Do you still play it Sup Forums?

Do you still play it Sup Forums?

What did you last play?

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I enjoy my PSP2.

Weebfags, eat your hearts out. PSP had the most varied and based library of all time.

I last played Killzone on mine.

I'm actually moving a bunch of shit around so I can more comfortably swap between my VITA and PSTV on the fly. I'm playing Oreshika Tainted Bloodlines, but I may swap to something else soon.

Yeah. FFV.

I was actually playing GE2RB a few minutes ago. I was in the mood to get back into it again.

Teach me your ways user

will give you all the info you need


>play gravity rush
>great game
>wait for gravity rush 2
>its PS4 only
What the fuck.

Played some Project Diva f2nd on it yesterday.
Got 99.1% in Two Sided Lovers extreme and that felt pretty good.

Playing Severed, it is really cool but trying to play with one hand is kinda fucking awful

Finishing Stiens;Gate 0 and and started Meruru the other day. Hoping to take a break from it soon and finish up some of my backlog on 3ds and ps4. (Then maybe finally get to my roms on my psp.)

I don't have any consoles from the last decade so I'm a little out of the loop, but isn't there some way to play the vita on your TV? How does that work?

The only vita exclusives I'm interested in are currently jap-only, but there's a lot of multiplatform titles I haven't played so I might get a vita.

Don't worry, vita is also region free.

Also there's a hack out that let's you play any game on the tv.

>but isn't there some way to play the vita on your TV? How does that work?
There's a separate version of the Vita that was called the PS Vita TV (or PS TV in the west). It was basically a budget vita but without the screen or the buttons that hooks up to your TV. Without a hack there are plenty of games that cannot run due to either not being functional without the touch controls, or because it never got a formal compatibility patch.

I haven't played it in ages, but I know for a cold hard fact I'll be glued to it when Dangan Ronpa 3 comes out. I have a PS4, but DR was meant for a handheld

I will never understand people who play visual novels on a television.

>Dangan Ronpa 3
Man I legitimately want to see the series die after V3.


And didn't we just have one of these threads?

Some emulator games, waiting for UnderwaterRayRomano in the meantime

no spoilers, but should I have low or high expectations? I thought 1 was garbage, thought 2 was great. AE was okay. good story, but too much story in a fucking third person shooter.

How do you tolerate the long loading screens of the PS1 version?

>And didn't we just have one of these threads?
Not OP but I didn't see one today.

Too meta for its own good. Shits the bed seriously in the climax. But overall people like the individual cases.


Last thing I played was Genkai Tokki: Seven Pirates, but I'm planning on picking up Mary Skelter, Labyrinth of Refrain and Princess is Money Hungry once I get around to it.

Just got Soul Sacrifice Delta, really excited to play it.

Okay, too bad it sounds like DR fell for its own trappings again. Thanks user.

I tried the demo and hated it almost instantly.
Didn't help that I just came off the Nier demo.
Something was just wrong about playing it on the PS4.

Yeah. Playing P4G. I think the new dungeon traveler might be my last game if it gets localized.

I just do. It is kinda annoying if I directly compare it to the super famicom or gba version but it doesn't really bother me too much.

I'm still clearing some missions in Deception 4: Nightmare Princess. I also need to get back to clearing DT2's seemingly never-ending post-game at some point.

how is Stranger of Sword City

It's a pretty standard dungeon crawler overall. It doesn't have any particularly notable flaws, but it doesn't really excel in any area either (other than perhaps the artwork.) It has a lot in common with Demon Gaze, but I actually found DG more enjoyable. It's nowhere near as good as DT2.

Havent played demon gaze either. So I should play that first?

Just plated dragon's crown. Good game but jesus the grind toward the end killed me.

A couple hours of P4G a week ago. On my PSTV. Sold my Vita ages ago.
Dicked around doing some SLinks, but got burnt out by the time I got to some dungeon crawling.
I do need to dust off my PSTV. Literally. It's very dusty

It's worth looking into, at least. I enjoyed it more than Stranger in Sword City, but I wouldn't say it's objectively superior to it or anything. They're both decent choices if you're in the mood for a new dungeon crawler.

Vita? More like SHITA.

Stranger of Sword City just had a 1.5 version of it come out so you should get that one instead of the Vanilla version.

My brother gave me his old 1001 model, but the screen is broken so it's always black. Looks like you can pick up replacement screens for only $30, how easy is it to hack this thing?

Probably going to start Fate/Extra on it soon. Phone can't handle it and seems like perfect on the go game.

Bit of a trophy whore, so while I still occasionally look for and buy games on sale I'd rather not start them until I can sync the trophies (on 3.60 Henkaku).

It's just a small issue, but I'm working through the rest of my non-Vita backlog anyway.

Of course I'm still playing it. I just got it last month after all.

I'm working my way through p4g right now so that's the last game I played.

>be on 3.60
>visit webpage
Downside is we're currently locked out of 3.61+ games.

Okay. I have no idea what version it's on because it hasn't been used in months.

Tales of hearts R
Can't play too long without my hands cramping up.

I played Prinny on it a couple days ago. I play it more than most other systems I have.

3.61 came out around half a year ago.

The Vita isn't too forceful with its updates, have to accept and all that.

PSTV + PS3/4 controller

>Gamestop had it on sale for 20 bucks
>I missed the opportunity to pick it up

Buy a grip. Had that problem when I first got it, grip solved that problem instantly.

Also oddly enough that was the first game I played on that thing.

But you can get psp games on the vita.

Ys: Celceta something something.
It was good. But that was looong long long time ago.

