Name ONE good mobile game

Name ONE good mobile game.

you can't

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Infinty Blade

ridiculous fishing is the only one

you are right.

>he hasn't played Dokkan Battle

We just got the best event in the game and can get the coveted Ultra Rare Dead Yamcha and Baseball Yamcha.

what a fucking masterpiece this game was

shame the sequels are fucking bloated shit

Crusaders Quest is pretty fun.

>fishing games
I'd rather play Budokai Tenkaichi 3 senpai.
It looks like a ps2 version of dark souls. Post some gameplay or something.

I'd enjoy them more if they didn't fuck up the Negative System.

neo turf masters, on android

It wasn't originally a mobile game. Doesn't count.

Call of Cthulhu: the wasted lands

Turn based strategy ala JA2/XCom set in a retelling of Herbert West Reanimator.

Wheel of Fortune Free Play

If you can't appreciate Wheel, you might be jaded.


Seems okay. I don't think I'd download it though.
Looks boring. Has shit reviews.
I played this game. Got bored after New York.

Kingdom Hearts Unchained Union Chi Cross

Among those I have installed right now:

Absolute Pazaak
Mahjong and Friends
Snake '97

I hate when smartphone games try to act like real game despite their controls being shit, and I hate those "do the same thing for 40 hours to see some flashing lights and text, spend 4 bucks to get even more flashing lights and text!".

Oh, and when they try to act like more in depth games. I ain't playing a fucking hardcore RPG in front of a tiny phone screen. I want to waste a few minutes while taking a shit.

You're a CoD fan aren't you?

Any decent rougelikes that play okay?

And I mean actual rougelikes. Not just random dungeons and permadeath.

King of Dragon Pass
Originally was on PC, but mobile version has a bunch of updates.

Playing FE Heroes.

Game is good for boring classes and shit. Never played outside of them.

I will honestly never understand people that download android emulators to play android games on PC though.


This was a fun game thought at the time it shit at your battery

>on a phone
Yeah no. I'd rather have psx on my PC thank you.
Looks like Kingdom Hearts for kids.
No. CoD died after 2.
I'm not a huge fan of tabletop games, but they seem okay.
I'd rather play the PC version if it comes with the updates aswell.

>exact same time

>oh shit, didn't know that had an android release
>"This app is incompatible with your device."

Euclidea is a really good math puzzle game.

>on a phone

Your loss famalamadingdong

> Yeah no. I'd rather have psx on my PC thank you.
Sucks to be you then. Started and completed FF IX on my phone and I don't regret it at all.

pokemon go

>I'd rather play the PC version if it comes with the updates aswell.

Seems like it according to the steam page.
>One of the Top 100 best mobile games of all time (Metacritic)
>The legend is back with new content never published before


Might as well bring a handheld games console if you are gonna go full autism.

Why would anyone do such a horrible thing to themselves?

Elder sign, an actual good game

Marvel Future Fight for timekiller.

Implosion for actual game.

There, now fuck off.

Are you retarded? Rogue is literally nothing more than randomized dungeons and perma-death.


I need a few good rpgs to play anyone got any? An srpg would be noce too.

My penis: quest for the crystals

I'm more worried about people who play the Baldur's Gate ports. I kinda wanted to try them.

I think user means it also needs tilebased/turnbased gameplay.

Nanaca crash is pretty fun for 2 minutes.

What is Onmyouji and why does it look like the Chinese are better at making nip animu games than the Nips themselves?

Well I meant not stuff like an action platformer with dungeons and permadeath. I.E, rougelites. I want the simple tiles, the blocky movement and bump combat. Some amount of complexity here and there.

I meant stuff like Nethack.

Solitairica is pretty fun

That shits for tablets. You'd have to have toothpick fingers to play that shit on a phone.

>buy handheld console
>no longer have access to a dozen emulators for a wide range of consoles

It looks decent desu. I might give it a whirle. I'm not a huge FE fan, though.
Solitaire is on PC.
>Math puzzle game
Imagine how slow it would run and how much space it would take up.
Wew. Nice meme.
I might give it a try then.
Was originally on PS2 so it doesn't count. Plus, the controls look horrid.
Elder Sign Omems? It's on Steam so idk if I'd go try it on mobile.
>Marvle Future Fight
I'd rather Marvle vs. Capcom senpai.
Looks like a Mobile warframe. Hope it doesn't have micro transactions or shitty controls.
Those didn't start on mobile. Doesn't count.
Yea, but for 2 minutes. What if I wanna play for a half hour tho?
Looks interesting. But I have solitaire on PC.

No, Rogue-like, not rogue-lite. As in similar to the game Rogue in gameplay, not just following the theme of "you die, new save" with procedural levels. You can copy that into almost any genre and it works (strategy, first person, third person, puzzle).

Dokkan Battle

I only play snake und minesweeper on my Iphone 6S

Just say Rogue then. And pixel dungeon is what your looking for.

Yu Gi Oh: Duel Links

>not getting a PSP

>doesn't count
not an argument

>no Deemo yet
y'all have shit taste

Solitairica isn't the same as solitaire. Try it, it's free to try. You can get away with never paying, but you only get half coins so you're playing on hard mode basically. It's not cash-grab though, just £3 as a one-off and you have the full game.

>Imagine how slow it would run

If your phone is a complete toaster. I've been successfully flawlessly emulating every PS1 game I tried for years on my phone.

