How is this game? Will I like it if I like Red Orchestra?

How is this game? Will I like it if I like Red Orchestra?

it's a bit shoddy at times, but overall it's enjoyable.

it's not really like red orchestra though, and has some really weird loadouts.

I'd save your money, the game just feels too rigid and clunky and its just frustrating to play at times.

That said, its probably the best rendition of WWI in a video game yet

I've thought about this as well since I picked up Day of Infamy and have been itching for more of the same. Does it feature intense trench warfare? Are matches slow and laborious? That's what I'm interested in.

It looks/plays like an early PS3 game

From an experienced RO/RO2 player:
It's way clunkier, movement is a lot more stiff and it's empty as fuck. As in, no players. Hard to have intense anything with no players.

game is on humble bundle among others right now, most of them were shit imo

You probably would like it, as long as you're not expecting a WW1 RO2. It's fun, especially if you can look past its shortcomings. My biggest problem with Verdun is balancing. The rifles perform like railguns, they're perfectly accurate even while jumping and always a 1-hit kill. It makes a lot of the other unique weapons pointless. You also get these high level squads that can get super-arty every 2 minutes or so. Artillery was the big killer during WW1, yes, but the balance is fucked when the top players also have the best arty.

>Trenchgun with grenades

It's a pretty decent bundle.
Legends, Vermintide, Jotun and Verdun aren't bad.
Didn't play Turmoil or Journey Down, Valhalla is too casual and simplistic to be actually good.

Hyped for the other games honestly.

It's a pretty mediocre game.

ITT: plebs who died and uninstalled

game is extremely good

Game constantly gets updated, looks better then it a year ago.


Are matches still 16 vs 16?

oh god that blur

Yeah but they did some 64 player tests which went down well. You can play a custom 64 player match, but I hope they officially add them soon. It was really intense.

While we're on the topic of WW1 games, why did BF1 overrate Britain so much?

Look at the Campaign, out of 5 war stories we have 4 revolving around Brits
Zero about the Germans
Zero about the French
Zero about the Russians
Zero about the Balkans (when fucking Bedouins are there)

I guess they didn't include France and Russia to please the American audience (Americans hate frogs and ruskies) but I don't understand the lack of German PoV story in the campaign
I mean, Americans fucking love Germany, so why not?

No, stop talking about BF1, shut the fuck up

Ro2 is a clunky pile of shit that has shit brown and bloom graphics and bad gameplay.

Ro1 dh is better Sup Forums is just too underage.

Yeah I just turn it on when taking screenshots for fun.

>it's the autistic RO purist who hates RO2

go kill yourself, your game is dead

> its the kikewire defense force.

Ya hows only having 6 populated na servers the rest 90 percent bots goin not to mention all the times kik wire fuckin broke the game due to patches. No ro2 is just call of battlefield and will never live up to RO1

Ur underage is showin

>No ro2 is just call of battlefield and will never live up to RO1
yeah no, go fuck yourself autist

Not an arguement.

if red orchestra 2 is "cod battlefield" then so is dh

then you re-enable it after?, you cunt

Cept ro1 has
Custom content that was widely played
Wasnt clunky and played well even for a older ue game.
Stock maps where 40x the size of even the biggest ro2 map
Vehicles at the get go
More then one vehicle type.

Ro2 has none of those things

What makes me laugh is the tripwire ceo guy calling games like cod and battlefield cancee then sold out and made just that then sayed its the communitys fault no one is playin there game.

you're right about the maps but calling red orchestra 2 "cod battlefield cancer" is completely delusional

Still not an arguement.

Ro2 looks and runs like shit the pop on is terrible even on good computers the game relys heavily on disgusting post porcessong effects just accept ur wrong.

Flamethrower with kar 88