What's your excuse?
What's your excuse?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm fapping
I am playing video games. whats yours?
I want a girl to say this to me so I can feel like I'm in one of my japanese mangas.
We get into a relationship at the end.
I'm fapping to Mania's Green Hill act 2:
>needing other people to validate yourself
>relying on others for your own enjoyment
I've been tripping on ketamine for 2 days straight.
Crippling anxiety, same as every day.
>le im le special
You're probably 16
Right now I'd prefer to be alone. Why should I need an excuse?
I'm recovering from a liver transplant because I have moderately severe hepatitis b
of course I didn't have any friends in the first place so I guess that's not a excuse
I've never tried alcohol and never will, that's why. Fuck society.
People don't enjoy my company.
Got some sweet and sour pork with the crispy beef and mogorian style rice
Sitting down enjoying some Zelda after a hard week of wage slaving.
i wasn't lol it's saturday now
I have work tomorrow morning and I'm sore as fuck from working out earlier.
>a week in to quitting drinking
>friends band is playing tonight at a local venue
Do clubs play Kraftwerk
I don't think there's ever been a point in my life were being alone on a Friday night warranted an excuse.
>thinking friday is a special day
>living a normie rthytm
weekend night shifts are where the money's at
My mother, sister, and nephew are visiting all this weekend. I kind of wanted to fap sometime this weekend but I guess I'll wait until next week.
reminder that Sup Forums is normalfag-tier underage land
It's Saturday
First day off after a fairly hectic work week (work shifts). Tired after a 3 hour walk earlier in the day, washing two cars and doing a few household chores. Spent the later half of the afternoon/evening playing some Trails in the Sky FC. Thinking about making some tea and listening to soothing music before heading off to bed for a quick fap and/or sleep. Overall, a good day.
Nigga I just spent my whole week getting urgent uni work done and just bought BotW and I played that shit till the crack of dawn, socialising can suck a dick for now.
No. Only the sort of music that people who play in clubs tend to play because they think that makes them cool, while the people who go to clubs pretend to like it and have fun.
It's a normie thing....
yeah it's a bunch of fags
they'll label you as virgin and shiet but at least i'm not a fag
Jammed with friends for a few hours, now I'm home to relax. I did my social crap for the day.
Nigga it's not even 6 yet. I'm going out later.
Its saturday morning where i live, what now?
Jokes on you faggot I slept through all of Friday it's currently 1:42 AM
NEETbucks can't buy a Switch.
im a hopeless loser who should probably just kill myself
Foul Play
I've always been alone.
I've got a lot of work to do
pics of her being chained desu
Just finished work, was serving and it was dead, super cold out and nothing major going on. Don't feel like leaving the house to go hang out at someone elses.
>tfw no gf
>26 khv
I hurt myself and can't make it to FNM
You mind as well take of smoking to replace one addiction for another.
Goin to fuck my bf in the butt tomorrow
No you aren't.
This set's standard is garbage anyway.
G-guess I can't now