What're your thoughts on it?
Breath of the Wild is an interesting game
It's comfy
oh boy
He's so fucking hot I wanna fuck him!!
It was a fun game but it makes so many fatal mistakes I don't know how it can be somebody's FAVORITE Zelda
>Four ten minute dungeons with the same aesthetic
>Worst final boss fight in the entire series
Those two alone bring it down a lot of notches for me.
looks like nice game
i like shops arent just menus
games need more "in world" stuff like that
Absolutely love it. I'm doing the mazes right now and I fucking love the music
>>Worst final boss fight in the entire series
Seriously, Calamity Ganon's design was cool but hat a fucking letdown
Even Majora was better than that.
Puppet Ganon's not even a final boss.
It just informs you that the enemies respawned, why make such a big deal out of it?
Doing the main quest automatically takes off half of his life bar. The other half of the first form is literally just mashing the attack button on his face. No strategy involved.
Second form is Pigbeast and he can't do anything but attack with a beam in a straight line slowly while you're on horseback. So you'll literally never get hit. You get infinite light arrows and have to shoot at seven gigantic glowing weakspots and then one at his head and the game ends.
It was pathetic. Worst designed Ganon too.
because if it happens at the wrong place/time it can really fuck you over
This is possibly the only theme I actually remember from this game. It's really good.
Using Revali's gale made those mazes a total joke though.
Looking forward to trying it out, especially if they ever get a 4k/60 fps version stable: youtube.com
This was honestley the thing I was most dissapointed with
>Spooky ass ominous music picks up
>Sky turns red
>Cutscene shows all the monsters respawning
>Then it goes back to normal
The Blood-moon should've lasted for the whole night.
+Mechanically fun as hell tons of TECHNOLOGY moments and SEE THAT MOUNTAIN
+Customization from clothing to weaponry the variety feels nice and complements the go anywhere do anything set-up
+Some of the most creative puzzles in the entire series
+Most challenging game in the series
+Weather matters
+Doesn't hold your hand
-Durability system needs tweaking
-Enemy variety
-Disjointed story/no emotional investment
-Weak music
-Not much to do in the world outside of shrines and koroks
-Bullet Time Combat
-Recycled aesthetic throughout all 100 or whatever shrines and dungeons
-Only FOUR dungeons that each take ~20 minutes
-Removal of items
-Every puzzle in the game uses the same set of four runes you got in the beginning
-Weak characters that make no impression
-Tiny villages
-Nearly all side quests are fetch quests
-All four bosses are the exact same being with a different weapon
-Worst final boss fight in the series
-Worst ending in the series
The Red Moon had to be a temporal hard mode.
yeah, might just be my goty if they manage to make it run smoothly.
the fps drops in-game are really grinding my fucking gears.
Some of these seeds seem not worth the effort
Like that destroyed village filled with monsters, shoot every target board in town and a balloon will spawn and then you get a seed.
What the FUCK was his problem?
Flaws of this game
>link is too much of a pretty boy. no alpha status at all
>the game's lag is annoying as fuck on both versions. Why Nintendo gets away with it, I dont know
>the controls are ass. proof that too much shit does not make a good game
Never thought I would put 100 hours into a Zelda game but here I am
It's one of my favorite games for now
fucking everybody gets away with it shove your victim complex up your ass you fucking retard
how much of a dipshit are you that you're having problems with the controls like come on
>fucking everybody gets away with it
No one gets away with it, but no has been even speaking about the shitty framerate of this game in reviews and general commentary, which goes to show the Nintendo fanboy is at work.
And the controls are fucking ass tier. The buttons are in the wrong place for obvious intuitive controls and there's too much convuluted shit for the simplest stuff. If Nintendo had just kept the gamepad inventory mode like they were going to have, half of their problems would be fixed.
you're obviously handicapped so I'll stop at this point
Fuck off, zeldafag. suck more nintendocock
voiced by a gay furfag.
After upgrading my slate is there any use for ancient gears and shit except to sell it for ruppees or mon?
And do giant ancient cores do anything?
Not perfect but it's still great.
He's just assblasted that no one gives a shit about him.
It looks interesting enough, but I'm not willing to put up with Nintendo's shitty consoles to play it
You can use them to make ancient swords and ancient arrows and the rest.
Oh I see, are ancient arrows better than the other arrows
I have just realized the brilliance of the blood moon.
At first I thought it was kinda stupid. Monsters respawn on the blood moon. I thought, "How often am I going to be hanging around a spot where some monsters just died to see that?"
Then I realized what the blood moon is. It's Nintendo's answer to resetting cells.
In skyrim a cave or whatever will reset after a certain number of days after you visit it.
Nintendo turned that into a fucking event. They made it interesting. Instead of the cave resetting after a few days, everything resets all at once on the blood moon.
It's brilliant.
And if you want to utilize this to your benefit, visit one of the combat shrines right after a blood moon. The monster in the shrine resets so you can farm powerful guardian weapons and ancient parts.
What is the best song in the game and why is it Hateno Village's theme?
Ancient arrows are good against guardians and I think the ganons.
How do you even get in that shop? I assume it's the one that needs the password but I have no idea where I get to learn it. Is it worth it to try and find out in the game or should I just look it up?
