Pick one Sup Forums and explain why
Pick one Sup Forums and explain why
Between those two: Cyberpunk.
Reason: hot bitches, technology, implants, neon hairstyles fuck you Sup Forums i like them when they're on hot women
never liked steampunk, never liked industrial age
why is Sup Forums voting cyberpunk? I thought you hated SJWs, cyberpunk is an SJW genre
steampunk is too not-serious for me
i don't give a shit what SJWs like
Shadowrun is cool as fuck
>Voting has been counted
Also Cyberpunk >>> shit >>> fags in 1800s shit
how is it bait? if you knew some stuff about the social changes in cyberpunk you'd call it SJW
reddit loves steampunk and they despise cyberpunk
alright, enlighten me my dude
I'm too sleepy to explain this shit
why don't you go read a page about cyberpunk and a book or two
Anything with a -punk suffix is universally shit.
only voted steampunk because i watched that shitty movie steamboy as a kid and it was comfy as fuck. also dark cloud 2 i comfy
I'm so sorry man.
I love me some degenerate, blue, short haired side-shaven cyber-elves with claws instead of fingers and several cyber-implants on her head
Cyberpunk is old left in nature. A core part of the genre is criticism towards capitalism and big corporations, and no sort of nationalism.
steampunk sucks but that pic is so biased that you should feel ashamed.
I'm no fan of capitalism either so it's cool.
It's just capitalism taken to the extreme where government = multinationals.
>There will never be a comfy steampunk game with a 1850s Bavaria aesthetic
Dieselpunk >>>>>>>>>>>>>> cyberfedora and steamshit
>Im no fan of capitalism
yes, that is totally me 100%, where did you find my pic?
Cyberpunk. I like the music that typically accompanies it. I like the industrial cities, lots of lights, neons, and advanced technology.
The only reason people don't like steampunk is because of the cringy community that dress up in that shit. If there was a big cyberpunk community of cringebois you would hate that too. Steampunk is objectively better
>Using an outdated method of energy is superior
How odd.
You sound really stupid
With that logic the witcher 3 or any other game that uses swords is dumb because swords are old
Underage please. There's a distinct difference between "old" and "outdated". Learn the difference.
there is a cringy cyberpunk community and I still like it more than steampunk
Do you think Steampunk media takes place in the modern world and not some 1850s germanass place
ah yes, any critic of capitalism is obviously some fat feminist
The joke in the original post is still flying over your head so it's irrelevant at this point.
wow, so mature. you must be like 20 years old or even older. I can tell by the way you think everything sucks
Steampunk has so much potential as a setting
I hate that mouthbreathing morons latched on to it and think it's just COGS AND HATS XD
>Has so much potential
Potential is a buzzword. Anything and everything has lots of potential (to be good).