Games literally only you played


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I played it, it was fucking awful.


>That bonus mission where the dogs use guns.

all 4. underrated dev.


You better be talking about the GBA version only faggot, the PS1 version of MOH Underground was amazing.

But yeah it was amazing they managed to get a 3D game running on GBA. Probably played like shit though.

MOH Underground had god tier atmosphere and nice spooks too.

It's one of the 3 bonus horror themed levels you unlock after finishing the main game

>approaching that old castle in the snow outside
>see all these guard dogs up ahead
>mfw they suddenly get up on their hind paws and start doing some occultic dance together




I think Game Grumps did a video on Death's Hangover.

I played it but it was difficult to get past the first level thanks to the graphics
This was a real cool port for what it was at least
only learned years later I learned it was originally ps1 game



>be kid
>go to Menards with dad
>instead of looking at manly hardware stuff with dad i would just go to their shitty pc games section and get a game for 4$ every time we went.
I probably got like 30 games that way and this was one of the only good ones

>if this was released today
>"WOW another fucking SJW warrior game, great"

well yes they weren't as pervasive in our media and society back in the 90's.

There was no need to question everyone's motivation back then because there was no (((agenda))) being pushed hard


Played it, no great but not terribly annoying.

Along the same lines.


Some PC-only Zelda clone but with a barbarian main character.

Was huge into FPS's on the gba when i was a kid for some reason. Most of them sucked looking back at them, but DOOM was pretty good, they changed the blood to green to get a teen rating, but it's pretty much they same. ecks vs sever was pretty good too.

Wish I could've deathmatched you senpai
I had this and played it religiously.
Everyone thought it was really cool but they still only played Pokemon.
The Doom 2 port was even cooler.

People post things like Silent Bomber and Dragon Valor in these threads all the time, but I wouldn't believe for a SECOND that anybody else on here has played this.

I played that too on PS1, thought it was much more popular
Tell me about that last level tho wtf?

real gamers had this

GBA had 3D environments!?

played this

it was awesome to play an actual fps on the advance

Sorry if too obsucure

Had this too, doubt many played it. Got it dirt cheap from a shady ebay seller, and (surprise) it was a knockoff.

oh, well i hope it got him some more sales then.

This was a Mac only space flightsim, so it's no surprise.



The Super Best Friends did a quick look on it last week.
But that was the first time I had heard about it for about 15 years.

Little Nicky for GBC
I played the shit out of it but it was super hard
I think my parents were stoners or something they bought it for me for my 7th birthday.

This was a pretty good game but sadly it's also aged a lot because it was so influential. So many games ended up ripping off it's mechanics since Giants Citizen Kabuto game out that now it feels kinda clunky. I can only imagine how mind blowing it would have been on release though.



love this photoshopped jeff gordon head onto someone elses body




Probably the first PS1 game I ever played.

Name ten things that aren't this videogame

>press X to NO TRABBLE

I loved playing this shit

I loved this shit in co-op/

Pretty sure I've met less people who've played Rising Sun than that one.


I played the absolute shit out of this motherfucker.

Speaking of GBA ports, I played this before I had even heard of the PC games.

It's actually surprisingly good.

A lot of people have played LSD.
I don't know why you think "only you played it" when youtubers were cranking out LE WACKY CONTENT awhile back.

>hardly anyone actually finishes all the days to get their results

Amazing co-op

this was the best, completely forgot about it

Also this one.

Everyone's always talking about how good the console versions are, but the GBA one was a lot of fun too.



pretty much cops and robbers GTA

I bought this shit and got pissed off at what felt like the last level but as the box art had buildings on it that hadn't appeared yet I kept it instead of taking it back in the ten day trial period but it was the fucking last level and they never appeared, fuck this game.

I've never seen these games mentioned here, and whenever I post them in one of these threads nobody replies.

There has to be at least someone.

Not gonna lie, i was a lonely kid.



My nigga I played that shit too. I never could get past the second stage.

You're not the only one user.


Dude menards had the best games, I got Machines from there which is still one of the best RTS's I've played.

Do Walmart bargain-bin PC games count?

Also a few that don't even show up on Google/Gamefuqs. I may truly be the only one who has played some of them.

>cool puzzle game produced by Miyamoto
>never acknowledged ever again, not even as a Smash trophy/sticker


>a Miyamoto game
>only you played

Nobody even knows miyamoto helped work on it.

Please anyone. Tell me I'm not alone. I love this game so much.

I did even back then.

I win.

I vaguely remember playing this 15 years ago.

Never have met anyone else that has played this

Is that one of the Emergency games?

I bought Emergency 4 on steam but man it works bad. Crashs a lot. Shame it looks like a real unique sort of game. I torrented the other ones but have yet to install them.

Can anyone help me out. I'm trying to remember a game boy game that was cutesy like dream land and had an amazing soundtrack.

Yes, that's the first one.

I never played the later ones though, I've only played 1 and 2. From what I've read they're pretty bad.



Don't lie, you didn't play it.


40 winks. What do i win?

I used to play Crackhouse Cleanup all the time in my junior high typing class


Are flash games allowed?

made a bet with friends about who could beat the game first, everyone forgot about it and i beat the game


This was my first DS game


>According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly...

Dude, my waifu is from that game.

Wind was better though, tobehonest.

I hope those devs don't fuck up the new Vampyr game. There aren't enough vampire games to justify getting a shitty one right now.

I played it.

It was good, but it had no business being a "sequel"


was it as good as the PC one?

I played it pretty religiously as a kid.