>guy with anime profile image in game
>he always sucks
why is it like this Sup Forums?
Guy with anime profile image in game
>get ass raped my anime faget twink in videogame
>come onto Sup Forums to cry about it
>post Sup Forums pic
Look, why don't you post on Sup Forums about how the jewpanese are ruining our generation.
had that image on hand and no relevant image, what do you want from me?
I want you to go back to pol and take your asshurt with you.
>faggot with anime aheago picture
>2000+ hours into the game
>t. animefaggot
What's the story behind this image?
Found the fag who has an anime avatar. Always easy to spot because they try to shift the discussion away from their embarrassing ways.
Dumb lefties getting triggered over everything, just like in the games
>join random WoW group
>your tank or healer is a male draenei
why is it like this Sup Forums?
A lot of Siege players on console are good for some reason.
>tfw not ass raped by anime faget twink
>Guy with an anime profile image ends ups sucking the entire game
>Guy with Manga profile image practically carries our team
What gives?
>guy with anime profile picture
>200+ hours past 2 weeks
this happens way too often
>Friend with anime profile image in game
>he always sucks me off
Why is it like this Sup Forums?
Never post a picture more interesting than your topic, especially if it isn't related.
>crying about Sup Forums
>hello That's just Sup Forums user.
>this immediate buttblastment
>Guy on Sup Forums
>Less than 200 hours in the past 2 weeks
It's disgusting, like they're fresh from facebook.
>guy on Sup Forums
>0 hours
Just like it should be. Fuck off.
>guy on reddit
>0 hours
Fixed that for you. Now fuck off over there faggot cunt.
>Takes games too seriously
>Thinks that anime characters are real beings
>Usually fat autist with no social skills
>Has a wide knowledge in a completely uninteresting part of life
Yeah, why is ist?
>some sad fuck posting anime pictures on Sup Forums
>he's a faggot
it's weird almost how consistent it is
That swastika looks like shit. He should've gotten an Iron Cross
And Sup Forumsacks wonder why the rest of Sup Forums doesn't want to be their friend.