Daily reminder we are not dealing with normal people
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What do trash items do? Are they just inventory fillers, or do you disassemble them/sell them or something?
I don't really see an issue with it anyway. Pretty much everyone agrees that outside of mario party, smash, and naturally sm64, the n64 was pretty lacking.
like the frenchfags say jamais 2 sans 3
Why would they say that?
you sell em for cash
It just works.
>later /archive/historians will look back upon this post, as the one that resulted in OP's death at the hands of dozens of smelly, wall-eyed OoTfags
>Golden Eye
>Perfect Dark
>Star Fox 64
The 64 had golden eye you piece of shit. You have no clue what you're talking about.
It's obviously a video game console and not debranding a real weapon.
That n64 most likely still works. I've had n64s water logged for weeks and still work afterwards.
>any game console found in the water after thousands of years
>not trash
Goldeneye is a shitty game
Important in the history of console FPS, but not very good by today's standards
I too watch videogamedunkey and am also incapable of independent thought
>20 year old game
>applying today's standards
are you a literal retard, user?
The N64 got absolutely BTFO by the PS1. I don't think there's any rational person who would debate Nintendo lost that gen.
anyone who unironically doesn't think goldeneye was a fucking huge deal never played it when it was released and don't understand the context
Autistic Nintendies are the worst fucking faggots in gaming. They are a complete cancer and ruin everything they touch.
Yeah faggot I'm sure it'll survive being in a landfill for a hundred thousand years.
they lost but the n64 has more notable titles that I think have just aged better despite fuzzy graphics. I'm sorry but final fantasy 7 doesn't hold a candle to oot or goldeneye
>Pokemon Stadium
>Mario 64
>Ocarina of Time
>Banjo Kazooie
>Mario Kart 64
>Star Fox 64
And that's only the games I had from my childhood, there's plenty others.
What do they expect an N64 to be 400 years later or whatever? It ain't gonna work
he's right you know. half-life shits all over it and it's not even close.
N64 did some fun stuff in terms of party play.
My friends and i mostly played mario kart/goldeneye together.
On the ps1 we only played RE oh and offcourse duke nukem time to kill that was fun versus.
are you one of those people that just hate popular things for being popular? like I imagine you as a sad virgin neckbeard that takes pride in disliking things others enjoy and feeling superior for being a better nerd
>people droning for n64
It's the console I had growing up and even I'll admit it's shit. All it's good games are ruined because of the controller (smash 64 is unplayable with that shitty stick that will break in 5 minutes)
What the fuck are you talking about, you sperg? It's an easter egg in a video game and you're throwing a tantrum because MUH NINTENDO. You're the virgin neckbeard here.
Golden Eye is overrated as fuck
it's 10000 years later
and the item in question is based on a rocket launcher, not N64
Ironically the thing that made Goldeneye a huge sensation, the multiplayer is fucking awful and just aged like milk.
Goldeneye is still pretty fun, as a Single Player game.
doom is still a good game that can be played without nostalgia.
I hope when Nintendo go bankrupt all the cultists move to Apple and not to Microsoft or Sony.
Have you ever end opened one up? There is literally nothing that would break instead unless it was burned or purposely destroyed. Shit was built like a brick house, a landfill wouldn't do shit to it unless it was crushed completely. The one in the picture doesn't appear to have any damage aside from 2 of the controller ports.
>manchildren can't handle bantz
I'm not surprised in the least.
>The day when there are no more N64's
>Posting fake times
You know it when they wordfiltered Nintenbro
yea, monster pockets are definitely something the modern fps needs
nah I'm just casually browsing and reading elitist faggots who seem to have an oddly irrational hatred for nintendo, like everything is subjective you tard, some people enjoy butter on their toast others don't, for some people n64 is a classic console get over it homo
This is what's happened: the hipster redditors have attempted to rewrite GE off, among other things, as being overrated in an attempt to seem posh and being a real "thinking man".
GE is and was an influential game and no matter what contrarians say, enjoyable an challenging to play.
>elitist faggots
Stopped reading right there. Stop being an autistic waste of life and throwing tantrums online because a trash item in a video game is vaguely similar to a Nintendo console.
>thinking the times of stock street cars could compare to fucking nismos and corvettes
What's he doing nowadays? Please tell me he is free.
Yeah sorry,wrong file :^)
I'm not op. I literally don't care about the subject of this thread, just find it funny that there are people who really think goldeneye was a bad game
>nismos and corvettes again
>not even on the same course this time
Who is upset about this? Find me one person.
Nope still speedrunning.
these cars arent even comparable.
>it-it's not the same track!
literally whomst
Jesus Christ thank God I'm not good enough or have the patience to speedrun.
I looked it up and those times in the image in accurately reflect the times reported by independent tests (i.e. not from the manufacturer) for production vehicles performing the full lap. ("Best Motoring" for the Skyline and "Motor Trend" for the Cobalt).
>It's overrated
Alright. What's the objective value of the game then?
