This is a step in the right direction, but it doesn't go far enough

This is a step in the right direction, but it doesn't go far enough

>tfw no autistic indian gf

I don't understand. I'm not a minority or have any disorders nor any non-hetero sexual views.

Do people really need this kind of validation? Frankly, it always came off as patronizing from an outside perspective.

> when your priorities are so fucked you need video game characters to represent and validate you

>it always came off as patronizing from an outside perspective.

Pretty much could be said about the whole game or any other modern trash that gets made by sjws and nu-male cucks.

As someone with autism it offends me they would glamorize it in a shitty game, let alone equate me with minorities or women.

It's a shame she's retarded now. I believe nano-boosts caused this.

yeah she needs to shitpost on Sup Forums too, then it's realistic

shot one too many times by Ana's syringes

Can only talk about autism, ut in this case this is certainly a remnant of the "no shut up you're normal just weird but you're still normal so move your ass with a little effort and act normally" a lot of "us" went through.

I personally don't need it (usually an autistic person know more than the writer is an true autistic person or not anyway thanks to the POWER OF CLICHES) but for some people it might be "needed" because they're tired of being told that "nah you/[x]/[whatever] is just weird and could be "normal" if just tried to"
Call it a remnant that comes from people constantly trying to put guilt over them for not being "normal" when they could I guess?.

Not sure if the explaination was really clear.

This is retarded because noone on the autism spectrum would look like her.

>messy unkempt hair
>glasses that don't suit her
>no makeup
>no dress sense/style
>would wear the same hoodie from 20 years ago because other fabrics feel wr ong make her sperg out
>would act inappropriately around other heroes and be unable to read social cues

Where's THAT autistic hero blizzard?

>on the autism spectrum
well their tumblr fanbase maybe but if you want autism play Aurora 4x

>game is dying
>just make the game attractive for the SJWs

actualy smart

I bet Blizzard doesn't even understand what autism means. They probably confuse it with OCD or social awkwardness.

Now that's a cliche or an autist from Sup Forums

pop psychology is pretty much horoscopes anyways

Why do autistic people usually have terrible taste in fiction?

jeff kaplan is on the austism spectrum and this was his way of telling it to you in an indirect way

How the fuck is she autistic? She doesn't display any problems in her communication, emotional recognition/expressions or social interaction? So how in the literal FUCK is she autistic? Did they just mail back this poor auts kid and say "Lol yeah kid she's just like you."

They could say she has aspergers but again she displays zero symptoms of being in the autistic spectrum.

As one user did say it's fucking patronizing.

t. Auts

That's the case for a lot of adult autistic people, Sherlock. The common points usaully used are best seen on kids, which is why there are a lot of undiagnosed asperger. During the teenage years, an HF enough autist learns various coping mechanisms to hide this. The main difference is that it's fucking tiring ecause you're thinking non-stop or having a live performance constantly. But a ton of people that appear "normal" are fucking autistic in their private life, they just tire themselves to death (to the point of depression, sometimes) because that's how they need to be to be "accepted". There's a reason the "invisible autism" is a thing. Can't argue about wether she is autistic or not but a lack of visible symptoms isn't an absence of symptoms when it comes to anything post-teenagers.

As said, basically it comes from being mistreated on account of being autistic (or gay or black or whatever). If it goes on long enough, then it starts to become a source of guilt and self-doubt, and a healthy image is most quickly restored with validation for being black or gay or autistic. This of course, relies on bothj poor or susceptible self-confidence and being mistreated for being what they are in the first place, so confident people or people who are never the butt of that kind of discrimination don't feel the need and may not understand it.

Personally I've never needed validation for being autistic because my curiosity for math and science either speaks for itself, or prevents the need entirely (why should I care if I'm content to just keep prying away at the world's secrets?)

Also maybe becuase I take the philosophy that I must learn to adapt to the normal world's way of doing things if I think I deserve a place in it.

>game is dying
Nice shitpost

As Sup Forums's definition of autism attests

I want to lick gently and then fuck violently that autistic amputee asshole.

>dude lol she's autistic just like YOU! XD
>now you can feel safe and secure knowing there's someone you can look up to!

This is so fucking silly. If Liberalism is all about inclusiveness and integration, why do we need to separate characters so blatantly to cater to different groups in the first place?

>a clearly non autistic character
>they're autistic!

this is not "inclusive" it's misrepresentative. this is just a cop out so they dont have to actually add an autistic character because that would be retarded and no one would want to play them.

"high functioning autism" what a joke, whats hte point of saying a character has something if they don't display ANY symptoms? thats just misleading.

i guess it takes too much work to actually SHOW how she's autistic instead of just easily labelling her off the cuff

Personally i'd be offended.

