Bioware accused of deliberately making Mass Effect: Andromeda female characters ugly

Do we know for sure it isn't just incompetence?

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here's the link

>make a videogame with sex in it
>the females look like shit

Yeah its definitely not on purpose, they're just garbage.

yeah let's make everyone ugly cause some fat feminists make get angry


it's pretty obvious when the model they used looks way better.

There aren't any attractive women in Canada to use as models

mass effect and western rpg females have always been ugly as fuck

I assume it's a bit of both, really. Ironically had the higher ups not told the animators to make the women "perfectly imperfect" they might have made normal looking women

Here's a pic of the model they used for reference.

You can clearly see how they purposely made their character uglier than the actual model used.

>pretending this hasn't happened a lot over the past 2 years
Welcome from your coma. You may want your sleepy time induced again once you see what awaits you kiddo.


It's not even that she's ugly, it's that her facial model looks like something from the PS2 era

>real life looks better than a video game
Who'd a thunk.

Someone post webm of her punching the shit out of some dude!

The western industry used to be plenty happy to make hot women, but then publishers wanted THE MAINSTREAM AUDIENCE and their corporate marketers dug their claws into game budgets where they can peddle their sociologist reports from feminist "academics" arguing that attractive women make fat women jealous ergo less likely to buy a game (well, okay, it's true, but fat feminists weren't gonna buy your game anyway.)

That isn't true with men, because fat male neckbeards don't give the least amount of shit about how over-sexualized men are; actually if they're NOT oversexualized we may make fun of them, look at that limpwristed manlet Ryder. I'm supposed to believe that guy commands respect?

>Obligatory "meanwhile a bunch of slavs powered by squats and potato juice did this" post.

They don't even look alike. Why did they make her ugly? Don't they have ONE competent animator? Hope the character creator will be good.

Also notice how Shani looks like the perfect blend between Yen and Triss.

WHAT? theyd never do that!!

I'm playing this game for the first time since I upgraded my PC since my old card was a potato

it is truly a beautiful game on ultra, one of the best i've seen in a while

that hair looks especially awful

Who cares?

Anyone who complains about this admits to being either 15 or autistic. All that matters is whether the gameplay is good (which right now is questionable). If you want to jack off, go to hentai dot com or whatever you trogs

Literally the same. What fucks up it's the retarded expression and that JUST hair

Here's Jayde Rossi without a shitton of makeup and photoshop

damage control

It's the eyes. They've completely fucked up the eyes.

Between this and Cisquisition it's obvious they're making everyone ugly on purpose.

If I was her, I'd probably sue for compensations

Because they've outright stated that they make their characters unattractive on purpose.

>Literally the same.

Get your eyes checked.

That's probably her best pic.
The model isn't exactly pretty.

their faces actually look pretty similar but jayde rossi uses makeup, flattering angles, and the model has shitty graphical fidelity. I doubt they purposefully uglied her up. Jayde Rossi isn't that attractive anyway.

Is Vetra actually attractive or am I just fooling myself because the rest are so hideous?


>powered by squats and potato juice
Yeah, I bet those 70 million it costed, making with the 19th most expensive videogame ever made, didn't have anything to do with it.

Fucking entitled gamer shitlords, you think you deserve fake anime women?

These are what REAL womyn look like, and you better pay your 60$+50$ season pass to learn you politically correct lesson you CIS white male scum.

Oh, and here are some incredibly classically handsome male characters that all look like male models/pop stars and not like Shrek.

You have the idea that Jayde is perfect because her hair is always loose, covering some of her face. I can't find a picture of her with tied up hair right now, or I'd show you that the only problem is, in fact, the expression.

Is the female ryder a stroke victim? Why is one eye lower than the other? Loool

>Bioware makes the characters more homely to fight against patriarchal beauty norms
>feminists claim Bioware is "othering" women

I don't think we need more proof that Sup Forums has been taken over by fat as fuck Redditors.

judging a video game based on photoshopped still images is classic Sup Forums

>The model isn't exactly pretty

Holy shit. Shut up you dumb virgin.


>the sun

Except the ingame bioware model has no jawline, her nose is fatter and her entire face looks like she was stung with a bee.

I unironically believe CDPR's "women can be beautiful and powerful and respected characters." is more feminist than Bioware's "attractive women with perky tits simply don't exist so games should reflect that"

>Because they've outright stated that they make their female characters unattractive on purpose.

ftfy, male characters are still attractive, because reasons.

Actually curious, who would you consider "pretty"?

Not worth giving the (you).

