The Witcher 3 is superior to Bloodborne

The Witcher 3 is superior to Bloodborne.

But one is an ARPG and the other is a RPG you fucking idiot.

This statement doesn't even make sense.

>Fallout 4 won 36 awards

gaming is fucking finished

Those games aren't even remotely similar.

>Fallout 4 gets almost twice as many votes as Bloodborne

I really don't think you should get a vote unless you've played all of the games.

>an incomplete game and a shitty """""RPG"""" still beat Bloodbore

life is strange won the 5th most after Bloodborne
Sup Forums btfo

Literally what?


Nah family
TW3 is fucking amazing, and with dlcs it's easily one of the best games in the past decade if not ever. But BB is just on a whole another level. It's easily in top-3 of my all time favorites along with planescape:torment and fallout 2.

this is an accurate statement
and I love LiS because of it
it's a movie game but it only works because of player interactivity, meshing narrative and gameplay mechanics. honestly some of the best game design i've ever seen.

This is all I heard.

>apples are better than oranges

mmkay then.

Tomatoes are superior to toilet paper.

>can't wipe my ass with tomatoes
>can't eat toilet paper
why live

>waah why does every other fanbase pick on us witcherfags we're the victim

I love Witcher, but the fact that F4 is second invalidates judging games by the amount of awards comepltely

I haven't played BB but I know that's not true.


Whether you're right or not, bloodborne fanboys outnumber everyone else here

Storywise, I do think witcher 3 is superior while bloodborne has better combat


It's hard to dispute the story in Witcher 3 is superior because there's just so much to it. The story in Bloodborne was small, whereas the lore had more depth than its story. The Witcher 3 could have done a lot more with their own lore but I understand why they focused more on the story. It paid off for them.

Different genres.
I like both. Currently playing through TW3 for the first time. Fucking loving it.

TW3 has better story and side quests, yes, but BB has better original world and lore. Also I wanted to say BB has more "amazing gaming moments" and surprises in it, but then I remember some characters from witcher and I'm not so sure anymore. And dlcs? Holy crap

>giving a shit about the opinions of normies

I liked them both equally for different things

pizza is better than being harassed


Stop acting like an idiot.



Comparing completely unrelated items by arbitrary standards is meaningful!!!!

After playing The Witcher 1, no, not at all. Without playing The Witcher 3 I'm pretty sure it's inferior to Bloodborne.

To be fair, the gameplay of Witcher 1 is pretty much dogshit compared to 3.

We'll i mean, if you really wanted to, i mean it's not a good idea but, if you REALLY wanted to...

Bloodborne is overrated trash compared to The Witcher


I disagree.

Nigga, if anything, Bloodborne is severely underrated among the gaymur crowd. Only people with refined taste find it a 10/10, the rest prefer skyrim

Every person who played the Witcher 3 and hated it is on Sup Forums. The game was good. How does it compare to bloodborne? Idk I don't play console exclusives at 20 fps.

I really wish BB's world and lore wasn't so vague, though. Cainhurst felt like it was unfinished and that was my favorite part of the whole game.