Being gay myself I couldn't give a flying fuck about tracer being a dyke but trying to shoehorn "acceptance" into the media implies that gay people aren't accepted already.

Only in backwards countries is it a big deal someone is gay. When I came out I got a lots of shrugs, "kind of already knew" "I'm fine with it as long as you know i'm not". THAT is acceptance. Not fucking parades and faggots being cuddled on websites for being "different" -which is offensive in itself-

If you met me you wouldn't fucking know I was gay, I don't prance around in skimpy latex shorts and a pink tshirt frothing at the mouth "FUCKING QUEER BASHER IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT WELL TOUGH I'M HERE AND QUEER DEAL WITH IT HETEROS! SAY ANYTHING BAD AND I'LL TELL TUMBLR! XD!!!"
I lead a normal life, have normal friends and do normal things. Acceptance isn't putting up with someone else's shit when it's being shoved into your face; it's acknowledging they are a normal person regardless of your own views and not persecuting them for it.

Those dickheads parading around the streets making people hate gays and their shit are only making things worse or slowing it down, moreso than the cunts that defend it.

As an autist I don't see anything autistic about Symmetra besides the developers claim that she is.

>tfw autist and both of my mains are autists

She's ocd, which is what they're probably going with

Is she /ourgirl/?


None of this is necessary for the game.

I'll never understand fucking any of it.

People parading in stupid outfits and reinforcing a stupid cliche for gay people always bothers me, I can't even imagine how annoying it must be to be gay and then being somehow linked to THIS constantly.

Well, in this case I'm not sure it's even a problem of "acceptance", it's just that since TV show showed that there is a public for autistic people somehow media and authors try to ride on the fad. It's especially pathetic wen it's from someone knowing nothing but cliches.

The whole cast is autistic.

>Make a shitty comic
>Have one of the characters mention the spectrum
>Check off another diversity representation box
>Pat self on back
Why even fucking bother at all if that's all the effort they're gonna put into it?

Yeah, since autism is comorbid with OCD it's a very commonly done mistake.
Also a stupid one that proves that you didn't even doa google search because the first website on google will almost tell you about the comorbidity and say that people often confuse them because of this.

I can see the Kotaku article already

>watching Queer as Folk

Which cast does Symmetria come from?

So, just like the players?

More important question: why the fuck do you care so much?

My brother is autistic and shit like this is just painting over a condition that most of them fucking despise with a nice shade of YOU'RE JUST AS NIFTY AS EVERYONE ELSE, CHAMP.

It just feels patronizing as fuck. These pat on the back validations are retarded.

Are they going to say Roadhog has Down Syndrome so they tap on that market too?

>If you met me you wouldn't fucking know I was gay
>When I came out I got a lots of shrugs, "kind of already knew"

Lorefags are cancer.
Alternatively, are there actually any people in games that have autism?
I can only think of Sachi and that chick from Swan Song.

this has been known since her comic, fucking ages ago. why are people making a thing out of this?

Why shouldn't they?

In a game like this it really doesn't matter and just comes off as forced since it holds no relevance

when are we gonna get heroes with down syndrome?

people are retarded

also someone sent blizzard a letter asking for confirmation

Why bother putting effort into it when everyone will suck your dicks for writing generic trope characters anyway just because you made them brown or retarded?

D.Va will have Downs.

And yet they treat people with autism as a different type of people,
Diversity was a mistake.

If they're truly diverse they wouldn't pander or say "hey this guy is lesbian" just to differentiate the character.

I believe that someone who's of different skin colour of an illness shouldn't be treated any different than anyone else.

If it doesn't matter, then why is it such a problem then?
Why do you feel the need to complain about someone being autistic?

Autistic girls that figure out how to make themselves remotely attractive are narcissistic psychos.

What IS autism? I've never known anyone who had it or at least anyone who said they had it. Can someone fill me in?

>Check the BAFTAs
>Overwatch and Uncharted in almost every category

They don't even try to hide under "but the game is good!"

Roadhog, they'll wait for his face reveal.

>another shitty marketing stunt to draw attention to this piece of shit dying trash game for imbeciles and kids, just like the "wow GUYS DID YOU KNOW??? TRACER IS A LESBO WOAOAOAOAAH"
nobody fucking cares
overwatch characters have no personality
fuck off

She doesn't play like an autistic character. She should periodically stop and look at her gun, or forget that the other team is hostile. Just throwing the label on is meaningless, trite pandering.


Becuase Blizzard is wasted resources on this rather than making an actual good game

Meanwhile whenever Valve leaves most of their lore to their comics to not waste time on it

I'm not gay and I get secondhand anger from their stupid ass actions.

