BEEP BEEP Best RPG of 2017 Coming Through

Apologies to BotW, NieR, Persona, etc.

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Persona an KH Remix are out in less than a month.

That's a remaster retard or a 2007 game.

Sad thing is I fucking hated this game, but since square Enix and the rest of the rpg market is pushing this single player mmo shovelshit, ff xii is actually the best of all of them

>reversible cover sheet doesn't have the blue strip at the top so it doesn't match the rest of your shelf

I wish we could just redesign Vaan and Penelo. Weirdly enough, Ashe is probably my most favorite Final Fantasy princess/heroine.

You can't polish a turd that big.

I don't know why I loved this game so much. Something about the gambit system + running around the world just feels great. I don't give a shit about any of the stories or characters.

Have never played IZJS version though.

>$200 limited edition

I like 14 until the part where you have to play with other people. Also why are lalafells so fuckable?

The last good Final Fantasy was X. The series is just a zombie shell now.

The bust set looks pretty neat, best armor set ever.

Fucking this.

Neither does Doom or FFXV and I'm more than happy having them flipped to the reversible on my shelf. Frankly though, I would have preferred the reversible just be the logo and title on white without any other text, minimalistic.

>200 burgerbux CE

PC version when?

No Steam release? I don't fucking own a PS4.

shiet i need a ps4

>PS4 just can't stop getting games
Inb4 port, I never played XII so I'm excited.

Emulated upscaled IZJS eng patch is probably good enough, it's what I've been replaying over and over since my PS2 died.

>ever good

>tfw they remastered one of the worst games in the series

Yea bro we should remaster XIII XD

You're thinking of XV.

I want to remaster Lightning's womb

I'd honestly take 13 over 12

I forgot underage waifufaggot ilk still infest these boards.

You're honestly an idiot then.

At least say XIII-2 which is better in every way than 13. Too bad 12 is better than both.

What's the matter user, can't handle someone having a different opinion than you? Picking the best of the worst is a tough job

Now you're just full of shit, there's no way 12 is better than 13-2

Thought it was coming for PC?

13-2 was fun as shit
13 was a slog though I had to force myself to go through it

Zodiac Job System fix a LOT of the problems FF12 had.

Not all of them, but a lot of them.

>Now you're just full of shit, there's no way 12 is better than 13-2

I know Sup Forums loves shitposting but 13-2 and 12 are completely different games. Not sure how you can say one is objectively better.

Even if you only liked the gambit system, that would make 12 better for you.

Nigga, it wasn't even the best JRPG in 2006.

Still doesn't fix boring story, characters or gameplay, just progression.

All of these are hot garbage. Bring back classic FF.

This game came out over 10 years ago

>Boring story
Fuck you, I loathe XII but its story was great.

200$ for the collector of a remaster. What did Square Enix smoke this time? It's more expensive than Nier one.

>Even if you only liked the gambit system, that would make 12 better for you.
I did not like it

>remaster of a mediocre half finished game

No, it was incredibly bland despite the world being interesting.
It's impossible to give a shit about anything that's happening.

I thought that too, but then I remembered
>Play Arts Kai

12 is so fucking good, might wait it out for it to come to steam since I already have the CE of the PS2 version

Will this fix the compressed audio or will the voices still sound like they were recorded in a fishbowl?

Opinions, user.

It was literally the only thing that kept me playing to the end.

> waiting for a brap game remaster
> 2017

>$50 for an 11 yeard old PS2 game

Dude fuck off. As much as I love FF12 I am not paying that much for it.

>10 million dollars for this picasso painting? dude it came out ages ago, no thanks


PAK's biggest issues are with the shitty joints, hair sculpts, and paints on the face and skin in general.

Armor should be fine. That said

>$200 for a set of likely tiny plastic busts

What a fucking rip-off. SE really thinks their garbage is worth a lot.

I will give you a 4/10 because is not another retard food analogy.

Nah is more like this.

Penelo is fine. Vaan, they just need to slap on the shirt he wore in FFTA2.

steam will get it, like the other ones.

