What is the most disgusting thing you have ever read from a video game journalism piece?

What is the most disgusting thing you have ever read from a video game journalism piece?

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I'm not even sure which part upsets you.

well, "journalism" but that one rock band article about some guy being too busy enjoying the smell of his own farts to even bother talking about the good or bad parts of the game in his preview.

Any of it. It's all a joke and shouldn't be taken as seriously as it is. Just play the fucking game and enjoy it.

The highlighted part. Hes lumping in a fairly well respected game reviewer with one of the most hated people on the internet for no reason.

Video game journalism is a joke. The people in this industry are embarrassed by their own profession. That's why they try so hard to promote interactive movies instead of actual games, and turn video games into a political battlefield while shitting on everything that people who play video games actually care about. It makes them feel important.

Thanks for clarifying. I figured there was a 50% chance of each person being the one you hate most. This board will generally shit on any YouTube star anyway. I'm not familiar with Matthew Matosis so I don't really know what he's like. As for Anita Sarkeesian, I have a lot of disgust for some of the people who like her, and her video quality and release schedule were both pathetic considering her Kickstarter campaign was so over-funded, but I can't really complain a whole lot about the actual content of her videos (aside from "she's cherry-picking" but that's not really an argument because the whole point of her videos is to focus on one issue which happens to be sexism rather than showing a fair representation of the entire industry).

gamer culture is embarrassing though

>two and a half years ago

>mfw they Matthewmatosis as two words
>mfw new vid never ever

What the fuck happened? I thought he quit his job a year ago to focus on youtube full time, and now he's not really doing shit.

>it's young men queuing with plush mushroom hats and backpacks and jutting promo poster rolls
What fucking anime episode did this retard get his worldview from?

There doesn't need to be a """gamer culture""". Normies did that. I just want to enjoy video games without being told that I'm a piece of shit for not demanding LGBTQ inclusion in my first-person shooters.

I don't even like the word "gamer" but the person who wrote that article was using the word "gamer" to refer to people like you and me.


DSP syndrome

DSP regularly produces content.

i genuinely wish for this person to be executed

You got me there Dave


The only thing I hear is that he basically works too much on single vids, like the world's most useless perfectionist.
He also basically lives unplugged from the internet nowadays to avoid spoilers for games he's looking forward to, namely Purse Owner 5, so it's like he's essentially dead most of the time.

>dragon's dogma is the dark souls of fantasy rpgs


I don't see the problem. Both of them take money for videos that they don't make.

>SMTIV - the Dark Souls of Persona games

Yeah lets get MAD about the same things as last year Sup Forums bros! DDEATH TO ALL WOMEN!

I wouldn't know because I don't read any video game 'journalism'.

also breath of the wild is the dark souls of the open world action-adventure with a silent protagonist and cartoony graphics genre, it truly is


Your argument that criticizing one woman equals hating all women is exactly why people aren't taking you hysterical liberals seriously anymore. You only have yourselves to blame for President Trump.


jesus christ
what a wanker

>chatting to another colleague about politics in the Philippines


>All video games are stupid, of course. That whole thing of, 'you're not really shooting terrorists or winning the World Cup, you're just pressing buttons' is patronizing and simplistic but every now and again you come across a game that has so little emotional connection to who you are that you end up standing there, gazing at the screen and saying "I'm just pressing buttons and my life has no meaning," to a slightly bemused PR person.

What websites does everyone go to for vidya news?

I go to PC Gamer, Eurogamer and a non-english one.

Sup Forums

r/games and kotaku mostly

I go to >>
I get my opinions there too

>Reading video game "journalism".

>actually believing that
Video game journalism is another advertising arm for publishers. They are part of the hype machine. Some SJW bloggers don't define games journalism.

My autistic friend tells me whenever something happens.

That I was dead.

That whole 'gamers are dead' thing was so embarrassing.
I hope nobody visits the websites that published one of those articles anymore.

the only site i need / use is gematsu

I generally make up my own news then spread it around online
I guess I'm something of a journalist myself hehe ┐('~`;)┌


I remember reading that article and it reminded me of some shit I wrote for my high school newspaper when I was forced to go along with a group of kids that tutored 3rd graders. I made the article entirely about my incredible annoyance with the situation. I was 16. That man is an adult, doing the same goddamn thing in his 30s and claiming it's "journalism"

On another note, how big of a faggot do you have to be to prefer canapés and geopolitical discussion to a free Killers show? Fuck that guy


>I'm at a party about a rock videogame
>I hate rock videogames and I hate parties
>but I love myself
>here's a review of myself
>I'm pretty great 10/10

I listen to giant bomb stuff + the cooptional podcast at work.
I also get shit from Sup Forums of course.

I don't hate it.