Battlestation thread
Battlestation thread
I like video games!
Wot monitors?
>that monitor setup
matching retro game basement.
This is the type of room a husband hangs out in while the bulls tend to his wife upstairs.
Speaking from experience?
What is the point of that screen?
I want to steal your setup.
What LED strip and desk lights are those?
Yeah, I've fucked a couple wives while their numale husbands were down in their mancaves jizzing over their old tech.
probably the usual guy who really hates when i post my setup in these threads.
it's fairly well known by now that i am married and have a 2 year old son.
The strips are all regular 5050 RGB ones. As for the desk lights, I have a yellow kinda low power LED on the lamp on the right and a plain old cheap as hell incandescent bulb on the left lamp, because of the dimmer.
Late night posting.
dead thread
shit that lil nigger looks comfy.
I wish I could be a kid again
really neat setup
Thank you uwu
good night gentleman
well, I actually did two changes
changed the Sansei for a real tv
and got a gf
Is that your mom?
jesus christ
why is your trailer trash mom sitting on the floor while pretending to play videogames
post something better
You need a better setup, my dude.
You can't have your lady playing vidya on the floor like that
idk man she doesnt look like anything Id brag about
A little cramped but it does the job. The laptop on the left usually isn't there but I work from home on Fridays.
so comfy setup, sitting on the ground like that
I'd rather stick to masturbating than getting close to an ugly pig like that.
>all this
Same old fucking pictures by the same old fucking shitters: The Thread. Vol 3
Wait a minute
>Argentina ball
>"my mom made it for me"
that IS your mother.
>Trash laptop with a giant fan behind it so it doesn't overheat on a cheap, wobbly fold up table
>Another cheap, wobbly fold up table cluttered with art supplies and figurines that I put my Switch on
>Wobbly chair with no back that's two screws away from being completely unusable
Living the life
wherers the picture son of a huge faggot
>shit this
>shit that
Atleast you are consistent
Own TF2 on XB1 and just bought for the ultrawide monitor and 100Hz. Having a blast with it. Bring the shit posts poor fags.
I want to know this too
Having fun with those 3 games that support it?