The story is great, even if it did get butchered and is a pretty typical Matsuno "truth behind the legends, heroes working in the background, kill the gods and give control back to humans" plot.

>no PC release

Was World of Final Fantasy bad?

No, it was actually very enjoyable

Heard it had an amazing soundtrack.

The Vita version is pretty much unplayable. It barely manages 30 FPS on the overworld.

The PS4 version is far better.

Never played a FF game before. I have a decent gaming pc so which ones should I grab from steam or whatever?

Give it time. They put the X/X-2 remaster on PC.

FF7 is the only good game in the series.

V or Tactics.

5,7,9 take your pick from these

>a shitty ten year old mmo simulator is the best rpg of 2017

Is there a worse fan base than Final Fantasy?

>Initial Release Date: December 26th, 2013
>PC Secondaries Scraps: May 12th, 2016

Tactics is the only good game in the series.


No. Not a real FF.

The witcher 3 is the best and the most awarded RPG of all time, OF ALL TIME.

>Initial Release Date: December 26th, 2013
You're about 12 years off.

You misspelled FFXV.

I was being generous and only mentioning the remaster

Expecting Square Enix to be timely about half-assed PC ports is extremely delusional

is that 7th november or 11th july?





Cool, this will justify my ps4 purchase a little further.

Daily reminder Sup Forums hates this game because is not like FF7.

>No vita

I really hope these fucks get shot

They port X but not this. I am pissed.

Considering you can just emulate the original and have it look roughly as good as the remaster will it's not that big of an issue. This isn't like FFXHD where they added in some of the international stuff and X-2.

Regardless I'm not that excited for it, it's still the same boring gameplay and messy music with a story that's full of wasted potential.

>Replaying Final Star Wars Fantasy

>roughly as good as the remaster
Literally looks better than the remaster.

FFXII is the best post-PS1 era FF.

>They fixed Vaan's delecious abs
Preoder cancelled

time limited weapons(think it was a spear)
max hp 9999
have to constantly switch gambits on the fly to stay alive

i beat the game on ps2 but that shit was bullshit
not gonna get this again till its 20$
never bothered with that endgame superdragon fight.

the endgame is the 5 judges at once.

never played it desu only 1-10 and 15, but it looks fun
I'm looking forward to it

>time limited weapons(think it was a spear)

To this day everyone and their mother is still fucking retarded about the zodiac spear. The way you get it normally is almost rng abuse, and despite that chest where you can force it to spawn there is a second chest that can also have it. I'll never get why so many people whine about it

No PC release?

IZJS emulated on PC was the fucking bomb, and it actually looks great.

I just found it recently in the Necrol and I was surprised by how simple it was. I thought you had to jump through a lot more hoops to get it.

>No PC release?
Probably months later without announcement like they did with the previous port at Steam.
>no Xbone
I don't get the exclusive thing on a remaster.

What is with those super OP invisible weapons that the origin release had? Were those just unused weapons with no assets that you could glitch yourself into obtaining or were they just stupid zodiac spear style shit

>Vaan's face

What the fuck are they doing?

There's 4 chests you have to leave alone. They're ones that don't respawn. If you don't open those 4 then it'll always be in the necrol. It sucks as a weapon though since it has a 4% combo chance.

Some of them are available in IZJS. The one I know of is now the strongest weapon in the game and actually bullshit unlike the spear. It spawns in an invisible chest on the airship you can ride between major cities. Said chest has a 1% chance of spawning, or maybe something lower. Then again only a 1% or lower chance of containing the invisible bow. That is actual bullshit, but it's also a completely unneeded weapon

My shitty pc can take HQ pics :")

You mean of 2006, right?

>Some of them are available in IZJS. The one I know of is now the strongest weapon in the game and actually bullshit unlike the spear. It spawns in an invisible chest on the airship you can ride between major cities. Said chest has a 1% chance of spawning, or maybe something lower. Then again only a 1% or lower chance of containing the invisible bow. That is actual bullshit, but it's also a completely unneeded weapon

This shit would be great if the game was filled with them, but there being only a handful makes it bullshit.