Why does this board have such a hateboner for PC lately
Why does this board have such a hateboner for PC lately
Other urls found in this thread:
>exclusively use pc for gaymen
>shitpost as a butthurt sonybro
the salt is unreal
Turns out the Nintendo toddlers were only fond of PC so long as they were using it as a convenient tool against PS4 owners.
Nintendo cucks with their shitty 10 year old switch device
because pc games have been dogshit of late
always jealousy
PC only tards are the bane of this site. They spout simplistic shitposts that they piece together by watching others game streams. You can tell by all the shit people are getting wrong from horizon and Zelda threads.
This board has a hate boner for everything. It fucking sucks. Every other goddamn thread is someone bitching about breath of the wild or the switch or horizon or Sony or some other bullshit. I wish all these cunts would let people actually enjoy videogames on this fucking board
Because we can't emulate Breath of the Wild
Ninten"""""bros"""""" are mad that their multiplat Zelda game is also going to be on PC.
>They spout simplistic shitposts that they piece together by watching others game streams.
I have seen more console gamers act like that.
>sonybros being jealous because PC has games (has changed as of late with all the shit they've gotten, still too small)
>nintenbros angry than Cemu will soon have dorito breath of the wild be playable on 60fps when they get it pirateported to PC
>envy for the master race utility of vidya, shitposting, and degeneracy at the same time
>because everyone hates everything, this is Sup Forums you niggerfaggot
Pick one or 2 at most
>Own PS4 Pro, PS VR, PC with 1070, PS3, Vita, New 3DS XL, Switch
>still shitpost and falseflag
The greatest mistake this board made was forcing videogame talk. A decade ago Sup Forums was a lot more chill because the discussion wasn't so much videogames but life from the point of view of people playing videogames.
It might sound like shit but it was actually pretty chill having a few threads in the catalog where people weren't flinging shit at each others but talked about other things aswell.
I think the no-tolerance policy of mods towards the old fun shit has made this board far worse as it tunnels everyone into console wars.
Mustards are children who want everything released on PC so they can pirate it for free under the guise of "MUH TRUE COMPLETE EXPERIENCE".
The last few days have made me understand why people hate nintenbros so much.
You're forgetting this
They really have made fool of themselves in the Cemu threads. The emulator threads have always been holy ground on Sup Forums. You don't go there to start shit but that's what the Nintendo people started doing. They broke an unwritten holy rule of Sup Forums.
And consolecucks are autistic children who spout memes and falseflag in order to defend their shit purchase
Attempts to justify spending hundreds of dollars on shitty, locked down hardware with crap performance, backed by companies milking them for every cent possible.
Do you have a fireden link of that thread? I want to see the replies.
PC gamers are condescending, shilling, shit talking asshats who obsess endlessly over frame rate, because that's all they have.
For a while Sup Forums was all about that, because we're not a smart group of people. Like, at ALL.
eventually, even the most deluded and blind shitposters realized the truth and turned on pc gamers.
console wars.
why do you even bother to ask.
I don't understand why PC cucks gonna shit on Nintendo yet get CEMU and then pirate botw
and still have the audacity to call Nintendo shit
>Why does pc do this?
>because that's all they have.
They don't even have that. BotW runs with a worse framerate on CEMU than docked on the Switch.
Could you imagine the asshurt if Half life 3 came out for PS4 Only? I mean, I know it's on steam and all that shit, but I'd like to imagine the pure shit posting if it happened.
Nintendo IS shit but BoTW is alright. Hopefully emulation kicks off properly.
It's Ninteniggers, they never had a problem with pretty much every game on the Wii being emulatable but all of a sudden since the Wii U is basically a HD Wii its easy to emulate it's "mustard" this and "PCfats" that.
Just because they bought a console with nogames they need to attack PC users becauase we have allthegames.
The retardation in these posts are unbelievable
How the fuck can you live like this?
I believe the only one that's filtered is nintenbros or nintendoddlers or nintenbros or something like that, filters to nintenbros because they cried so hard.
Nin toddlers and nin tenyearolds filter to nintenbros
>PC gamers are condescending, shilling, shit talking asshats who obsess endlessly over frame rate
How is wanting to have the game run at a playable framerate bad?
