I miss warcraft 3. Post nostalgia pls thx

I miss warcraft 3. Post nostalgia pls thx

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>all fucking custom games are filled with fucking dota
I did not need to remember this shit again.

>posting best WC3 custom game

>tfw hated Dota from 2008-2013
>tfw I now have 4k hours on DotA 2
I have betrayed who I am...

i bet you got kicked for being a downloader

Heheheh -apem Join Fast!!!

damn, parasite was one of the GOAT

I played so much of that shit.
>tfw will never go around as Tier 1 Mental slaughtering everyone
>tfw never go Tier 2 Mental and control the mechanical armor suits, the AI and the space station
>tfw never use the multi-nuke spam glitch and blow the fuck out of the station and parasite
>tfw never get to use sonic suit and a remote bomb to knock an already ticking bomb into the captain bridge
>tfw never get to go around TK'ing people with anti matter banish, mana pot into RPG attack from standard suit.
>tfw never get to put a tracking beacon on someone and chase them with a stealth suit sniping them through walls.

when are hosting bots getting b&

also the predator

that fuckin shitty asshole dwarf pred warping around with my shitty childhood internet reeeeeee

DotA was never good

you take that the fuck back

tfw hosting bots ruined warcraft 3

is the SC1 scene still going?

Glad you could _ake it, Uther

>Sargeras and Kil'jaedan are about to bite the big one
>Fight with the Void Lords is still many, MANY years down the line in canon
>Vol'jin is still lurking about, likely soon to take Warchief back when he's done if Saurfang doesn't Cleave Sylvanas first
>Genn 'Biggest Knot' Greymane stirring an anti-Horde fire in the Alliance that hasn't been seen since Daelin.
>Sylvanas is on the verge of igniting an all out war before she gets pushed back off the throne
>EK and Kalimdor are on the verge of needing a new facelift
>Kel'thuzad, Wrathion, and N'zoth/Azshara are still out and about, bringing some Scourge, Dragons, and Naga to bear
>Draenei are FINALLY getting let off of for an expansion


Never ever

I fucking hope we get a WCIV

hosting bots are good because if a human host leaves the whole game is kill.

>wanting to murder what little life Warcraft 3 has left

Are you retarded? Bots saved Warcraft 3. They connected the player base, they made reasonable hosting available to everyone, they reduced map spam, they gave an easy system for finding maps, they allow for you to check if players are faggots that have a 20% stay rate, etc. Saying that bots need to be banned is as retarded as people that say that Dota ruined Warcraft 3.

WC4 is likely to come out sooner than people think. The new big bads are confirmed to probably come up a lot later than WoW will support in the timeline, and with the Legion getting smacked, uh, Legion, it leaves a major hole in time that would best be filled by a new game.

Dota did ruin WC3, it was babby mode and almost nobody who played it cared about any other custom games so the game list was always flooded with it.

>Asshat captain set off the fucking self destruct on the ship
>Running my ass toward the ships to get out of there
>The way to the hangar is blocked off by ice by probably the asshat captain
>youtube.com/watch?v=4KfG8G3sUNs blasting through speakers as me and the few others desperately try to break through so we can get to the ships in time

Fuckin hell I miss these days.

I would be extremely overjoyed

hosting bots saved warcraft three, but autohosting feature (hosts game #1, the minute game #1 starts it hosts game #2) killed it

>You will never play Castlefight again

Anyone know that one custom game where you got a peasant, a few footmen, and a knight to start off with where you find a good place to make a stronghold and make heroes? I remember the enemies randomly spawning and getting tougher as the game mode went on.

Tides of Blood anyone?

Shit game desu senpai

>Been turned into parasite spawn
>The captain has turned his targets on me and the parasite cerebrate
>Nuke has been set off
>Little ai fast helper thing is chasing cerebrate around with the nuke in tow
>Its gonna go off any moment
>Kill the drone, grab the nuke and start gunning it for the AI room
>As I get into the room and put the bomb inside the main AI repair thing start running out
>Say good luck to the cerebrate
>Nuke goes off
>Get message from cerebrate that we won 10 mins later with the AI taken out for good

there's a discord full of autists who set up a pirate bnet, doesn't require real cdkeys:


>faggots still giving a shit about this ancient game


How does list clutter actually matter? I've never heard of anyone quitting Warcraft 3 because the list was too cluttered to look through and I played for about 13 years straight. Before bots, there were so many random maps that there was no way Dota alone could out-compete everything else, and after bots Dota stopped being much of a clutter.