>a condition that most of them fucking despise

I'd argue about this part. I personally know more people that are really appy like that and would NEVER, EVER want a "cure" for this, just acceptance.
which is also why autism speak is quite hated in the autistic community, ironically.

But yeah, they are retarded. It could be used as some "lore" or explain some things like in the way it's often used and it wouldn't be that bad this way, but with something like Overwatch? let me laugh.
One thing autistic peopole often hate is also to be defined ONLY by this, and it'spretty much what they're doing here. Even making her autistic is ok but is this seriously important enough to be said as some kind of groundbreaking news?

They found out I was going out with someone and I was not good a lying about it being a girl.

is KS a good VN?

Oh you

Mental illness. Broadly speaking we're terrible at being around other people, and can have incredibly specific preferences.

you want to play as chris-chan?



Dear God yes.
Why isn't there a flash game of this?

Nigga, I don't mean to go all SJW on you but

>Only in backwards countries is it a big deal someone is gay.

It's still a big fucking thing in pretty much every country in the world. You do know America only just recently legalized same-sex marriage, right? And that's just legalizing, keep in mind that doesn't mean everyone accepts it. Rest of the world? Marriage here and there and MAYBE legal union. Still a fucking death sentence in a lot of countries.

It's pandering for the sake of it, which is disgusting for several different reasons that have already been discussed in the thread. If you don't understand why anyone would at least slightly disapprove of that, then perhaps you are the audience being pandered to with this.

Ruined even further
Game dropped since the tracer dyke debacle.

Speaking as someone with autism, I think it's kinda cool. There aren't many autistic characters in vidya. I don't play Symmetra personally since I suck with her, but I still think it's cool.

It's okay, user.

It's okay to be a pretty gay boy.

>sending out a piece of paper saying a character is autistic is wasting resources

You guys really make up excuses to why the game is bad

Memory issues isn't a characteristic in all kinds of autism though
Read her comic, she does act really autistic during that

Can't remember whichones, but I've seen quite a lot of people looking like HFA and not only in the "hollywood" way. Couldn't tell you which ones in particular though, just that I was sometimes surprised by it,I mostly play weeb games so it must be in games like that.

we need a full blown retarded hero

Thanks big boy :3

We already have Genji

but why doesn't she act autistic in-game? taking a perfect specimen and slapping a label on it doesn't make it accurately reflect the label, nor the people with that identity. it seems like a slap in the face to the autistic community.

Now be sweet and cute and make the world a better place.

>I showed it to the whole team
>the whole team

Everyone is considering it a priority like with Uncharted


Again, how does that detract from game development

This isn't even close to something with autism. The closest thing there is to it is having a better long-term memory compared to a short-term one a bit worse, but it is not close to what you're saying in any way. Pandering is bad, but you're even more stupid because you're complaining about pandering for something you don't know the meaning of.
If only this had an effect in the "story", at least it wouldn't be completely pointless, but it's OW we're talking about.

If anything the problem isn't even the pandering, it's that they're taking the hollywood and wrong version of it, which provesthat they don't even know what they're pandering about. Thanks for the good laugh, Blizzard.

Someone's grumpy

he is already fat, doesn't need other problems

I am also on the autism spectrum but no one likes me apparently?? Maybe because I am not indian??

Welcome to months ago

Because people with autism often look normal, stop expecting a hobo or the rain man.
It's not a slap in the face, because a lot of autistic people indeed look "normal", but it's still fucking pointless and ridiculous in a game like OW. "Wuuh look she's autistic and she's awesome!!" isn't eve, a good representation, or a representation at all for that matter (especially because they confused autism and OCD here...)

>blizzard declares symmetra autistic so they can justify her having no interesting personality or characterization whatsoever

im wise to your game kaplan

It's pretty good. Some will say it's bad or entry level because nu-Sup Forums hates everything that originated from old Sup Forums.

She's definitely ocd, I think the point is they're also saying she's autistic.

>>blizzard declares symmetra autistic so they can justify her having no interesting personality or characterization whatsoever
What's everyone else's excuse?

You're not a strong, sexy and smart woman

The DSMD merging autism with aspergers was a mistake.

Pretty much this
I'll believe this when I'll see it, I've seen way too many people confusing autism (in a no-meme way) with every single thing you can imagine, especially when it comes to the medias. who knows though.

Haven't we known this shit for months?

KS isn't exactly old Sup Forums dude.

But yea it's fine.


It's extremely patronizing, but SJWs like to patronize people in order to feel superior without being directly hurtful.

Basically what I'm saying is, a bully wants to feel superior to you by abusing you verbally or physically. An SJW wants to feel superior to you by being subtly patronizing so that they can take the moral high ground when they're called out. That's all the movement is.