Also, how the fuck do you shill PC?
>For a while Sup Forums was all about that, because we're not a smart group of people. Like, at ALL.
>eventually, even the most deluded and blind shitposters realized the truth and turned on pc gamers.
Now you're just being delusional.
they're fucking asscancer
>Console gamers never give a clear reason why they hate PC gamers
Really makes you think
There's hardly anything to fucking play on PC alone. I have many times sat bored as fuck with nothing to do but browse Sup Forums when I only had a PC.
Got a PS4 a few weeks ago and I'm overwhelmed with vidya.
I think the hate is justified towards mustard race faggots, because they don't realize being an idort is the true master race.
>OW on PC with friends
>Nioh on PS4 afterwards
>Still have a shitton more games to complete
>When I'm done with those I'll emulate BotW in 4k on my PC
>There's hardly anything to fucking play on PC alone
Then why is 80% of my steam library singleplayer games?
>Got a PS4 a few weeks ago and I'm overwhelmed with vidya.
Well, there's 10 games (3 years worth) to catch up to.
> There's hardly anything to fucking play on PC alone.
I'm lately digging through the indie pile. Whoever decided the lack of any sort of quality control on steam is a good idea, or that graphics from 20 years ago is somehow a selling point, needs to be taken out and shot, along with the guy who decided that picture books with sound effects are now games. I'm digging through a hundred pieces of shit to find a single good game.
Still totally worth it.
>name reasons
>Console gamers never give a clear reason why they hate PC gamers
did you even read the posts you're replying to? and no I don't hate pc gamers, I hate pc ONLY gamers
>They broke an unwritten holy rule of Sup Forums.
PLEASE kill yourself
Kill yourself toddler. Congratulations on setting all of Sup Forums against you.
>PC starts emulating muh zelda a week after release
lmao keep crying nintendopes
>They spout simplistic shitposts that they piece together by watching others game streams
>Mustards are children who want everything released on PC so they can pirate it for free under the guise of "MUH TRUE COMPLETE EXPERIENCE".
>PC gamers are condescending, shilling, shit talking asshats who obsess endlessly over frame rate, because that's all they have.
>they're fucking asscancer
Are these clear reasons to you?
>and no I don't hate pc gamers, I hate pc ONLY gamers
Whats wrong with not wanting to spend hundreds of dollars on underpowered machines that only have a few good games?
Sup Forums is so sad these days. There is no joy in browsing this board but to laugh at the underages and shills going at each other. And now even emulators are being shitposted as evil. This fucking board of shills and underages.
Then why are you here?
I explicitly said it, to laugh at the underages and shills.
>Sup Forums is ok with pirating movies
>Sup Forums is ok with pirating manga and anime
>Sup Forums is ok with comics
>/h/ is ok with pirating hentai
>Sup Forums pirates and emulates video games
this site even has its own torrent board, where the fuck do you think you are?
>>Sup Forums is ok with pirating movies
Hell, they even shitpost about torrent clients.
how come Sup Forums is the ONLY board butthurt about pirating?
Lately is because nintenbros shiting on cemu and pcbros
Because PC fags spend all their time here talking shit about consoles and feeling superior about their 60 fps and having no friends.
>Are these clear reasons to you?
yes, you guys take a huge dump on in every thread on this board with your portbegging, ''x btfo'' threads, falseflagging wojaks, muh framerate, literal smear campaigns against games with all means like ''muh feminism'' while praising actual sjw games like undertale and lisa, muh graffix, nogaems etc and act suprised when ppl start hating you
>Whats wrong with not wanting to spend hundreds of dollars on underpowered machines that only have a few good games?
whats wrong about not wanting to spend like 300$ for a graphics card alone just for a framerate/resolution update for games that are good the way they are?
if you don't want the consoles, fine just shut the fuck up and stay in your fucking hugbox instead of shitting up every thread with your irrelevant opinion, fatass
Because muh poor devs. Ironically, it's the same board that also shits on indies, i.e. the only actually poor devs.
Also, because now the pirates are taking exclusives away, making consoles even more pointless.