>how much space it would take up

Yeah if you buy 16GB phones like a poorfag

Does it have to be mobile exclusive? In that case it could be BTD5.
If not: Town of Salem.

I know what Rogue like means. Do you? Because it means randomized dungeons and perma-death. Like rogue.

But I don't want rouge. I want rougelikes.

Oh, and I've already played it to death. And it's a bit on the simple side. I want something a bit more expanded.

And unlike the Nethack port isn't as wonky to control with sausage fingers.

Pixel Dungeon
Rungun Jumpgun

>Yea, but for 2 minutes. What if I wanna play for a half hour tho?
Then you don't play Nanaca Crash. Play Slay or some shit.

Battlefleet Gothic: Leviathan is ok, if somewhat gimped by the mobile format.

I was literally about to post Deemo

It's got good ass music

Zelda BOTW

>getting a psp

>playing a rhythm game on a phone
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Are you those niggers that play hip-hop on their phones at full volume in public places?

what is with you autists that think that a game isn't a game because it's multiplat?

Actual rogue-likes are expected to play similarly to Rogue, like Nethack or Stone Soup. Binding of Isaac and Spelunky aren't similar to Rogue in gameplay other than the concept of permadeath and procedural levels.

>getting a PSP

Even the Vita is 6 year old mobile hardware. My current phone is more powerful than the Switch.

>I want a game that's not like rogue but I want a roguelike.


It is. Because i can play it on something other than a mobile device and it wasn't created for mobile.
Ight. I'll look into it.
On PC.
I'm not a huge fan of Yu-Gi-Oh. What's stopping me from just buying a pack and playing it with friends?
I'll check them out.
Seems alright.
I never said that. It wasn't created on a mobile device, so it's technically not a mobile game. It's also not mobile exclusive.

Are you a neckbeard that blasts dubstep in his portable audiophile headphones that everybody can hear anyways

>not already having a PSP
Oh. Sorry. Didn't realize you were poverty stricken.

Yeah but you need to bring along a fucking controller with you and look like the single most retarded person in the world while playing on it. Even beyond that of a games console.

At least get once of those android emulation machines.

You fucking retard. I'm not talking about Isaac or Spelunky. I'm talking about rogue-likes. I.E. pixel dungeon. You dense fucker.

Who do you think you are, son?

Fuck no. That shit is disgusting.

Out There: Omega

It's the only mobile game I have ever spent money on.

I would say Nethacklike but that would be retarded and most people who aren't as pedantic and care about arguing about something as meaningless as semantics knows what I'm talking about.

Not a lot of people are willing to go out and duel people when you can just do it from your phone.

Nah, I beat it just fine on my Moto E2, and I was always seeing what was happening just fine.

>I'd rather Marvle vs. Capcom senpai.

Don't we all. They're rather different games, in that MFF is an ARPG with 100+ characters(between A to Z-listers like Warwolf and others) and like 10 game modes as of now, with at least one more coming in a while.

>Hope it doesn't have micro transactions or shitty controls.
The game is free until the 3rd level, as a sort of demo, and then you can make a one time purchase to unlock the full game(around 34 levels, 4 difficulties, different weapon types, ability customization, like 6 bosses, a 2nd playable character unlockable with collectibles, voice acting that doesn't feel hamfisted IMO, pretty good music, and even a Donna Burke song at the credits, if that's your thing). The controls are pretty good, considering it's a mobile game and you don't have to slide your finger all over the place.



Trust me ridiculous fishing is not what you think it is

why does it matter if it has a mobile adaptation? You don't have your PC on the go so you play the mobile version, it's that simple.

>fishing games

Shut the fuck up and play ridiculous fishing you idiot it's one of the only good mobile games with actual progression and shit. The name alone should tell you it's not exactly a "fishing game".

You upgrade your rods and shit to go deeper and deeper and then you drag up every fucking fish you can when you reel in which launches them into the sky and they don't actually count as caught unless you blast them out of the air with your fucking guns that you also upgrade to ridiculous levels. I pirated the game but it's easily worth the 3 dollars or whatever they charge for it.

N.O.V.A is a surprisingly competent fps on mobile, sadly the first two aren't available for download anymore

I had on the xperia play

I already gave you a good roguelike. I'm not printing out a fucking list for ya.

>getting this mad

>Has shit reviews

If you're basing your potential purchases off reviews then why even ask for our opinion you idiot

There's literally nothing wrong with playing rhythm vidya on your phone, as long as you don't do it on public.

Mah niggas. Did you guys tried Cytus? It's by the same developer, and has 200+ songs.

And I already said I've played it to death and that I'm looking for something a bit more complex lbefore you went off on your weird as fuck tangent.

Because that's how you tell whether to waste your money on a game or not.

Any good turn based strategy?

If that's all that you took away from that post you are truly hopeless. That's not even 1/4th mad. That's standard Sup Forums decorum. Play the fucking game idiot, it's one of the only good suggestions in this thread so far.

Well. Not good exactly but Influence brings it to it's most simple form and it's quite enjoyable for those "I have 1 minute to spare and I have to keep myself out of my own head"times/toilet visits.

My tangent? I answered your question and you responded by telling me what a roguelike is when clearly I know what a roguelike is as evident by the recommendation. Is it past bedtime?

Doom RPG