>"I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to YOU."
>Looks directly into the camera
"I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to YOU."
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Fourth Wall breaking outside of comedy is the lowest form of narrative. And even in comedy it's not much better.
Nice videogame thread
Ar Nosurge does shit like that.
more confusing than anything really.
Only time I feel like breaks in the 4th wall were done correctly were in old simpsons
>I cant solve this mystery, can YOU?
Been forever but wasn't she talking to w/e the guys name was reliving the memory? Good potential for not sure if 4th wall breaking
Hes saying stop playing this game so we can go on to others and destroy worlds as you did that one
Blick Winkel
Name 37 games that do this.
I really liked this twist. It's an in-universe 4th wall break where the ayylmao is speaking by proxy through ezio's memories to the dude reliving ezio's memories hundreds of years later. Good stuff.
I enjoyed AC2, but the shit just got tiring after a while. Couldn't stomach playing Brotherhood, and I have no idea how people can keep playing the yearly AssCreed sequels. It's the same fucking shit every time.
>supposed to be a metaphor for how the player treats videogames
>a meaningless task for you to sift through just to have a sense of completion without thinking of the consequences of those poor pixels or whatever
>tells you to move on to the next world
>"Okay you're done with this game just play another"
Not really hard to understand. Not even a good metaphor, the only 4th wall breaking I found entertaining in Undertale was Flowey calling out against people who watch Let's Plays in Genocide
This and Undertale are probably the biggest offenders of recent years, though I'm sure there's plenty of others. It's fucking dreadful.
Can I get a quick rundown on the hierarchy of forms of narrative?
>It's the same fucking shit every time.
It is, but I'm a complete sucker for it. I love the gameplay, the aesthetic, everything about it. It's probably Ubisoft's only good series.
I seriously recommend Black Flag and Rogue, though.
In non-comedy it has no place as it destroys the immersion. Its about as bad as someone pulling a smartphone in a story set in the 1920s. In comedy it can be good but in every nip game it just seems to be the joke itself. Like they refer to you directly and that is the joke.
Umineko handled it better, mostly because Meta-Battler's perspective and the reader's perspective were somewhat interchangable at quite a few points so it was less overbearing and try-hard. Playing to the reader's expectations regarding Bernkastel based on assumptions from Higurashi worked pretty well.
That said, it kind of shat the bed in Chiru. Pity.
>ezio wasted his whole life for this shit
>background character shoots the camera a glance while ridiculous shit happens.
>I cant solve this mystery, can YOU?
>immediately google that episode to watch it again
>ending up watching this episode where they go to Australia
It was pretty neat in Assassin's Creed
Eh, you're right but the wording is a bit off.
Meta-humor in general is kind of a plague upon storytelling. It really kills any sense of immersion or illusion of realism if you point out meta stuff, definitely making the story weaker in the long run and you can't take it as seriously.
Pointing out your story's themes or recurring elements just seems kind of lazy, especially if you don't change up narrative themes and continue playing out said recurring element completely straight.
It also breaks character as it would imply the character KNOWS they are in a story, which is why I suppose 4th wall breaking would be the biggest offender in this meta-humor bullshit.
But hey the Reddit crowd seems to love it, it's why Deadpool is still around.
wut gaem
Every AC game has a great aesthetic and has a lot of neat details of various places in the database. Reading about a building after you climbed it is nice.
That said AC2/brohood probably was the best the series ever was, afterwards they took 2 steps back for every step forward. AC3 had colonial villages instead of nice big cities, AC4 has an insanely cool pirate part (in addition to ship combat where you can shoot so many cannons you cannot see the other ship anymore because of the sheer amount of smoke and you just shoot hoping you hit is insanely cool, you sing shanties while sailing around and you have MOTHER FUCKING STEALTH DIVING VS SHARKS, seriously how insane is that) but it yet again has tiny villages and a story that is half pirate tale (which was cool) and half AC (which was shitty).