If anyone is wondered what /o/ is like, this is about it.
PS1 > Saturn > N64
the n64 is easily the most overrated console of all time
Goldeneye really deserves a remaster. What it accomplished with the tech for its time was outstanding but only the most nostalgia-driven players (like me) could bear to tolerate that framerate, draw distance and gratuitous auto-aim nowadays. Now granted, I did like the 2010 remake as well but for different reasons altogether. I think the core of Goldeneye still holds up, it's still a great shooter in terms of level design, it just could use a touchup to do away with those technical blemishes that really age it. Shame it's in a weird legal limbo otherwise I'm sure Rare would've already done it.
I'm too high for this thread.
What does overrated mean?
Nah, that'd be the 360. N64 made 4 player a standard and its best titles were legitimately revolutionary and influential for years to come. Library was small and time wasn't the kindest to its hardware but N64 definitely made its legitimate mark in history.
past tense: overrated; past participle: overrated
have a higher opinion of (someone or something) than is deserved.
"dismissing the work as pompous and overrated"
synonyms: overestimate, overvalue, think too much of, attach too much importance to, praise too highly
"I think his music is overrated"
What's with all this Goldeneye dick sucking? It was a poor FPS in an age when a bunch of quality DOOM clones had already been around forever. Just because it was babby's first console FPS doesn't make it good.
That it got more credit and/or popularity than it deserved
>have a higher opinion of (someone or something) than is deserved.
This only means that you think the N64 somehow has a definite rating and that people have the wrong opinions.
can you stop beating around the bush and make your damn point already?
>Just because it was babby's first console FPS doesn't make it good.
That does, however, make it influential. Goldeneye was proof that a console FPS that wasn't a Doom/Quake clone was commercially viable. That's a bit of a double edged sword in and of itself though as Goldeneye absolutely paved the way for Halo and CoD4 to make their impact on things.
But, it was good though. Level design was good. Controls were good. Multiplayer modes and overall content was very good. The problem was the hardware wasn't quite strong enough for a game like that.
It's not just nostalgia wanks going ''omg goldeneye was my childhood!'' it's actually a good game that's still fun to play, even if the framerate is awful.
>Nintenbros get so triggered they demand other games get censored
You can't make this shit up.
Why is there a blue car in the cave?
The point is that saying something is over/underrated is the most pointless shit possible. Just state your opinions on why you think it's good or bad, instead of posting literally nothing.
>Goldeneye absolutely paved the way for Halo and CoD4
In that case fuck Goldeneye for helping to ruin the industry.
oh look at mr.big shot over here telling others that their opinion doesnt matter. you make me sick.
Nigger, you don't even have an opinion. Or, you can't put it into words. So why are you even here?
why are you?
all shit
Is /o/ always this autistic?
Can't argue with that, it kind of is ground zero for that shit. By that logic though we can also damn games like Resident Evil 4, Elder Scrolls IV and Grand Theft Auto III. The current state of the industry runs a little deeper than just Goldeneye's influence.
It's about 20% reasonable discussions, 30% daily general threads, and 50% shitposting corvette vs gtr lap times specifically.
>50% shitposting corvette vs gtr lap times specifically.
and a 100% reason to remember the name.
You forgot goldeneye, OoT, and Mischief Makers.
Because it's the easiest bait. Think of it like going on here and saying pc is better then xbox.
>Why do people shitpost the same subject over and over
Haven't you been on Sup Forums long enough? Probably because they're both brands /o/ cares about so the shitposting gives (yous)
>and vs nvidia
>PS4 vs Nintendo
>vim vs emacs
>D&D 3.5e vs any other d20 based system
>DC vs Marvel
Motherfucking Blast Corps
Perfect Dark was in every way superior to Goldeneye.
but PC is better than xbox...?
Are the Nier updates working for anyone, shit keeps failing for me.
Well yes, it wasn't tied down to a license and Rare had a critically acclaimed game to build upon. PD absolutely is better but it also came 3 years later while Goldeneye was a landmark title for the console.
>Outside of these four games N64 was lacking
Hello underage.
Roughly translated it means "If it can happen twice, it'll happen a third time".
I like how you conveniently left out context OP
[[["JAPANESE"]]] nintendo fans are the only ones complaining. Europe and America don't give two shits
why would the japanese care? the n64 failed in japan, even the saturn sold more.
It's a matter of national pride.
>think of it like going on here and stating a fact
> Europe and America don't give two shits
The only good game on that shit was Jet Force Gemini.
I still emulate that game
Dude, where's my car?
The best game of all times is from N64, bitch.
And you even fucking missed it.
motherfucking Legend of the motherfucking Zelda: motherfucking Ocarina of the motherfucking Time, bitch.
Does anyone know what "upset" means anymore? Or have we really bred a race of brain-cripples that get "upset" because someone feels differently (or oppositely)? I can't wait until these people commit mass suicide when the world inevitably gets more violent and demanding..