Worst RPG party members of all time?

Worst RPG party members of all time?

What a handsome man

You mean the best.

You seem to have misspelled "best."

I want to chew her vagina bones.

I want her to sit on my face.

Too bad, have her armpits

>was expecting her to be my favorite
>suddenly pure angel Eleanor enter my party


>first party member to join
>ditches you first change she gets
>betrays you without a second thought
>comes back because she's got nothing better to do
>proceeds to do jack shit
>flat as a board
She's perfect.

>shoddy stats at level 1
>no spells or abilities
>only his HP increases when he levels up
>equipment selection ain't that good either
Top-tier as an NPC though.

Eleanor is a top shelf pure maiden, but nothing could top wife material mode Velvet for me.

I want to play Magilous game.


Bantz between her, Phi and Velvet is adorable.

spell absorber and her general party trolling says otherwise faggot.

so, how did he game do on sales? i finished symphonia days ago for the first time after watching the zestiria anime which i really like so if they announce a third game with sorey and velvet its insta buy for me

literally useless

Great for porn though

>What an ugly man

N1ce digits


>pic unrelated



she awsome in battle though

>interrupt enemies spell casting
>sucks their mana to release nukes

lacipet is the useless one.

i still love her

She's in my main party. Fuck Laphicet. Now I'm going to get drunk and continue playing this game.

>nice personality
>plot essential
>fucking trash to play as

I will never not be mad over this.

>super fast dual elemental malak artes of death
>50% protection shield that also instantly breaks guards for super long combos

phi is awesome you just need to learn how to play him, go back to velvet and spam


the gameplar really fucked her over thanks to overlimit being random.


>go back to velvet and spam.

gladly. playing mages is not my thing in tales (unless its rita or pascal)


>bait thread

have an actual answer instead

>tits that big

>actual answer



>get to end of game
>get man you're gonna fight the ultimate evil?
>take anything you want for free!

What a bro.

these fucking knight guys are raping me. what am i doing wrong? one of them will stun me, and then all of them taharrush me till i'm dead.

You can get out of stuns using switch blasts

Otherwise, just don't get hit.

Is there any point playing on intense instead of hard on the first run?

Do we ever find out just how old Maggilou is? Her speaking manner in Japanese leads me to believe she is easily in her 70s.

>tfw played sheena's game right on puberty
>she shaped my tastes for years
>not that it matters because i'm wizardmode as fuck

feels pretty good actually

You get more gear, more grade, and the game is just more fun when enemies can actually hit you.

It's just the sad state of the tales games honestly. The only way to make them difficult is to make it so that getting hit once pretty much equals death and even then, they still aren't super challenging.

I feel that insane and chaos don't limit your usage of items enough. Chaos should punish you a lot for not doing perfect dodges.

what about my party?

you full of shit buddy.


how am I full of shit for hating a character who only cares for himself?

nice bait shithead


This asshole forces himself into your party
Has no lines or relevance to the plot
But hey at least he's a cool samurai old man

>huge thigh gap
>huge tit gap

Enough is enough

it's not bait. Yukari is the worst P3 girl

i thought we talked gameplay-wise. not character.

but if we judge zelos as a character, he had it pretty rough so its no wonder he became a narcissistic dick. luckily, he grows out of it and learns to trust and put faith in other people.

Absoluely useless

I want to gently nibble Magilou's ears

everything she did, someone else did it better.

worst starter in pokemon history.

We should talk about best main and best party member instead

She's not fun to play as and while she is the main healer with a retarded AI, Riki is a far better one because of AOE moves.

>fapping to traps is okay because it is 2017 and is not gay
Magiloufags need psychiatric help

Somebody please explain the character card game to me.

It doesn't help that you don't really need healers in Xenoblade.

Just go for the princesses or the ninjas and end the round early

SO there's basically no use for her.

Match the symbols, matching a cast comes secondary

Alright. What do you want to discuss about Eizen?

and by that I mean collecting a cast comes secondary

Eizen is so fucking great. I thought he was going to be I AM DEATH GOD THIS CURSE...IS SO HEAVY but he's pretty mellow and makes a nice mentor figure for Laphicet

Not even the best party member in the game.
She is still a great party member though

>he grows out of it and learns to trust and put faith in other people.

he has a bad way of showing trust

Bitch she's the absolute best. Spamming explosion and that other frozen something spell one after the other with accelerated casting times

him giving Lloyd the means to use the eternal sword and breaking ties with mithos is the best way you could show trust in someone.

>actually one of the best and most useful

Just because he reminds you of your repressed homolust doesn't mean that he is a bad character or party member.

except for being a dick the entire game & only caring for himself really questions anything he does.

In both games.

>killed thousands, destroyed cities, ruined the livelihood of countless others
>when faced with the truth behind her brother's death and a chance to atone for her crimes decide to ''lel fuck you because I'm alive and my revenge must continue''

Velvet is the worst Tales protagonist so far, jesus fucking christ, even Luke had a better character development when faced with his mistakes.

him being a dick is a self-defense mechanism to not let people get to attached to him and wise-versa. childhood trauma kinda dose that to people.

he stopped thinking only about himself when he betrayed mithos, saved his friends from the traps and got Lloyd what he needed to save the world.

i dont get why some people have such a hate boner for zelos. its like you skip all the skits with him.

Funny way to spell best.

velvet is a monster without a doubt. she admits it herself. its just her revenge ends up saving the world in the end.

Yepp. That's pretty much true for all of them.
Even Eleanor, who I expected to be the insufferable goody two shoes character, turned out well. She did have a stick up her ass though.

either you didn't play the game or your retarded.

You're goddamned right.

It's literally one guy who has a hate boner for him and he posts using the exact same image of zelos everytime.
Literally autism

I bet you only like her for her tits

>its like you skip all the skits with him.

I saw the shits. He was still a dick, he might do something nice but then becomes a dick again.

it's 1 step forward, two steps back with him.


>a chance to atone for her crimes

By what? Dying and letting the world get fucked?

Her wanting to continue on the fight for herself is way more interesting than the alternatives.

Could you imagine if they went the standard JRPG /anime route and turned her into a conflicted apologetic sad sack that carries on for the greater good or into a paragon paladin jesus character that finds an alternative method to save everyone (except herself because she has to be sacrificed to do it)

>Aifreed is hyped to be super sugoi
>finally its time to fight him
>dies like a chump

Snek tits gave me a lot more trouble

I felt the exact same way. The game spends so much time felting him and telling you how absolutely amazing he is.

Then you fight him and he's this slow, weak fuck that's easier than any code red monster.

This. She belongs in the trash the moment you get mir.

>*fellating him


>due to Solaris' activities, they became almost extinct and had to have massive amounts of sexual orgies to reproduce and survive

Is Edna the only good thing to come from Zestiria?

>a chance to atone for her crimes
You didn't actually play the game, did you?

That's not Chie.

I don't know who this girl is but I like her shit eating grin.

Is this "Magilou is actually a boy" meme the new way for redditors to fit in?