What went wrong, Sup Forums?

What went wrong, Sup Forums?

Sup Forums's opinion

It's a great game.

Dunno. Disappointing story. Gameplay was fun and the controls were intuitive.

>best suppressor doesn't unlock until after you've already beaten the game

excellent gameplay, shitshow of a story, (some) great characters, could use more varied settings and infiltration areas.

solid 8-8.5 imo.

Although some faget made a 5-chapter sequence of the existing missions and it works pretty well eyemo

Story only happens in Prologue, Kaz's rescue, the honeybee mission, Quiet's mission, Huey's mission, the Parasite breeding facility, Quiet talker and Sahalantopus mission.Then Act 2, where there's the parastite outbreak Then a repeat of the prologue.

There are fifty missions in the game. In a series where the story has alays been a big part, 41/50 missions are complete filler and can be ignored to get what little plot there is in the game.

The ending of the game should have been the mission where you have to kill the parasite infected diamond dogs

Japs don't understand open-world games.

Gameplay wise it's the best in the series, story wise it's below the others. The episodic nature of the narrative ended up being lesser than that of PW's.

I would have liked to see actual combat in the world like 4 had. Would have made sneaking through war zones more harrowing.

>play the mission where you have to extract that scientist dude
>skull guy unleashes the giant robot thing
>manage to maneuver my way to a truck to get the guy the fuck out of there and to get to a safe distance for a helicopter pickup
>going as fast as I can
>all of a sudden the screen goes all blurry and then it says "where are you going boss?"
>mission cancelled and no way to restart at the last checkpoint
What in the flying fuck was that bullshit?
I haven't had the will to pick it up again after that because it kind of fucking ruined it for me.

It wasn't Ground Zeroes times 20
GZ despite it's all the shit it got had intrigue in every mission, Skullface was a top-tier villain compared to TPP, S-Ranking in different ways was encouraged and actually fun,easter eggs and secrets all over tha maps, fun missions for nostalgiafags like Deja Vu and just batshit insane scenarios like Jmais Vu, the casette tapes where incredible and it has some nice OST to go with it

Kojima was wasting time and money fucking about for no reason instead of developing the game.

The level has a whole sequence for the helicopter, you have to extract by helicopter, that's why one is summoned for you.

Dude the fucking helicopter was right next to the battle mech thing.
My plan was to get the helicopter to do a pickup further away.
I guess that's what I get for trying to use logic in video games.

I always bitched about how there was too much exposition in these games.

Then V comes along and I find myself bitching there's not enough exposition in this game.

Kojimbles spent too long and too much money making half a game, Konami realized they hated making loads of money and fired him. We ended getting half a great game.

pretty much this

Hyped up a story that just wasn't there. None of it was satisfying. Gameplay was fun.

It's a game where the Trailers are talked about with more praise and nostalgia then the actual game

I honestly have put more hours into GZ replaying it than I have TPP.

Its just so satisfying. Sure there isnt a whole lot there, but its handled so well and theres so many ways to experience it. TPP just becomes repetative, you can feel the lack of charm

It tells an unnecessary story, which is delivered in a couple missions, and the rest is uninteresting, repetitive filler. Also it's shit. The characters are just there, except for Kaz. Ocelot is a goddamn joke.

Anyway, the worst issue is the level design. The open world is lifeless as fuck, there's very little stage variety, every place feels the same.
It's a damn shame too, because gameplay is the best of the saga. Well, they should have toned down the fultoning. And base managing is shit. And developing weapons is a chore and mostly pointless.

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