Rogue was just a carbon copy of Black flag.
unity had a neat system of coop missions, had a cute romance (although it fucked up at the most crucial moment) and really shows how fucked up the french revolution was. But it is mostly a romance set during the revolution, so the amount of revolutioning you do is limited. Also they manage to stuff in a lot of cool figures of that time in sidequests.
syndicate had a neat mechanic of controlling twins and the assassins HQ put in a train that drives around but fucks it up in a million other ways. Again a write fuckup, lack of difference between the twins (and enforcing which you play during the main missions) and the industrial areas are really disgusting to run trough.
That said, I still play ACs because its like a drug where you constantly feel like you are going to get the ultimate high it keeps hinting at but you constantly end up just short. Its frustrating but addictive to try.
What game is this?
It looks pretty interesting,is it any good?.
>"I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to YOU."
>Looks in a random direction in hopes of possibly looking directly into a camera that may or may not be there
>the character isn't actually capable of breaking the fourth wall and just likes to think that everything he knows might be fictional
>he believes that doing so will make him seem more "interesting" and "main character-like" in the eyes of the audience
Ar nosurge
I liked it, but no I wouldn't call it good, nor recommend it unless you know what you're getting into with that series.
Stop it user
God Tier:
>First person, past/present tense, unreliable narrator
>Third person, past tense, reliable narrator
Mid tier:
>Third person, present tense, reliable narrator
>Second person, any tense
Low Tier:
>First person, present tense, reliable narrator
Shit Tier:
>Fourth Wall breaking
>not posting youtu.be
nigga you what.
Is Dark Eye still working on this? I know he can't really update publically because N+ shekeling, but he used to pop-in when Yandere was hot shit
>reinvigorated the assassins from the brink of being utterly forgotten
>recovered a shitload of technology altair got from the apple
>got assassins in control of every major city in italy, including rome, giving them major control over europe as it transitioned from the dark ages to early enlightenment
>gets a cute bookworm gf
>I'm just trying to get through this bad game
Sasugane Delta
Casty best girl
People just use fedoraposting for just anything these days, don't they? I swear it's lost all meaning at this point.
>tfw you will never get to ride the electric chair
Comparing full fledged narration styles with a gimmick that can be used in all kinds of narration.
>This isn't a game!
>Main character glances at the camera
Where can I get a shirt like this
Custom shirt shops
>present tense anything other than shit tier
The only thing worse than present tense is writing in script for anything other than an actual script
Only time I've really enjoyed it was in Jak 3. It was just one moment in the entire trilogy, and if you weren't paying attention, you'd miss it. One of the characters says, "This ISN'T a game!" then Jak and Daxter briefly look at the camera with a confused look on their faces.
Probably not hard to get an iron-on print of that.
Jak 3 hivemind
How about 999 or ever 17?
>Sometimes says "Talk about dramatic irony" as a response to anything, hoping the audience knows something the party doesn't
But he`s pointing at Wiggum
I'm planning to make a game and in it the MC, in order to gain power performs a magic ritual and lets him be possessed by an otherwordly spirit (The player) who in turn controls him and helps him out. I was planning to use this so the MC would be able to explain not only how game mechanics work but also lore and things related to the setting along the way without dumping loads of text and dialog that other characters in the setting would already know about.
I don't plan to make it like "Hey person controlling me, you enjoying the game ;^)?" but something more subtle than that, more like a grandpa telling a story to a grandson.
Would this idea work or just be really awkward?
2nd biggest plothole in the game. Toby you hack.
If thats your framing device, its not too bad. Its probably gonna be weird/annoying if the player is treated like a grandson in that relationship, but there isnt anything I can think of thats blatantly wrong with that
Almost thought this wasn't posted
An amazing example which blew me away when I saw it ingame
I works pretty well in Earthbound and Mother 3, where they break the 4th wall a lot as comical relief, and then in the end they use it to make you feel even closer to the story.
Don't think it would work in anything but a video game though.