Autohosting was also a good thing. For semi-popular maps, it meant you would have one server that everyone would join. No more having twenty players split across five servers. This increased the longevity of many maps like Metastasis, DBZ Tribute, Island Defense, Undead Assault, NoTD:Aftermath etc. The worst thing that autohosting did was add clutter for unpopular maps that would always be called "Shit Map #1" because no games ever started, but again clutter means nothing.


how many players do you have?

but it used to be FUN
>get farmed on troll
>permastun someone with basher

it also led to the current situation where theres few players and a hundred autohosted, empty, dead lobbies, endlessly careening through space brroadcasting forever, like derelict satellites of a long-dead civilization that forgot they don't serve a purpose anymore

a grand total of three members and one robot! fresh memes senpai

No. Please let it die. The amount of lore they made extra to make new dungeons is pure cancer.

You are absolutely retarded if you think that clutter on the list doesn't matter. If anything this might be the most common reason why people quit WC3, because you just couldn't play anything any more. Hosting bots are a good thing in general, but they were misused by retards spamming lobbies 24/7 for games that nobody wanted to play. The times before hosting bots were a thing were definitely better.

what is dead may never die but surely rise again


You might be my superior memes posted when

desu blame the GHost++ guy who figured out how to set up autohosting -- that was the death knell

>implying chris "cocaine cowboy" metzen will never write anything good again

>Vol'jin is still lurking about

I got some bad news for you anonkun

Metzen quit a while back, the new writers are even worse.

>they connected the player base

To a bunch of empty mass hosted lobbies. It wasn't healthy for the custom mapping community having all the "genuine" activity flooded out by auto-refreshing empty lobbies sitting at the top of the list.


>people ask me if I play LoL or DotA
>I tell them I could never
>ask me why
>it destroyed the greatest game ever made
>they dont understand my suffering
I feel your pain.

I was actually playing this solo when drunk.

but run kitty run and the fast version of nickle back how you remind me.

Bot hosting is good because regular wc3 hosting is dogshit, it's only bad when retards misuse it.

Is there a RTS campaign as good as W3?

Seriously, not baiting. I want to play some.

Fucking game has forever tainted my way of thinking of the words "for now", every single time I think of that phrase I feel the need to lower my voice 10 octaves and say the phrase like a unit did in the game (I think it was KT)

Nope,WoW deserves a bullet to the head like a rabid dog,let it die with what shreds of dignity it still has.

>Sylvanas is on the verge of igniting an all out war before she gets pushed back off the throne
You really don't know, do you?

starcraft and wc2

I will never stop hating WoW
I only wanted wcIV by blizz north

>Zug Zug

It might have been a good thing, but it was THE reason why WC3 died. All the people I knew quit around the time when hosting bots became a thing. It still hurts.

>work work

The map list was always full of trash, bot hosting didn't change that.

Oh, you mean the single player campaign for dota?

Did they ever do a Starcraft widescreen mod/hack?

Don't care if it will "get me banned" or anything. I just want the SP.

nostalgia aside, wcII is pretty awful

The only bad part of WC2 is shitty pathfinding, WC1 is pretty awful.

The custom campaigns on the hive workshop were the coolest shit ever to me back then

Blizz confirmed that Vol'jin's not quite gone yet.

She's trying to patch the holes in her sinking ship, and when the other leaders see what she did she's gonna get quite a stern talking to at the very least.

It doesn't matter what you think about the quality of the hosted maps. I'm inclined to agree that most of it was always trash, but I still played it. The problem with hosting bots was that there were too many lobbies open all the time and you just couldn't start a game with a decent amount of players any more, because they were all spread out among the lobbies. And there were even games hosted that really absolutely nobody wanted to play and people still had their hosting bots running for it. Goddamnit, ENT is still doing this shit with their autohosted games that start with 3-4 players.

>Blizz confirmed that Vol'jin's not quite gone yet.
Corrupted Vol'Jin confirmed for low tier boss in next xpac

>all right

Just play WC3 remake with fixed music some dude did in that thread where someone prepacked WC2 with that new engine or something

The reality is that a game NEEDS a host that takes the responsibility for running the game, because otherwise you get dead lobbies. And if people just wouldn't want to play a game then the host would lose patience eventually. The old hosting was actually perfect.

