>the best girl of 2017 is a fucking fish
How did this happen?
The best girl of 2017 is a fucking fish
Other urls found in this thread:
>Best Girl in Best Zelda Game since OoT is a Fish
History repeats itself.
>the best girl of 2017 is a fucking bug
How did this happen?
Her profile looks fucking retarded tho with her stupid fishtail hair
Looks like they took a fish and stuck it on some shoulders
Go fuck yourself you pixelshit shill dev
she was probably raped by moblins while screaming for link as she died
Literally every girl in that game is better than Zelda. Even the random NPC villagers/wanderers.
Except for the ones with the weird Michael Jackson nose.
I'm OK with this.
>tfw OP post worst fish
So you haven't even seen the game then?
>posting tumblrfish
I'm not checking your fucking game out moron
>arguing with someone spewing buzzwords
You need to learn to ignore shitposters user
>this is the average Undyne fan
SJW propaganda
You guessed it, back to tumbo
Poe's law autism right here
My nigga got great taste
>yet another Zelda game where the best girl loses and you don't get to forever be with her and fuck her
Why is this allowed
It's only shitposting if you don't like it
>people have to make the fanart as off model as possible to make the characters look even remotely good
fucking kek
Using buzzwords to say a game you don't know anything about is shit is shitposting user
>Is Breath of the Wild Too Damn Sexy?
Is this true?
Take this idea to /d/ pls. Drawfags will make it a reality.
She has no leg game, though. She's got a cute face and is kind, but God, I need some legs to work with man. Even ignoring the legs she's not that interesting.
See, this user has his head on straight.
post a single example of the dev being an SJW
What happened to ignoring shitposters? I think it got to your feelings... wonder why...
It didn't.
Hand drawn is worse than pixels
This has happened before.
Stronk lesbo for no reason at all other than to deviate from white cis male
Last time I checked she was a robot?
>best girl of ever is 14
user her brother is clearly superior
where does he say that was his motivation?
Gay dating in the game
>that preschooler approach to romance nintendo still insists on shoehorning in zelda
why don't they just shit or get off the pot already.
>"I'm a numale and I love Zelda"
>Tumblr/SJW Propaganda
>Shit game that came out in 2016
Are you even trying any more Tumblr?