Anyone notice horizon has a GOAT soundtrack...

Anyone notice horizon has a GOAT soundtrack? I've been playing with the volume pretty low but recently started using headphones.

Holy shit the song that plays in meridian is so fucking good.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Generic music
You must really like Hans Zimmerly and Boy Bands with taste like that

that's literally babby music

are you 16?

You must have shit taste

enjoying your shit game zeldaponys?

>720 or 900p
>AWFUL ps3 era graphics
>4 dungeons
>all dungeons look same
>can beat the game in 12 minutes
>bosses are 50% reskins
>even worse combat than twilight princess
>weapon durability
>5 magic spells (all shown at E3)
>terrible voice acting
>walking simulator thanks to big empty world
>few "towns" with 4 buildings each
>menus every 5 seconds
>no enemy diversity
>stamina bar
>hard mode is paid DLC
>literal fucking ubisoft towers
>poor soundtrack
>final boss doesn't even move
>amiibo exclusive items including fierce deity set

no console war shit please

generic trash. /thread

98 > 88

98 is only 85 without the Nintendo bonus

horizon > blunder of the 20fps

>not liking the music means you're a Zelda bro
I have both games ding bat, and both are bad at music. But at least Zelda doesn't suck at voice acting too or it would be an 88

and how many bonus points does Horizon get for being a sony exclusive and sjw shit?

>Zelda doesn't suck at voice acting


I don't even play those games.
That piece of music is not badly done, but if you think it's good your knowledge on the matter must be very little.
This is just accompanying music, it doesn't have depth nor character, it's literally nothing out of its context.

wow you really cant have one thread about this game

Because I feel you give any sort of criticism without mention Zelda at all, the SonyPonies will yell about Zelda and then the Zelda Brigade will start fighting about it with them while PCfats cry because they have neither game and Xboners watch Netflix waiting for the Next Forza.

Has a strong Firefly feel to it.

>it would be an 88
Yeah but Horizon is 89. Keep up.

there are too many underage kids on Sup Forums these days just ignore them. giving shitposters (yous) is just giving them what they want

>tfw zelda wasted all its dev time on trivial bullshit and forgot to make a fun game

Time to make the Switch... former nintenbros

HAVe you listened to how bad they are in H:ZD?
At least Zelda sounds like generic anime faire
Horizon sounds like Tommy Wiseau Directed some of it

>Hans Zimmer

He's just overused and samey

That's what I meant, he's gotten so generic that I could mix and match the sound track of all the movies he's done

I'm gonna bet you haven't played Horizon at all

except your wrong. You're probably basing horizon's VA off that shitty brom video.

Horizon has legit actors doing voices and not just treehouse employees.

Even Geralts voice actor does voices for npc's

>Guerrilla Devs can't add something from 2002 in their AAA game


battle theme in zelda

battle theme in horizon

You can't do this in Zelda.

Please stop trying to compare these games, they both have amazing tech and details

Jokes on you I haven't played either because Amazon won't ship my PS4 Pro and the Switch is sold out and my Wii U is in for repairs

The touchpad menu is super comfy in HZD


>mfw I own a Wii U and a PS4 and am going to play both

Why can't we all just enjoy games?

Actually no, I haven't really noticed the music at all.

Which kinda feels like a problem.