When the fuck will bulldog get buffed

when the fuck will bulldog get buffed

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>Patching Snes games
stfu dipshit

I'm still trying to get the Harvest Wheat carpet shade cosmetic unlock

>not nerfing him with Gil Chesterton's trenchant insight debuff

Who the fuck plays Fraiser when you can play Cheers and be Carla?

How do I get the noble savage beard from the british girl?

Never, it's a cartridge game you faggot

fuck off casual scum

>end game Niles

It's good, but not as good as Seinfeld anime.

Any pointers on dealing with Cam Winstons as Frasier? His fucking Humvee mount is op.

you are supposed to lose the Cam Winston encounters, but you have to shout CAM WIIIIINSTON when you lose

why the fuck won't the devs let me romance roz

don't tell me the game ends with them BOTH single and unhappy

Still stuck on the Island Niles level. How do I progress?

I'm a pretty good Niles but this is just a complete change in gameplay.

You have to circumvent him at the Condo Board meetings

>still haven't reached the Maris end boss.

fucking casuals.

i bet you haven't even found the tossed salad and scrambled eggs upgrade either.

How the fuck do I get through the Platinum Door?

did anyone else find the tossed salad and scrambled eggs weapon by outing Gil? completely breaks the game.

You have to get his naked tai chi buff. Level is a cakewalk after that.

>Maris end boss
Ugh, don't remind me
It took me ages to figure out how to use the glockenspiel

don't bother man it's like a 30 minute sidequest and the reward is garbage.

please help, how do i upgrade marty's chair, ive tried fucking everything

Is this some kind of stupid joke? Everybody knows this game is dead since 1.37 and the wine DLC


i'm lost in niles apartment how the fuck do i get off this balconey?

stopped playing when i got completely side tracked by the caviar salesman missions.

kept making bank in the Seattle area but can never keep up with demand.

I know it sounds like a troll but you have to push it out the window

my eddie companion is bugged it won't stop staring at me.

>its a high class social event level

same deal with the dancing santa. i feel like the devs ran out of time to reuse quests like that.

How do you defeat the Corkmaster Niles boss?

HELP! I made the wrong dialogue choice advising my nephew on his life choices and now the Greeks won't stop attacking me!!!

It's a crime that none of these characters are playable, I can't believe they made a sequel about the fucking exposition fairy

There's a secret passageway through the library, noob

What are the Nine Worlds?

ugh i hate when important characters from a previous game show up like i'm supposed to kinow who they are.

>its another "frasierfag has to refrain from snide remarks buff while sherryfags are around" minigame

I don't know. I couldn't even get past his sergeant-at-arms.

Thank god he's an optional boss fight.

I heard there was a secret Cheers level, is that true or am I being fucked with? If it exists how do I get it?

well what kind of interior level has 3 floors. the only hidden item is a crossbow, what's that meant to be for?

Could I get a quick rundown on these two?

Did any of you find that secret area with the sensory deprivation tank for all of the characters? That shit's pretty spooky.

I wonder what happens when someone gets a whole party together of all the characters and goes to that secret area.

It's somewhere around the Montana building.

sorry user it's only a fake cheers on a stage, part of the Return of Diane quest

Maris is LITERALLY impossible to beat. This is bullshit.

the stealth sections where frasier pretends to be gay are my favourite. but there sure are a lot of them.

The new meta will be Sherry with her bard skills with the end game banjo. It opens up so many buffs and debuffs, seriously. It doesn't benefit Frasier and Niles players but have you guys actually seen what Martin and Eddie players can do when Sherry buffs them? Seriously.

His cane changes and Eddie uses his barbie doll chew toy to attack. Heaven forbid Eddie gets the muffin while he's buffed by Sherry.

Outside of the Shangri-la, Fraiser's Pad, Cafe Nervosa and The Montana(they are hub worlds) I've found:

Radio Station
Maris' Manor
Psychiatrist Office
The Hospital

That's all I got. That fucking Hospital 4th visit. I keep dying there, fucking RNG.

it would help if i could FUCKING SEE HER!!! swear i'm about to rage quit

duke's until the end of disc 1 when it get's destroyed

can anyone help with the buttons and bows QTE? i keep messing up.

It's designed to be unbeatable.

Man I'm glad Bulldog was only a temporary party member he was a damage sponge but his attacks are so weak


If you are a Frasier player, I suggest you seek out the Bebe Glaser quest line. It's interesting.

But be careful with the Big Willy boss fight. He can kill your entire career really easily.

We can all agree Roz is best girl right?