Can't make this up

Oh yeah, look at this cross between an average human female and a fucking monkey.
How could anyone resist.


Under what obligation were they to make them attractive to begin with though?

Are developers not allowed to make ugly or just plain average looking humans?

>because reasons.

Reasons being that over 80% of Mass Effects player base play a male

My mom

Why is he throwing eggnog up on a christmas tree?

>highly edited photo vs raw face data model

Post the photo from when they mocapped her face you shitposting ape. She arguably looks worse than the ingame model.

Sure it is, SJW.

Pic related, for example.
Although anyone that doesn't have those 50 year old dropped cheeks, or ''Gylleenhaal'' wonders would look better.

>Citing the fucking wife's sun

considering how ugly the animations are
and how they fired all the white guys to hire more women and brown people
i'm pretty sure it's just incompetence

>doesn't know how to spot a fat as fuck redditor
It's actually easy.

The whole reason consoles with better hardware keep being released is so we can have prettier looking games. Making games look good has been desirable since video games were first created.

>and how they fired all the white guys to hire more women and brown people
Source of this?

ASSUMING my gender, you shitlord?!

that's a guy right?

>they are no longer male/female avatars of the same character

isn't this literally the point?

How many times are you going to repeat this ''joke'', redditor?

This is more my style

Okay you got me

Thats because the thinking of "Attractive women aren't real feminist women" is in fact sexist, but women don't actually care because they're biologically wired to see other women as competition

There is nothing more offputting to a woman than someone who is more attractive or younger looking than they are, and they will use "feminism" to hide behind their pettiness.

>all the months of bitching on Sup Forums culminates in a click bait article
So you guys are just feeding them this crap at this point? Do the assholes who write this crap come here to dig up headlines now? Is this what it's all come down to?

Video games are escapism, nobody wants to see ugly people every waking moment

As much as Femryder's model is pretty.

She's average AT BEST even with a thick layer of makeup.

That poor furniture.

What is the purpose of having plain and ugly main cast? Side npcs, sure, they are just ordinary people after all, but the main lineup?

women with big lips are automatically shit tier

Shani has a bit of a man-jaw too tho..
But still superior white honey

EA is hell to work in. Give lower wages to people under the guise of diversity quotas and you have one shitty coding factory. Not only the black people will be incompetent, goes to whites as well.

>the sun
OP quit baiting

I wouldn't exactly call them ugly. Just a bit weird in the art style and animation. The males don't exactly look good either.

Fat nigger lips, bulbous nose, gimpy stroke eyes, caveman jaw, low ass cheek bones.

Fuckin trash.

When you're selling your game based on sex, it sometimes helps to make the characters look attractive.

The characters of games have to be appealing in some way in order for the game to do well, this can be done by making the characters have a likable personality, or having the characters look good, or both. Modern bioware is fucking horrible at writing characters nowadays if the latest dragon age is anything to go by. So having horrible characters who are also ugly is a completely dumb move.

It doesn't help that all the characters move like gimped robots too.

let´s be honest her guys

how money would have guessed that those two people are supposed to be the same if you didn´t know it

Irrelevant. These attacks are triggering.

I'm not an SJW, fuckface. I voted Trump. And I'm saying Bioware is shit for doing this.

If their whole design philosophy is based on female empowerment, why would they make women ugly? Saying that women can be both strong and beautiful is empowering, while Bioware is ironically being more offensive to women than all the sexy waifu sim games.

what the fuck

they've looked ugly always

tali was a waifu and she didnt even have a face

ashley was a mongo

liara was a nigger

I´m glad that people seem to finally speak up about it

Looking at their droppy cheeks, I would kinda relate them.

wait who is that now? She's hot but the last one is clearly a guy.

These threads are the quintessential example of how autistic this board is.

The character in OPs pic looks like the average woman I see when I go to the store.

Witcher 2 Triss looks even more cute despite being older

And Trump is an israeli puppet, USA is a big fat joke.
Muh feminism is trash, kill yourself.

Because most feminists that comprise the western movement are bitter women you wouldnt rest a bike against. Instead of making an effort, like the pretty girls around them, they just whine about unrealistic beauty standards.

Beautiful is not empowering. Its patriarchy colonizing women.

>The character in OPs pic looks like the average woman I see when I go to the store.
Sure, but would you want to stare at that woman's ugly mug for dozens of hours?

mmh if even feminist start to complain about it they might do something about it

they definitely don´t seem to care about none sjw criticism

So you have no arguments.

>the Sun

>I voted Trump.