>Be me
>Be poorfag
>How to make 60 dollars to buy for honor?
>have no extra money currently
Be me
suck a dick or two
im not gay though
There's this thing where you get a job and they pay you money. Crazy, I know, but it actually works.
it's only gay if you get horny doing it
He didn't ask if you were gay.
There's a time for everything. Now suck a dick or two.
I have a job but i have little to know extra money because of my college tuition. Couldnt find a job out of college..
There's nothing gay about sucking a dick if you dont like it.
Don't waste money on For Honor, it's shit.
You probably couldn't sell your body, so your best bet is
In what way
then don't waste money on a shitty game like for honor.
still, go suck some dicks.
OP, I've been in your shoes before.
This is exactly what you do.
Access google, and find your nearest Plasma Donation center.
You're going to be allowed to donate two times a week, for easily over $50 a visit.
You'll never have to bitch about not having video game money again.
stop eating for a week, the money should pile up really quick.
There is one right next to my house
since im a fatass that browses Sup Forums all day, apparently more body weight = more plasma
brb gonna go donate some plasma
P2P, shitty servers, ubisoft in general, casual boring combat, pointless game modes. To name a few.
Does anyone know how much a sperm bank gives for donations?
I wouldn't mind wanking out some of my thick man juice into a cold cup for $40 dollars.
For Honor is dead already.
Don't bother.
This video was so horrifying holy shit, gave me legit feels
its not a video you fucking retard
it was a cam raid
>i hope you are b8ting
you fucking child, are you 12? They don't want your NEET wank juice, the selection process is long and rigorous.
I really wanna make a joke or two about this, but being without a job really sucks holy shit. If your first worry is about a video game though literally kys no joke.
Otherwise, reach out to everyone you know about desperately needing money, cause sooner or later someone will hear about a shitty job literally anyone can do. And you'll do that job because you really want For Honor... you'll do that blowjob for honor.
>Implying you'll even be selected
They will kick you out of their premises the moment they smell the stench of failure from you walk in the door.
I have a job you fucking retard, can you not read?
. I have no extra money because of rent and my tuition.
So I've taken you've tried before? What was the process lie? When you say long and rigorous, you're not referring to your sex life, right?
Sperm donation is literally run by the real Neo Nazis.
Its eugenics all the way down, either you floor them with a huge IQ, or you hold a current athletic world record, of they kick you out the door.
>paying full price for a Ubisoft game
There might be a reason you're poor
also OP a good site is Indeed, just be sure to make a new email because you'll be spammed with a shit ton of potential employers. and for christ sake, don't make the email "LonelyAnimeWeebNEET69" please
well yeah, deep down, all women are subconsciously supremacists.
they are constantly split between prefering the package or the delivery system.
I'd say wait on for honor if you're set on buying it.
Connection issues are still around and 5 classes dominate the others.
I'd say keep up to date with ubisoft news and wait a couple patches for balance changes atleast