I want to believe Samus's butt is fit and athletic, but this image makes it kind of hard to do that.
I want to believe Samus's butt is fit and athletic, but this image makes it kind of hard to do that
isn't there a mod that makes her even thiccer?
I mean, if you consider "do lots of squats and barely eat and have good genes" to be "athletic" then sure.
That's the body Samus has.
Isn't her ass thicc enough already?
Yes. For bayo, peach, samus, zelda, and probably a few others.
No, that's Shiek's butt.
No, shiek's butt would be much rounder and her thighs thicker if she relied solely on squats. She has almost no fat in her ass, which is more of a full-cardio trait.
Don't type shit out if you know nothing.
>thicc enough
low test babies aren't allowed on this board
Shut the fuck up you faggot, Stop reposting your stupid moronic posts all the goddamn time.
What are you trying to say here? Shiek has low fat, low muscle ass? Samus has hi fat, hi muscle ass?
Look up gf_sybb. It's the OP
Shiek's ass appears to be all muscle, no fat. That's why it's not a big round mass.
Samus' ass, on the other hand, has the fat and the muscle, and so do her thighs.
That's why I said "she does squats and nothing else" because that's what millions of girls do to go from no ass to round ass.
She has the body of a slutty instagram chick, and I'm not arguing the realism or practically of that, I'm just stating that fact.
Shiek's body more resembles that of a woman who'd do ninja shit. Samus' body resembles that of a woman who goes to the gym purely to squat, maybe holding a dumbbell on her shoulders, so she can take a booty selfie in yoga pants.
There are a million examples of this you could look at.
You still don't make sense because you say Samus make so many squats, and Shiek does not - and Shiek has the all muscle no fat booty?
Squats don't add fat to your butt.
You don't understand how fat works.
The butt is, say, 80% fat for a normal woman who doesn't exercise.
If she focuses on an exercise that builds muscle and burns little fat, such as strength training, the muscle beneath the fat will get bigger and the fat will stay there, giving the ass a rounder appearance.
This how a big strong dude who benches like 300 pounds can have jiggly manboobs, because benching doesn't burn nearly as much fat as sprinting does.
That's why a girl who starts jogging every day will cause her tits to get a little bit smaller, because she's burning fat from them.
Not all exercise burns the same amount of fat.
Not all exercises are even useful in a practical sense. Sheik might not even do squats, because it's not the most effective thigh or ass exercise, almost entirely because if you aren't also burning fat, your thighs and ass will simply increase in size because there's now muscle underneath the fat.
Again, you don't know what you're talking about.
OK, that was a good explanation that made sense. So Samus's ass is hi fat, hi muscle then?
Doesn't that mean she pretty much has a fat ass?
Well, you could say that about her, but if you were talking about like some "thicc" black chick or a latina who's ass was 100% fat, no muscle, she just had the genetics to have a huge ass, Samus' ass wouldn't be same thing.
It's almost like an illusion of a fat ass, but it works and in the long run if you're talking about like a 38 year old cougar Samus, her ass would look pretty much the same because there's muscle to it, whereas those "thicc" girls would eventually become all flabby.
This is the reason why, if you go back and watch some random early-80s movie, the "hot" chick probably has an ass that you'd laugh at today, because the ass-size increasing exercises weren't as popular or even known back then.
When I say she has a fat ass, I don't mean a 100% fatass with saggy butt cheeks. I just mean an ass that has a lot of booty flab on it, regardless of amount of muscle.
And yeah, Samus's ass is typically an ass that has some firm glutes which helps shape her cheeks, but then a thick layer of booty flab on those firm muscles.
OK, so I'm not really complaining about that. She has a fat ass, that's all right. She's a woman.
I just find it a bit weird that it's Samus. I mean, she's supposed to be fit as fuck, and yet she has a fat butt. I'm not saying I dislike it, in fact it's sexy, but it's a bit weird.
She would logically not have that much butt fat.
You're right, but she has the excuse of wearing a suit that could potentially lessen the necessity of more muscle.
And she does perform less well when she's in her zero suit only.
