Don't play games with boobs, goy!

Pay attention to Me, REEEEE


Damn that's shopped right? Bitch is aging like sour milk

TFW not shopped

>Using an image of an attention whore to attention whore
so fucking meta

Go away Anita you aren't relevant any more

>ywn trigger Anita to death

>games didn't change at all because of her and the ones that did sold poorly

It's fine, butts are the new thing

She's not a Jew you fuck. She's an Arm*nian.

>Jews use victimization to gain power and manipulate people
>Sup Forums fucking gave her a fucking living by being Sup Forums
>Still going to get "go back to Sup Forums" even after this shit forced moot to leave

Good job in falling for the feminist trap goy

>o-oy vey!

>He doesn't know about Armenian Jews

You're a big goy

She looks old there.

Yeah, I'm waiting for it from one of our Marxist greatest allies here.

She looks like a literal witch. Kek, look at those gypsy hoop earrings.


The resulting effects when you believe that everything is sexist, everything is racism, and everything is homophobic and you have to point it all out.

Holy shit, her nose wasnt that bad was it??
She could literally catch herself falling off a cliff.

>implying Sup Forums has that much influence over anything at all

Reminder that Anita is CANADIAN

so did she actually finish that series or is it still going

yes, it's shopped. just reverse image search.

>someone actually did this
>for free

this actually explains a lot.

is that Hila of H3h3 fame?

The day of the rake can't come sooner.

Why would she? She already scammed a lot of tumblrfags that are happy with throwing their money away,i'm sure they don't mind if she just runs away.

I don't actually see much difference, (((Friend)))


probably. I don't know, I just looked up witch nose. Jews all sort of have that look

As a feminist I'm really ashamed that stupid, oportunist people like AS represent us in the media.

>as a feminist

Hang yourself

>as a feminist

The best part about that picture is the lack of a wedding ring.

Kek. Maybe she lost it up her snoot.

Sorry for triggering you...

That's the problem right there. People often think that we hate white, straight men, when it's not like that. I'm one myself.

>people are still salty about Anita to this day just because she had different opinions from them

Jews aren't white, brah.

You are either

>a beta male that actually believes that feminism is about equality
>a tumblrina that thinks that women are actually oppressed in the first world

Pick one

>and wanted to enforce those gay opinions by force of law, if possible, for an audience that doesn't give a fuck about them.

I'm not a beta, I don't have a tumblr, and I don't live in the first world. But yes, I think that women can be oppressed in the first world. Although it's not the same oppression women suffer in mid-eastern countries, for example.

And thanks for giving me only two options, it helps me prove my point of the prejudices towards feminists.

>beta male

user, no alpha would be shit posting on a video game board

C'mon now

>I don't live in the first world
>I think that women can be oppressed in the first world

This is why subhumans opinions don't matter

feminism is a manifestation of marxist ideology. They think that women making babies is sexist and marriage is slavery. They are too absurd to be called anything other than what they are: absurd, resentful jews and jewshills.

Thanks for giving arguments to support your claims.

Also ad hominem.

Congratulations, you are a useful idiot to communist revolution.
Proletariat is a poor class for a revolution because once they afford a decent car and house they give up idea of murdering employers.
While women, regardless of their position and situation are still women and as such can be told they're being oppressed by patriarchy or whatever boogeyman

>it helps me prove my point of the prejudices towards feminists.

Friendly reminder that feminists think male breast feeding isn't a thing solely because of sociological factors.

Yeah, it's all about that...

Oh, and if there's time, it's also about rapes, human trafficking, femicides, domestic violence and know, the little things

Sup Forumsniggers are the exact type of internet activists who would get triggered over something so stupid and give her a bunch of attention. Don't act like this isn't true.

It must be nice to have that many prejudices. Anything more?

Fucking hell is she ugly. I guess this is one of her shots without or with barley any makeup. If she's not a krypto jew than I don't now.

Also notice how the narrative is always that women are being magically oppressed by everything but they never talk about men issues.

>b-but feminism is for males too

Feminism by definition is against equality,feminists started to use the term when they noticed how easily it would be to brainwash cucks into believing this bullcrap

lel. In feminst jargon raping=not looking at fat chicks. Also, because it adheres to deconstruction generally, words have no meaning and are rendered absurd and 'on a scale' constantly. It's a self-negating meme-philosophy.

One problem at the time...


Before or after manpressing is dealt with?

>Oh, and if there's time, it's also about rapes, human trafficking, femicides, domestic violence and know, the little things

Human trafficking is not a gendered problem.
Males are more likely to be the victims of violent crime, including homicide.
Domestic Violence is most prevalent amongst lesbian couples, so work your shit out.
"You suck" is worthy of going to the UN to bitch about. Ok. Get a thicker skin because not everyone is going to like everyone and they're perfectly fine expressing it.

Bait, but I'm bored.

>Male fanservice isn't an acceptable way to achieve equality

Dumbest thing she's ever said. I think bost genders should have goofy fanservice, there is absolutely no need to get rid of tiddies in the name of equality.

>we will never get a good shot of anita's armpits and underarms ever in history

>I'm going to conveniently ignore all the shit men are shoveled like higher insurance rates, much higher likelihood to be murdered, the fact that we have to wait and die on a sinking ship while the princesses get off, or that family Court judges routinely discriminate against father's.

B-b-but the women got it bad!
>Pro-tip: everyone has problems.