards

>OS is fluid and easy

>coding for it is super easy

>no paid online and all dlc is free

>DRM free


>costs $300

It would force other companies to compete or die basically.

>Panzer Dragoon

Damn right i would.

Well, I agree on that.

Christ no. Most of the good Dreamcast games were arcade ports. So y'know that won't be happening again.

Yes, Sega. Please come back.

If it has JSR3 then yes.

If it were a good console but Sega isn't a very good company anymore so I doubt it. They should make a new game gear with old games built in, I'd buy that shit.

This is actually kind of interesting post. Xbox did kind of feel like dreamcast 2.

But even some of those were bad, like Ikaruga's


>Sega isn't a very good company anymore so I doubt it

They've been publishing and creating solid titles for a few years now.

Name a few. Not saying you're wrong, just looking for some game suggestions kek.

Dreamcast 2

>New JSR with JSR/Future HD bundled
>Shenmue 4
>Streets of rage reboot
>panzer dragoon
>Sonic Mania 2
>Persona is now exclusive because fatlus
>Condemned 3
>Skies of Arcadia 2

>no paid online
>free DLC
fat chance. Nintendo jumped on that gravy train. Sega would be laughed at for being so foolish, especially the free dlc part

Would buy immediately. Especially if Ulala comes back.

Sega releasing a modern console makes much more sense that Nintendo "Shitch" being made, we trully live in Bizzaro world.

Why would other companies have to compete when whoever makes this would be selling at a loss?


>Sega releases a Dreamcast
>All of Yakuza games become exclusive
>They get localized soon after they come out in japan, no more waits, no more cut content
>Ishin and Kenzan in english for the first time
Dreaming is nice isn't it

>caring about hang on when we have OUT RUN

a new sega console is not happening ever

But it would be successful. So other companies console would lose that generation in theory.

Sony had to kick SEGA in the ass to get 5 localized, and we're only getting all the recent ones because 5 sold decently. If that never happened SEGA would still probably be dragging their feet. Also Ishin & Kenzan will probably never happen, the games are in ye olde Japanese which apparently was a bitch to translate to modern Japanese, it'd be hell to do it in English

You are so dumb it hurts me to read your posts. They wouldn't win shit selling at such a loss.

Considering their arcade hardware has just been Intel processors and Nvidia GPUs for a long time now, I'd say there's a pretty good chance some of the board already bought a functional equivalent.

No. The Sega I loved died with the Dreamcast, honestly. They've made a few more titles since then worth playing, but the whole ethos of beautiful, simplistic games with immense depth died with the arcade era. That's why I loved them, but all those franchises are long dead or bastardised beyond belief.

it would never happened, maybe you faggots should have bought a dreamcast and not an underpowered dvd player

If it was a handheld absolutely. If it was a console and on par with competition then most likely.