It's not a bad idea as a premise. Bravely Default kind of did this already. But it does give way to all of the problems I have in making your work meta. But it sounds like you're just trying to justify giving exposition dumps. Try to make a more "show don't tell" approach to everything. If you really want to have a mentor/mentee approach to giving exposition, I suggest making a story important character unfamiliar with your setting, this usually works with the MC but, clearly I don't think you want to go for it.
Because the comedy police said so.
That's fine. Feel free to make the MC an unreliable narrator who sometimes lies about certain details. I mean, we're talking about otherworldly spirits possessing their body for power. Even ignoring that your premise an evil character typically does, there's no reason a good-aligned MC should trust what's essentially a fucking demon taking control of their body. They'd need some insurance in case things go horribly wrong.
The House in Fata Morgana had some wonderful fourth wall breaking in the backstage
I guess I'll have to work on my storytelling a bit, thanks mates.
this happened somewhat in OFF
Was the end of Blood and Wine breaking the 4th wall?
Someone post the webm.
is there any game that do this?
why is this not a GIF
It was perfectly done in Assassins Creed 2
that part of OFF really caught me off guard
You seem to have confused common poor implementation with the concept being inherently bad. 4th wall breaking doesn't have to be "oh ho ho look at us using THIS theme again am I right audience?"
I respectfully disagree.
it wasn't done in asscreed 2, unless you count the whole of desmond's plot to be breaking the fourth wall of the ancient assassins' stories
Already posted, also it's trash.
I was talking about this in class today with a pal
You wouldn't have to be the guy browsing Sup Forums right in front of me in Cinema and Modernity would you[/spoiler
Its done at the end of asscreed 2
It really startled me
>people on Sup Forums say this a virus
>It will on your birthday create a birthdaycake.png
>Look at your files for any porn
so can you guys tell me if this is shit meta storytelling or not?
i was thinking of trying to write a book series where each book is the same time frame told from a different person's point of view, and because each character is more related or less related to each other, or not at all, it wouldn't be exactly the same story being told several times.
here's the thing though:
every character that has their own story to tell has a name, and only a first name. everyone else never has their name mentioned and are called by just "hey you" or a nickname. yet there's one character who claims to have a name, but doesn't, and whenever it comes up, it says something like "i told her my name". he doesn't have a very serious story, but just has a bit to do with everyone else. so this indicates that he's outside of the story looking in almost, without it being outright mentioned
shit meta storytelling or not shit?
no, retard. the bitch is talking to desmond. she tells him about the war or whatever. the fall. she's warning him and leading him to the piece of eden or something. you just forget that you're actually controlling desmond who is controlling ezio through the animus
>You were the one praying all along
You're not being meta. It's kind of clever actually.
worked for Maiq the liar
Even if you forget, Desmond reacts and mentions it to the Scooby Doo Crew.
yeah, because she's talking to him, not the literal player. it certainly is a fourth wall break of sorts, but not in the traditional sense. she's addressing the one controlling ezio, not the one controlling desmond.
I'm confused, but not shit I don't think
>antagonist notices "you"
>looks directly into the camera
>y-you pervert
Japanese comedy ladies and gents
See this one was done well since he's still talking to the character but from our perspective it could be taken both ways.
I liked how Bravely Second did it. It was a little in your face but still I found it pretty amusing.
Came here to post this.
>Eastern game
>calls you a pervert
>Western game
>calls you a sexist
>Eastern game
>tentacle rape on a train
>Western game
>privilege checking during self flagellation
The only time it ever felt good was in Grant Morrison's Animal Man. And I swear it's just because of how well-paced it was.
I read a book one time called "I Am the Messenger" about this Australian taxi cab driver who gets mysterious playing cards in the mail that lead him to helping various people change their lives and the writing itself is fine enough and I loved the characters but then it turns out that the person sending him the cards was the Author Of The Book who was sending them the cards purely so he could write the fucking book that the reader is reading at the moment and I felt so fucking cheated and ripped off like what a piece of shit cop-out