My vita with 3.60 firmware should be here tomorrow. I'm pretty hyped, already bought P4G for when it comes.

Not sure what you're referring to, his pic is a Vita.

Unless you mean in general, yes you can.
But Adrenaline allows PSP homebrew including game plugins (like cheats, savestates, etc), mods/patches, and enhanced filtering.

It could potentially allow a resolution bump, maybe.

I mostly use mine for playing PS1 games these days but that's fine with me. Currently replaying Resident Evil 2.

Wait. Hold my noose.
I can play my vita... on my ps4?
What a time to be alive. Do i do the same method as playing the ps4 on the vita?

Currently post game Gravity Rush, while I wait for my copy of GR2. Before that, completed story mode in Gundam Breaker 3. Making it a Build Fighters clone was the worst thing they could have done to this series.

No dummy. Search ps tv. It's essentially a plug in to tv vita. It's really cheap and hackable if you are on 3.60.

I too have that vita.

Atelier Totori, will move to Meruru when I'm done.

Expand super fighting robots bubble user

>Downside is we're currently locked out of 3.61+ games.
This desu. The list keeps getting bigger too

I doubt that list will ever surpass the 3.60 or lower games.

Remain strong, friend. Rome wasn't built in a day.
The 3DS scene had similar issues for the longest time without flashcards (and even then with drawbacks).

Yeah I do, played some p4g just now.

I feel like a spoof will eventually come out. PSP scene had something like that. It's just this is literally stopping me from buying new games now. Good job sony, you stopped piracy and sales at the same time :^)

>try SSD all excited about it
>get bored of it in less than two hours

took a break from rebirth 3 to play that free PS+ game Severed. it's okay so far

It's a slow start as you accumulate spells, and it's really easy to fall in a rut and always choose the same type of loadout.

pic related
>when you play patrician games to feel like a patrician but just get bored to death

>When you take a break and come back to it only to suck shit due to getting the timing of your hits all wrong.

1st for dreamGEAR comfort grip (that's my grip in )

all rubber/silicone and it has little handles on the back, with easy access to every button. there are PCH-1000 & PCH-2000 versions.

I'm playing ar nosurge after dropping ps3 version when I heard she has more events in the plus.

You can talk to her while in the spring.

ps3 users had to wait 2 years on 3.55, but by the end of it they got faked updates that let you play any game and use psn undetected (if they were being careful). Hopefully there's something as nice waiting for patient vita owners

>Do you still play it

No. Last two games I played were a tiny bit of Wipeout and Dragon's Crown and dropped it. Maybe if I stop being lazy and try out adrenaline I'll play it more. Vita library is garbage.

I'm glad at least some vita games come to PC or also on PS4 so I don't miss out on every single new release. Missing Caligula and Mary Skelter will be a pain though. Maybe I'll import the JP versions and play with a guide

>bad end is NTR
Some things never change.

How do I unlock vid related for the jukebox in GE2RB? PLS I NEED IT

nope. all I have are ports and old games on it. just keeping it around until I need it for a road trip or something.

i think the jukebox gets fixed when you finally beat the game.

Is this worth getting? I've been wanting a portable rpg machine and sony seems to have that in the vita. What are some good games for the vita?

no games. Get a 3ds instead.

Alright. Thanks m8

I'm going through my first playthrough of Disgaea 4

Just played it. UMvsC3 and I played Uncharted 4 with remoteplay.

There's not shit for the 3ds either, desu. I mostly want to play through the Persona series.

Current upcoming 2017 Vita games:

Akiba's Beat
Danganronpa V3
Root Double- Before Crime * After Days
Touhou Genso Wanderer
Touhou Double Focus
Fault Milestone One
Tokyo Xanadu
Bad Apple Wars
Collar X Malice
Period: Cube ? Shackles of Amadeus
999: Nine Hours Nine Persons
World End Economica
The Longest Five Minutes
God Wars: Future Past
Atelier Shallie Plus
Exile's End
Berserk and the Band of the Hawk
Atelier Firis
Hakuouki: Kyoto Winds
Mary Skelter: Nightmares
Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku!
Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers
Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy
A Rose In The Twilight
Salt and Sanctuary
Ys Origin
Fallen Legion
Asdivine Hearts
Summon Night 6: Lost Borders
Valkyria Revolution
Toukiden 2
Demon Gaze II (asain version confirmed for english subs)
Super Robot Wars V (asain version confirmed for english subs)
Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
Accel World VS. Sword Art Online
Deemo: The Last Recital
Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
Tokyo Tattoo Girls

Guaranteed Replies

has vita been cracked yet?
what portable device will let me emulate spiderman 2?

>I mostly want to play through the Persona series.

just play 3 and above. 1 and 2 didn't age well.

I have it unlocked, it just doesn't have that song.

Are 1 and 2 bad games? I'm not against playing through some poorly aged games if it helps me complete the story

personally, i feel they are shit games. I really really tried getting into them but it just wasn't fun for me.

Also you don't need to know the story of 1 and 2 at all since they are not in any way related to 3 and above.

At least with 3, you know it's connected to 4 directly from the fighting games.

demo does it no justice since you can't even slide around in it.

Alright thanks. Whats the best way to play them?

Can you put CFW on a PSV and pirate games?

>not in any way
They are though, albeit not in a way that's hugely important at this point.
Philemon and Nyarly are both still on the go, it's just a question of if they'll ever actually do something directly.

Revelations: Persona, Persona 2: Innocent Sin, Persona 2: Eternal Punishment all have psp versions.

I'd recommend just playing P3:FES on pcsx2 instead of the psp version.

Then P4G on vita.

>shit game