She also could potentially be a slut or something in her personal time, or super conceded or whatever, which might explain her wanting to have a sexy ass body.
is hers the best ass in gaming history?
Its up there anyway.
I'm more curious to know how she got that much fat. It doesn't just magically appears.
In 2008, it seems she only had the muscle and not that much fat. She kind of looks like Shiek there, doesn't she?
And 2004... well, what is your verdict on the 2004 ass?
It's a fucking game sybb you autist, take this shit to Sup Forums
>I'm more curious to know how she got that much fat. It doesn't just magically appears.
Years of no games caused her to stop caring.
2004 is a good ass, it's solid and looks a little heavy, which I like.
2008 is a more realistic ass for what she does.
Anyone can get fat in certain zones simply by eating slightly too much calories compared to what they burn per day. Where that fat goes is mostly up to your genetics, some people's thighs or chests will get fatter faster than other areas, and most people will get love handles before they get a big belly, stuff like that.
Samus could just have a normal amount of fat in her ass, which is generally a perfectly alright place to have to some fat, but in addition to a regular squat routine, she gets a booty.
If we're talking realism, like lorewise, the 2008 ass could be the result of bounties being thin and her not having the money to buy her favorite vanilla milkshake from the space diner or something.
will we ever get metroid prime 4 lads?
Fucking kill yourself
>a little heavy
Do you mean like her Sm4sh ass? Hi fat hi muscle?
Report and hide these shitty reposted threads. Fucking lord how autistic do you have to be to keep making these threads for fucking months over and over, even after you get banned repeatedly?
this is pathetic
Nah, her smash 4 ass is more shapely.
The 2004 ass (from Zero Mission, right?) is more packed in to her zero suit, whereas the smash 4 ass is stretching it out.
I would say the 2004 ass has less muscle to it, and is just naturally big.
I wish she would get thiccer
>sm4sh ass is more shapely
Really? They both look round and tasty to me!
>naturally big
Sure, but what's that size made up of then? You mean she has a fat ass, right? A sexy, but fat ass?
It's the same damn ass you fucking retarded shit, Fucking die Sybb.
She's sexy and all of course, but it almost looks like the artist made her ass sag a little on purpose in this pic.
>Sure, but what's that size made up of then? You mean she has a fat ass, right? A sexy, but fat ass?
A big ass can be big for different reasons, like a natural amount of body fat concentrated in the ass, or the presence of muscle and fat.
It's not the same ass, it's obviously been modeled and/or drawn by different people in probably every game.
I bet your ass sags, Sybb.
See, this is what makes Samus so special. She's supposed to be super strong and fit and athletic...but she has a flab ass in Zero Mission.
It's like a flaw that was made on purpose, much like her mole in Other M. I think the flab ass makes her sexier, because a 100% perfect character is boring.
See what I mean?
I prefer a little bit of flab, desu.
There's more jiggle and it makes an anal gape more meaningful.
To be honest though, this is not "a little bit".This is pretty much.
Her cheeks are sagging.
Her thighs are rubbing together.
And I bet you they draw her ass and thighs like that on purpose because it's so fucking hot.
Yes, but her ass isn't a pancake, it's still two plump cheeks.
Dear me, what an Irish thread.
Did I imply it was a pancake? I just said that her Zero Mission ass not only is fat, it's also quite flabby considering the shape of her cheeks in that image.
Why is Sybb's shitty thread still alive?
>the way her butt contours around her heels
Goddamn, what a literal fatass.
>45 posts
>13 IPs
Samus is Irish.
>tfw sakurai gave sheik new animations to emphasize that ass
sakurai is a god
why is sheik best boy? (female)
No not at all, I wish it was fatter honestly
post moar
Yeah, the problem is that it's not on my face right now so I can pay tribute to the universe's best bounty hunter.
I need somebody like Samus to treat me like dirt and only show me love at the absolute peak of her orgasms.
not really
Not tsundere. More like "controlling, cold bitch" in and out of the bedroom. Just tsun. The only moments she'd ever show a little tenderness would be when she was physically overwhelmed by pleasure.