>Sup Forums is ok with pirating movies
Sony and Nintendo released some games so now theyre instantly butthurt when you don't agree with them.
you have like 50k worth of shit there what the fuck
THANKS FOR BETA TESTING are the best shitposting threads.
Because mustards are obnoxious faggots that constantly scream about systems having no games yet beg incessantly for ports of every game they can't play on those systems. They also pirate everything and then whine that they're treated as second class citizens by developers and publishers. Not to mention most of them are redditors who took a Yahtzee joke from like 9 years ago too seriously and formed an entire identity out of it. They're all either poorfags, underage, casuals who only play CS:GO and MOBA cancer, or autistic losers who sperg out over performance and can't enjoy any game because they're always alt-tabbing to look at task manager or the FPS counter.
If you aren't an idort you are basically an ant in my eyes.
>Paul Blart 2
>yes, you guys take a huge dump on in every thread on this board with your portbegging, ''x btfo'' threads
>whats wrong about not wanting to spend like 300$ for a graphics card alone just for a framerate/resolution update for games that are good the way they are?
>if you don't want the consoles, fine just shut the fuck up and stay in your fucking hugbox instead of shitting up every thread with your irrelevant opinion, fatass
That's funny, literally every PC related thread gets spammed with consolecucks shitposting.
Now that's what I call mad.
Do consolecucks live in an alternate reality or something? Nobody does this
Sup Forumsintendo is getting upset their only good game in the past decade is now being ported for free to PC
>Why does this board have such a hateboner for PC lately
because it's a new console release period where shitposting is commonly rampant
Name a good movie that isn't on there
Because PC gaming is a fucking meme now. All it gets these days is unoptimized console ports. System requirements are also artificially inflated so you're forced to buy a new video card every year.
Name one PC port from the past 6 months that was 'unoptimized'.
>All it gets these days is unoptimized console ports.
And if it's not that, it's a dead genre or for autists.
And if it's not that, it's indietrash.
Somehow, you people always find a way to disregard anything you can't have.
> System requirements are also artificially inflated so you're forced to buy a new video card every year.
And that's bullshit.
Sup Forums became a gathering point for banned sonygaf users.
Last of Us
Sonyfags were a problem 1 month ago, nin-ten-year-olds are the problem now
>System requirements are also artificially inflated
Honestly that part is pretty funny, I'm running on a 5 year old video card and can play all the newest games despite all of them warning me I'm below minimum requirements, can get Primal to medium settings and 30fps and it still looks better than it does on Xbox according to my consolefag friends. It's all about getting rid of vsync/finding optimal AA, and being sure you have nothing else at all running on the machine, windows 7 on no-graphics mode, or just ending the windows process entirely while gaming contributes a bit too.
Because for some reason PCfags can't fathom people playing multiplats on consoles and then proceed to shitpost threads to death with
>also on PC lmao it doesn't count on console
Nothing wrong with playing multiplats on consoles. Playing FPS multiplats on consoles is pretty damn retarded though.
>Implying horizonfags aren't worse
d-do I fucking stutter?
I don't get it, I mean I just said that I wont fucking update my pc for couple hundreds every year just for a fps/res
>That's funny, literally every PC related thread gets spammed with consolecucks shitposting.
>lying on the internet
Success breeds jealousy.
>Have PC
>Have PS4, PS3, PS2
>Have XB1, 360
>Have Wii u, Switch
>Have Vita
>Have 3ds
What does this make me?
>m-my pc safespace:(
you have to go back
Someone with either too much money or too lenient parents.
>d-do I fucking stutter?
No, your sentence was incoherent as fuck
>I don't get it, I mean I just said that I wont fucking update my pc for couple hundreds every year just for a fps/res
You don't have to, retard.
>>lying on the internet
I'm not, anyways I am pretty fucking tired of this conversation.
someone with a stable income and who actually likes videogames
Found the Sonygaf reject.
How is wanting a board where people actually discuss videogames instead of bragging about how good horizon looks bad?
someone who should not be posting and should be playing through his backlog.
Sonybros like to brag about bloodborne but honestly its not a good of a game.
Its easy to critisize a game that you'll never play :^)
>he actually wrote all that