The only reason the old times were better is because the game was newer with a much, much bigger userbase and no real competition. Remember, bots came around in 2008, which by game standards was ages ago. Around this time, the Starcraft 1 UMS scene was still going strong, the F2P scene in general was a semblance of what it is now and indie games were just starting to take off. Bots were not the death, it was the inevitability of time and newer options.

Stop being dense. You are acting as if the period from 2008, when it all began, to 2017 is exactly the same throughout. At its inception, auto-bots were not an issue at all; they very much did connect the user base across 3 coasts and into one dedicated server. And then when auto-bots did start losing activity, it still didn't matter since everyone started using bot lists instead of the built-in game list. All auto-bots did was to extend the life of maps while adding insignificant, easily ignored clutter in the long run.

made by modern blizzard?
no thanks.

>try out sc2 arcade
Its just a heavily watered down version of wc3 and starcrafts custom games but no one ever plays shit that isn't popular since it doesnt even show up under the default sorting.
True suffering

>tfw we will never invent backwards time travel so we can go back in time and unfuck the Warcraft timeline and delete WoW from existence

Why even live?

>super sonic camera speed
>no shift que
>awful balance
the music and nostalgia value are top tier though

Didnt the dreadlord say For now?

I'm not saying that it wasn't inevitable that WC3 would die eventually, but Bots definitely fastened the process. But even if the community is much smaller nowadays, you can still play WC3 today. And it definitely isn't with autohosted games from ENT, but with actual player hosted lobbies from real people. See www.makemehost.com.

he will make the undead great again and finally get rid off that bitch sylvannas, he has to

it's better in small wc3 communities playing entirely in-house games, playing with pubs is cancer

I guess, but I'm not part of any of those communities. And I was arguing with these delusional people who claim that Hosting Bots saved WC3. They may be what is keeping it alive now, but back then it was a plague. My point is that player hosted games always work better than automatically hosted games. See the abomination that SC2 arcade is.

I'd give anything for this. Fuck it, let KT come out of nowhere, fucking wreck Sylvanas' shit and become the new leader of the Forsaken. Just do it for the tears of the waifufags.

>Bolvar learns how Sylvanas was being fucking evil in Stormheim
>Sends his truly greatest Champion to capture her and bring her back to be taught a lesson
>In the meantime KT is ordered to keep the Forsaken up and running

>Bots definitely fastened the process

How? Clutter is not a significant factor. What matters is if the users have a map they want, that it is hosted consistently, that other users want to play that map, that that map is updated to maintain interest and most importantly time. Clutter does not prevent other maps from being hosted, it does not prevent other maps from existing, it has never been so overwhelming that it prevented other maps from showing up on the list. Blaming everything on clutter is the laziest possible answer you could give to a complex issue.

first naked image I saw was from a WC3 map thumbnail. I think it was some HeavenVsHell hero arena map or something.

They ruined Kel'thuzad in WotLK. Instead of his old good VA they got some new guy and you can't even tell who he is because they put twenty filters over it.

>they replaced KT's godtier voice actor in vanilla with some raspy faggot for WOTLK Naxx
I'm still pissed about that. Even the abortion that is Hearthstone managed to get KT's old VA.

Not enough Run Kitty Run.
The song somehow gives me nostalgia.

Hosting bots aren't the problem, the problem is the people using them. There are legitimate reasons for using one.
>host disconnects from butthurt or just bad luck
>dead game lel

Wasn't that because KT's original VA had voice the Lich King in Wrath? I remember there being something about his actor being taken off of KT for a similar reason.

>t. only played popular maps like dota and legion td

>Clutter does not prevent other maps from being hosted
It does prevent other maps from being visible. There is a limit to how many lobbies are visible on your list and if 90% of that is dead lobbies from autohosted games, then that is a problem. What's so hard to understand about this?
> it has never been so overwhelming that it prevented other maps from showing up on the list
But that's exactly what happened?!
>Blaming everything on clutter is the laziest possible answer you could give to a complex issue.
I'm not blaming everything on it, but it's an issue caused by autohosted lobbies and I think that bots are the main reason why WC3 became a lot less popular, because people just couldn't play the games they wanted any more.

Hey, stop poking me!

>Hosting bots aren't the problem, the problem is the people using them.
That's exactly what I have been saying the whole time and people are still using them incorrectly to this day.

legion TD is shit

My favourite game. And the editor is brutal