You needed to do the "Golf Love" storyline and then have a Frasier player buff you up with the "Be A Man" skill.

Frasier players neglect that skill way too much when it helps out Bulldog players tremendously.

Also it helps to get Bulldogs Seabee award. That really does help since it's one of his end game equipments.

>Sam and whatsherface finally get it on
>it's a cut scene with no nudity
what the hell

Depends on what level of Roz.

You spelled Daphne wrong

>they don't have a Bulldog "THIS IS TOTAL BS" promo event hat

So my party this far is


The Crane brothers are a must for DPS and their automatic buffs when near each other, and Daphne's healing is a godsend for early game. But Niles keeps losing turns, both to Maris Calls and Daphne. Should I sub her for Marty and try to one-round mobs? Though Marty might affect my mobility so that's more battles - and more resources spent- overall.

if frasier could use that buff on himself he'd be god tier. i'll just stick with being a daphne fag, knowing the enemies next move and nigel summons more than make up for the weak combo attack with niles

Anyone frasierfags played chess with any martinfags?

How do you beat martinfags?

Does Sup Forums love Frasier so much because he introduced them to pseudo-sensitive fedora-tipping alt-right ideologies?

Ever tried Marty/Sherry/Eddie party?

Marty is worth it for the Eddie companion alone.

>he hasnt unlocked the niles/daphne dance combo attack yet

Since they teased in the game, when are we getting the my dinner with andre crossover?

having martin causes the brother's damage ranges to keep exceeding one anothers. but you have to finish fights quickly or else they'll enter berserk and attack one another and you do not want that

>tfw only person who played the Drew Carey MMO

The video games truly don't matter

>mfw nostalgia washes over me
>no one posted the menu song
I'm dissapointed Sup Forums

>implying you were the only person to play "Whose Questline is it anyway?"

this game is from the 90's retard the level where frasier has to fire the black woman was considered progressive. fuckin kids playin the big gang bang theory don't know shit.

booting that shit up right now. think i'll do a hard mode run, witty dialogue options are turned off. how fucked am i?

That's the whole point of the game, why even play at that point?

You must be fun at parties.

Oh wait...

wow so this radio ham level is a fuckin nightmare for niles players. who balanced this fucking shit god.

The Big Bang theory is literally Frasier but with pop culture references instead of classic music and wine references.

you could say that about playing phoebe only runs of friends it's about the challenge.

The devs said they were going to and then changed their minds. You'd think this late into the game's life they'd cut us a break.

>arrf arrf
>This is Total BS!
>Hot Coffee counter
Bulldog is not about damage, he's about drawing aggro and making the enemies lose their turns. From a mechanics point of view, he's brilliantly designed. He does struggle somewhat with bosses, but mainly because they can't lose turns to the "This is total BS!" rage.

Frasier is fucking shit also not videogames

That's just masochistic

the fuck are you talkin about frasier was full of pop culture references and low brow humour. the big bang theory is what frasier would have looked like if it was released today on P.C

How do I get Fraiser out of Bad Billy's?

This game's been shit ever since the Daphne's Family patch. Who thought that was a good idea? The devs need to roll this garbage back before it kills the playerbase.

Set it on fire and throw it out the window

claim your no.1 frasier romance option. claiming best girl.

you need to find a tall handsome gentleman. alternatively have a niles player beg you to take him home. i love the optional co op content.

>single and unhappy
They have to have characters that the target audience can relate to, so...

Is there any way for this sequence to go right, or is it just bugged?


Objectively the best option, Fraiser is a fool

that's just frasier's negative luck stat in action. i thought it was an interesting way to balance him

>STILL fucking stuck on that timed QTE section as Lillith when you're hiding Niles from Fraiser
These bonus missions are great for easy poached eggs stat boosts but I've never seen the suppoaed eggs benedict item drop recreated. Is it even real?

who can relate to finding peace and happiness with your family, friends, and career, then moving to fucking nowhere for no good reason, leaving it all behind?

even the mass effect 3 ending was better

there's a real lack of radio station levels late game so make sure you take all the calls you can early on otherwise gold farming becomes a BITCH.

>playing through the Maris Divorce Quest
>Suddenly Restaurant minigame
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

look the devs just ran out of time it's fuckin obvious. a promotion for roz the martin wedding, daphne's baby AND a frasier leaves everything for some nobody that stole thousands of gold from him twist crammed into one level? fuckin corporate deadlines obviously.

>He doesn't have Satellaview

youtube.com/watch?v=O5Af-HIcuEM does anyone know what happens if you fail this one?

>breezing through this shit
>character switch to Otto
>turn the game off

every. fucking. time.