WHAT is your problem Sup Forums?
WHY are you hating on the game so much?
Yeah the facial animations aren't great but it looks amazing and also plays amazing.
It's everything we could have hoped for from a 4th game! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!?!?
WHAT is your problem Sup Forums?
>Buying anything from EA
How does it feel supporting a company you pay to fuck you up the ass, OP?
Good, how does it feel that I'm supporting a company that you dislike?
You're just not appreciating devs.
JUST because it's not as good as Witcher 3 DOES NOT mean you can prove that this game will be bad!!!
you literally made a thread bitching about how you support a company no one likes.
That isn't me
That's me Also you're complaining about the facial animations LOOK at THIS!
I guess my problem is that the series is never going in the direction I thought it was and I'm still butthurt.
Also would is kill them to design another alien that's more interesting like the elcor or hanar?
It seems like all we have are two armed bipeds.
>supporting Bioware
>giving EA money
Do you get paid per post or per thread, op?
It's not that bad
What is this, a picture for ants?
Sup Forums shit on it because they know it will never be cracked, 'cuz Denuvo. Since Sup Forums is full of south american poorfags, the salt will be real.
Please fuck off with this stupid trash tier meme. It's really starting to annoy me and has made me realise how, you as a forum are cancerous. YOU as a society are destroying the gaming career community and with that you're also not showing support that is the envisioning of developers and hard forward thinking thinkers.
This isn't what this place should be about, now STOP and THINK for yourself instead of being a drone and hive mind which shitposts on each and everything you cum across.
what kills me is this,
its space, be bloody creative.
They moved the story to a completely different galaxy, but it will still revolve around strong human females, or oppressed colored X humans.
It does bug me that humans don't get treated like the new kids on the block of the galaxy.
It would have been a good opppotunity to ditch humans and go full xeno crew, that way you could cram all your SJW crap into the plight of the Krogans, rather than ham fisting all the same television shit we have here on earth into another galaxy.
I still enjoy the whole space rpg thingo and will check it out when a torrent rolls around like i did with ME2.
But I feel it is mostly just social propaganda with a game wrapped around it. Hell still have the first and the second game to play, without dealing with all the jersey shore cameo's and tri-color endings
>Mass effect 3
>Racist Dev
>It looks like Trash (animations, faces, etc).
Those are my reasons.
That isn't me,
Only this is me.
I like how she points her gun at it and supposedly fires, yet we never see the projectile. The droid just curls up on itself, emits a burst of smoke, and then falls.
Everyone knows Chora is the superior waifu
>dat foliage
>dat flat lighting
Is it really running on Frostbite 3?
After watching all the promotional shit about exploration and basically being ME1 meets ME2 I'm not that perterbed by it all.
They fan pandering is so apparent I might as well be punched in the face which I frankly appreciate. It's ME1 meets ME2 and lots of exploration.
That's all I ever asked of the franchise and they fucked me with before so whatever. I'll buy it at this stage.
>calling Sup Forums niggers
>Knowing that most of Sup Forums tards are remnants of Sup Forums
>it's another Sup Forums shits on an upcoming big release title and then will proceed to overwhelmingly suck it's cock after they play it episode.
RE7 all over again. You all are so predictable it hurts.
I don't like WRPGs or Bioware games but I enjoy the threads.
>Mass effect 2 is shit
>Mass Effect 3 is 10 times worse
>Dragon Age 2 is shit
>Dragon Age inquistition is shit.
If you look closely you will notice there is a pattern. It really gets the old Noodle ka boodle pulsing.
not me :>
Mass Effect is a different beast though. I could see people just not buying it on principle.
Through the videos and such I like it. I liked the mako and it's back. It's part of missions again. I like the worlds that you can actually explore.
Even environment hazards are back on said planets.
I don't know but it seems like they actually gave at least two shits on this one. Those are basic complaints I've been bitching about since ME2.
>tfw never played a single ME game but enjoy the threads that have been popping up lately
Bioware is done for
kill yourself you stupid loser
>WHAT is your problem Sup Forums?
>WHY are you hating on the game so much?
that looks fucking terrible
What's her name again?
Are you trying to imply Sup Forumstards are anything but shitskins pretending to be white?