Ancient arrow to the eye of a Guardian will one shot it.
that's not the hyrule castle theme
You shut your whore mouth
Sean always voices best boys and is a great guy
potentially better than oot, which means better than any game ever made
go drink some milk
The death laser is so easy to parry it makes any fight with a guardian easy
>Nintendo turned that into a fucking event. They made it interesting. Instead of the cave resetting after a few days, everything resets all at once on the blood moon.
>It's brilliant.
Bruh they literally just show you a cut-scene that gets obnoxious as fuck after you've seen it once and reset everything. Calm down.
Don't be a weenie, just figure it out. I assume you talked to the ladies at the bar, right? You're about 10ft away from the solution.
I wanna fuck a gerudo
MM > OoT > TP > WW > BotW > SS is my final ranking after beating it today.
>last hit against ganon was a laser parry
felt fucking good
It doesn't have a single dungeon.
I want to fuck that century old woman
But what if she gives birth to a evil male?
The cutscene is lame but the rest is great. In my perfect world they'd have left the cutscene out, had skeleton monsters spawn like crazy during a blood moon in addition to respawning stuff, and have the blood moon last for a while.
Then you could talk to a researcher guy at one of the labs or something to have him tell you about how the blood moon respawns enemies or whatever.
It destroy every other zelda by far.
Dungeon are more fun, and alive with the world, not just a giant maze that you do once and forget about it to moves further in the story.
The final boss is harder than in any other 3D zelda game in which they were all piss easy.
>want to make a kickass sky boat
>octo balloons imbalance the ship and flip it vertical, and pop after like 7 seconds
>Rises four times a night
>Then rises at 10 AM
>The final boss is harder than in any other 3D zelda game in which they were all piss easy.
I beat Calamity Ganon in one try. He was too easy.
>Dungeon are more fun
How can they be more fun if they don't exist?
Are you kidding? I haven't seen, nor watched, any review that haven't brought the frame rate up.
I hear people having all sorts of problems with the Blood moon but It's only popped up for me like twice.
How many shrine puzzles would you have to string together to make a dungeon? Like 10? Let's be generous and say 20. So each shrine is 1/20 of a dungeon. Multiply that by 120 shrines and there are effectively 6 dungeons.
time to take a break I guess
Does the Hylian shield respawn? I was struck by lightning and it went flying and I've been looking for half and hour and can't find it
>obnoxious as fuck
>takes a second and a half to skip
I'm really, REALLY getting pissed off at people griping about things like this when this game has the absolute MOST skippable shit of any nintendo game that I can remember. Every first party title in their mainline series seems to have some repeated, bullshit fluff animation that's unskippable.
They make so many fucking little things skippable in this game for the first time and people STILL gripe about it.
Context. Relativity. This is a huge fucking step for this company, this whole game is. This breaks so many of nintendo's little bullshit internal rules that have been plaguing them for decades now, and I fucking love it
I need 10k for the last great fairy, what a good way to grind ruppees?
stasis it first
don't pop the balloons with your leaf
>Hawa Koth
>the current solution
This can't be a mistake.
get luminous stones and trade for diamonds with guy at zoras domain
make food or sell diamonds and shit by blowing up rocks
Yes. You can also buy it from a merchant in Tarrey Town.
>Durability system needs tweaking
No it doesnt
Great idea, selling $700 worth of luminous stone for $500 worth of diamonds!
I'll be honest not doing the main quest makes the final boss way more fun.
Just get master sword and lots of food and go fight that shit.
step back so the flame hits it but not the blade itself
i dont get it
Best world building in a zelda game yet.
the other games do Ganon and Dungeons better
holy shit
How many great fairies are there? I've only found 3 so far, not including the weird one that revives any dead horses.
Anyone know the best place to tame horses? Just got the master sword.
>do my first Great Test of Strength
>the fucker takes piss damage while hitting like a mac-truck
>get him into 'Fuck you fun is over turret spam' mode
>know I might fuck up whittling him down in between laser shots
>go for the big dick parry even though I've been whiffing them when I practice
>mfw it connects for the kill
>mfw those weapons
game is breddy gud :DD
best ganon fight is twilight princess. the framing and style of the entire battle, all phases, just beautiful
>Hawa Koth
>the current solution
>the final solution
Last one wants 10k, the whore
how the fuck is emulator getting 25 fps in that part
i got less frames on the switch
Sell every single thing you have
Can anyone track down the Tarrey Town music? I can't find it on youtube.
oh fuck i was looking for a king of the hill joke
>Being an emulator fag
>PAYING for an emulator
How cancerous
Shut it down
Go to toabab grasslands, south of the great plateau, there's and 8 foot black Horse with a red mane, bring shit loads of stamina food and catch that shit.
Best horse in the game.
I'm not being THAT kid
Nigwig I downloaded it off Sup Forums for free, some payfag linked his
i think it's called "frontier town" or something like that in the OST
>pirating an emulator
We're hit full circle of faggotry.
This is like those Flashcarts with DRM.
I feel like a retard cooking 5 items at a time, theres no point because itll always heal more than my max hearts.
2-3 items at a time best early on but god it takes forever
I also have a Zelda amiibo, if I get the twilight bow do I get to use it once and its gone when the durability runs out or what, how does that work?