Why did you buy a Switch, Sup Forums?

Why did you buy a Switch, Sup Forums?

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I didn't.

I couldn't it's sold out

Don't do this shit

KoF and Metal Slug 3 on the go, putos.

To pick up hot babes.

do what?

I will when there's several confirmed-good games for it and less artificial scarcity/cancerous scalpers getting involved.

Until then I can easily bring either my 3DS or laptop along for non-phoneshit games on the go.

there is literally no purpose in doing this

At least you chose best Siren.

Just fuck off, will you?

doing what? discussing video games?

snipperclips is the most fun I've had in a while desu

What do you think you're going to gain by doing this

>OP starts a thread with ponies in order to get sources
>Barneyfag takes the b8 like a dipshit

Never ceases to amuse me, the fool.

Because there's no point in it as far as I know

>It's a barneyfag scours the entire body of fanwork for something he obstenively hates episode so he post on a malaysian cheese making notice board
>It's a bump a shit thread episode

If you think anything good will come out of this, you'd be dead wrong

the "point" is to trigger you, because everyone loves laughing at you,you fucking autist

Just to make sure mods delete it like they should

I don't know what you guys are arguing about, but it's fun to watch.

Oh hey Lee, fuck any good dogs lately?

Fuck off, degenerate, stop shilling your shitty toddlers' show here

You can already play Metal Slug on the go dude

If Barneyfag is the Joker, who is our world's Batman?

what was he shilling? That was just a picture of Pepe

give me a quick rundown on the 'barneyfag fucks dogs' meme

Degenerates. That's the argument.

>he says this while posting his autistic reddit meme

We are many, you are but one.

So who is more degenerate? Because both sides seem to be trying to sniff the most diapers.


basically for bomberman zelda and nintendo

>Some faggot draws a bunch of shitty stick figure pictures in MSPaint
>says it's me
>buttmad horsefuckers continue projecting this lie
>continue to make memes and photoshop endlessly to keep up this lie

Stop harassing people, Kiwi Farms. Your whole site preys on the emotionally vulnerable, and that's fucking despicable.

Greta should've stabbed Null and his whore pedo mother until they could only be identified by dental records.


Oh shit, It's a "let's trigger barneyfag for kicks" thread! Just when I was getting bored!

what did he mean by this
I wasn't asking you you flaming homosexual
ok thanks

Just hang yourself, degenerate

The ones shilling their shitty toddlers' show. I'm just trying to shut their shit down.

To play vidya. Loving everything I've bought for it so far, especially Blaster Master Zero

>I'm just trying to shut their shit down.
By bumping their thread?

These are unironically the best threads on Sup Forums anymore.

something is off. barneyfag doesmt use the word barneyfag

I want Twist to spit on my dick

Is barneyfag autistic enough to spam multiple threads?

He's finally subconsciously accepted that it stuck to him more than it did to ponyfags.

Why would I hang myself when you're still around to trigger, Lee?

He's starting to get sick of the routine.
Maybe he's getting sane

Are we gonna talk about pony horses or something?

It's like Dread Pirate Roberts - a title handed down. Lee Goldson is the current Barneyfag, but who will take up the mantle when Lee Goldson's parents find out and Lee Goldson commits suicide?

Will YOU?

Hey, thanks for the help. I needed a scource for the longest time!


I like the scratchy-voiced tomboy horse the best, but prissy dress horse is starting to grow on me.

Because I can. Love it, too bad it's weak hardware will once again leave the Nintendo console out of favor with 3rd party devs. It's a shame really, it could have easily been my primary console.

No offense, but if you're going to underestimate autism, you're on the wrong site.

That's Cheese Sandwich.

Still kinda hot, though.

So... I we apply the logic

we can use the barneyfag to get the source of some cropped pony pics?

Maybe he is actually useful after all

Lee is a very dedicated man

What does this have to do with my post?

That's fucking hilarious

What's Lee Goldson's address?

What is your goal here, Lee? No one likes you and you continue to these threads so people can laugh at your autism.

I even started watching MLP again because of you and I like it very much, even with GLim Glam

Fucking hang yourself

Seriously, kill yourself

Why ask that question when you already know the answer?

Buying consoles on lunch is retarded and fueled by brand loyalty.

half of it was by imitators anyway
no one man can be that autistic, not even lee

Those are some quality horse opinions.

Can you not read?

have we finally vanquished barneyfag? or did he just get banned

Nah, I don't feel like killing myself. Maybe I'll do it after you kill yourself

yes and the other entire half was posted by Lee himself

No, by bringing it to the mods' attention.

Ember nearly brought me back, but the honest lack of Faust-charm and prevalence of repetition/EqG forever stained it for me.

>HURR If you underestimate autism!

Nowhere in my post did I underestimate any shitty autism, you sperg. I asked if Barneyfag is autistic enough to spam multiple threads. I've only ever seen him spam one at a time.

Would you faggots shut up and stop shitting up the thread?

I still love Luna. I know it's autistic as fuck but I love her.

So is Lee just on a next level of mind games, spreading his pure concentrated autism across this site so hard that he single-handedly reverses the stigma around ponies by being insurmountably more annoying then they ever where?

>Nowhere in my post did I underestimate any shitty autism
>Is barneyfag autistic enough to spam multiple threads?
The entire post is underestimating autism.

You really deserve it, you're the one shilling shitty toddlers' shows after all.

You can bring it to their attention by just reporting it, having an autistic meltdown gets on their nerves, I'm sure

>tfw you shitpost so hard you start an entire legacy of batman style vigilantes to shitpost on your behalf

Isn't that what the report button is for?

>He's the not hero the Horsefuckers want, but the one they need right now

Because being able to bring my console to work and play while on my lunch is amazing, and BotW is GoaT

Why aren't we talking about the Nintendo Switch?

If it's S1 luna, you are a man of taste and I respect that
If it's post S2 luna kill yourself edgelord

I don't deserve shit, faggot

I really hope you get fucking killed

That's degenerate, you should fucking kill yourself

>shit pony
>shit movie
At least post a good pony, like pinkie or twilight, fag

wtf I love ponies now

I actually do. Thanks to Lee I'm through S1-S3, about to start S4.

Thank you, Lee Goldson!!!


Are you also an autist? You at the very least are too fucking stupid to read properly. You even fucking ignored the last sentence in my last reply to you.

I'll admit that it is indeed lacking that Faust magic but I still think it's decent even with Poochy being added.

That and being in love with Sunset. How can any girl be so perfect?

I did that with frogposters with my anti frogposting images. They do the work for me now.

I've been tempted to get back into it if not for the show, then to understand any new references in FOE:PH

But S1 luna barely does anything. She has like 30 seconds of total screentime during the entire season.

She's cuter than post S2, though.


Which sucks because everyone automatically assumes current Luna, who is terrible. I'll always have a spot in my heart for S1 Luna?

You needed me to tell you that you're proving me right? I'll keep that in mind.

>all those runnerups

As befitting of Sup Forums, holy shit

you guys don't actually believe it's all the same person, right?

>shitposting thread
>nobody actually post the canon shitposting pony

Really fascinating

Well, not anything good at least.

Because you won't stop harassing me

does someone know the artist?