I said remnants
being part of x race and see developers throwing shit and insulting that race is like saying you don't want the money of that group of people...
And I'm sure the same guy who said that bullshit still works for EA
How evil can you be in this game?
and they want our money...
I will not pay for this shit
i was floored as well when i heard about this. I even had it preordered and canceled it.
I'm pretty sure that's male Ryder. I think his default name is Scott
Why would I give that Manveer guy a cent of my money when he so clearly doesn't like my business?
Thats Peebee morphed with Steve Rambo
He doesn't work for Bioware anymore.
Rumor is he did get fired for that shit.
That's a dumb rumor. the PROBABLE truth is that he got let go because the game he was working on was finished. Something that is very common in the videogame industry.
Not months before the game is released it ain't.
Sup Forums doesn't buy games and this has Denuvo.
I'll pirate it and fap to the incest porn and fic's
RE7 was cracked, so Sup Forums was able to play the game instead of spitting on it because they couldn't buy it.
Yeah I'm sure the game will indeed look 'not that bad' at 125p.
oh god
The gun is backwards
No fucking way!
This really erects my mass relays
Just imagine the blowjobs from these characters.
he wont have got fired
he will be a contractor code monkey that was hired to write code for the games crunch time, then let go when they were done
this is very common practice in video game companies as they cant afford to pay 100s of staff a salary year round while they sit on their asses doing nothing for months at time
if you look on the guys twitter he is still promoting the game so he obviously wasnt fired
Mass effect 3 was not great (and that's ignoring the ending), DA:I was better but was boring in a way I didn't think was possible. ME:A looks like DA:I in setup and design.
That'd why I'm not hyped
I'm still mad
I will always be mad
On my deathbed, I will still be mad
When the seas heat up the world descends into global catastrophe I will still be fucking mad
In the afterlife, when I get to the gates of Heaven, St. Peter and his angels will ask me "Are you still mad about ME3?"
and my answer will be "yes"
When the race of man is no more and the ruins of man's cities have crumbled into dust, i will still be mad
Ancient alien civilizations will find the smoldering, volcanic corpse of the planet Earth and decode the secrets of our ancient "internet", and they will find this post and so my eernal anger will be brought forth into the far-flung reaches of space
When the last tiny flash of heat in the universe dies and all descends into entropy, my hatred will remain
I'm sitll so fucking mad i took the time to write this stupid fucking post, and it still doesnt make me feel even the slightest bit LESS mad
I fucking hate you Bioware
Fuck you faggot.
Honestly the main reason kids on this board shit on it without even playing it is because it's bioware.
Ever since the tortanic meme was forced while the game tanked, many on Sup Forums have this strange fixation on wanting most games to fail spectacularly so they can meme about it. Bioware games are especially choice targets of these dank memesters because of tortanic. It's kind of sad actually that I've seen plenty of people on this board who have this false belief that they can affect any sort of change in the industry at all by memeing out on an anime image board.
That's all it is. Don't expect any actual discussion about the game until it comes out, and expect a heafty dose of these kids retarded memes along with it.
It is. If you look at it frame-by-frame it's clearly backwards
H-How do you fuck something like that up?
Mass Effect: Andromeda is a game developed by Bioware
t. bioware shill
So why is this so bad?
> Framed as basic as you can
> Practical no body movement
> 1000 yard stare
> Generic unrealistic eye movement
> No hand gestures
> No movement in the forehead
Pretty sad compared to characters from TW3.
>Sup Forums has only hated Bioware since TOR
There's no way this is running on Frostbite holy shit
Someone post that webm of Geralt from TW3
I want to fuck this qt half-scot
Half scot, half indian
>impoverished slavs manage to utterly trounce the single largest Canadian game studio
I think she's half-scot half-arab
not with that name user.
anwar as in anwar province pakistan kek. Her dad is a paki and mom a scottish curry-burner.
edit i did some research. Anwar is of arabic origin a last name present amongst people from north africa all the way to india.
Perfectly fine. A quarter brown will add a bit of spice to the kids.
>pirating Andromeda
Good luck
It seriously looks like those kind of motion comics where they "animate" a 2D image by using photoshop to sort of nudge parts of the image around.