How do you go from THIS

How do you go from THIS...

Other urls found in this thread:'gora THIS?!



I came to this thread only because I hoped the first reply would be this, I was expecting this, I was awaiting it. I am pleased, thank you


Thrall can't win fair things. Hence why he had to cheat to beat Garrosh.


Why is Crimson Chin in WoW?


Thrall is Metzen's DMPC

He went from an orc to a fucking face scanned Metzen in buddhist attire.

>muh gary stu green jesus was defeated

I don't even wanna think about how playing a pen and paper RPG would be like with Metzen at the helm.

>Metzen uses the DM screen during games to snort coke behind and just rolls dice during it to cover up the sound
>gets mad when players wanna roll non-orc characters
>every time the players about to kill the BBEG, Thrall shows up and does them in at the last second, taking the credit

How did we go from this...

To this?!

To this?

Weapons only faggot, no magic.

To this?

Garithos did nothing wrong

>ran a perfectly good wall of elves off
think of all the elves that could have died instead of humans.

elves were a mistake

I'm glad I called it a day with WoW years ago. I've never seen such a massive drop off in quality so suddenly

>sylvanas still hasnt raised him and brainwashed him into serving her


that's a retarded fucking restriction. magic is literally a part of his powers. that's like asking a mage not to cast magic. or telling the warrior to use fists only.

it reminds me of vanilla wow where faggots used to get mad in duels if I healed as a paladin. wtf man why you cheat an heal huurrr. It's like, well did I ask you not to stealth? cast fireball? shoot arrows? summon your demon pet? No? ok then fuck off retards.

when u nut and he keep siphoning


Garrosh did nothing wrong

cool argument. You don't get a (you).

>Sylvanas is raising undead and is also the Warchief now.
Hans, are we the baddies?

is elysium a waste of time or should i just give up on that mmo forever

>challenge someone to physical combat
>as soon as you start losing use your magic

Thrall cheated.'gora
>The Mak'gora (also written as mak'gora[1] or Mak'Gora[2][3]) means "duel of honor"[4] and is an orcish custom whereby someone may challenge a superior for leadership. This ritual is commonly associated with the position of Horde Warchief, but it can apply to a group of any size,[5] and is practiced by ogre clans as well.[6]

>As described in The Shattering, Bloodsworn and Blood and Thunder the rules for Mak'gora are:
>Each participant is allowed one weapon.
>A blessing of this weapon by a shaman of their choosing is permitted, but not required.
>Body armor is forbidden.

Thrall literally cheated. If he had only used his magic it would have been ok, but he used a melee weapon as well.

He also wasn't fighting for control of the Horde, so it was just a stupid brawl to see who's dick was bigger. Turns out it was Thrall's, Garrosh lost his in Orgrimmar.

Magic is not allowed in mak'gora. He could have saved all that stupid show and make his corpse stand in his fortress

>Known Mak'gora
>Issued by Thrall to Garrosh Hellscream. Garrosh lost and was killed by Thrall.[12]

Thrall is a big fat cheating cheater. Transcript of the fight from the wiki. He gets fucked up so badly his only option is to cheat because he knows he'll lose.

>Garrosh and Thrall approach the site of the mak'gora, the Stones of Prophecy -- future site of Garadar, as well as the same place they first met.
>Garrosh and Thrall glare at each other, before Garrosh roars angrily at Thrall as he charges at him. The two exchange blows and argue during their fight.
>Garrosh throws Gorehowl at Thrall, which he deflects, then leaps on him, landing a punch, and grabbing him by his prayer beads.
>Garrosh lands a punch on Thrall, breaking his prayer beads and knocking away the Doomhammer.
>Garrosh continues to beat Thrall, while his voice trembles as he speaks, then grabs him and throws him down.
>Thrall partially gets up and glares at Garrosh angrily.
>Thrall gets up and hits Garrosh with a fireball, launching him into the air, manipulates the air to bring Garrosh down, and finally incapacitates him with a fist made of earth.
>Thrall casts down a single bolt of lightning that electrocutes Garrosh, ending his life. Thrall then stares off into the distance, picks up the Doomhammer and walks away.

Green jews and furfag inmigrants

Blows my mind activision decided to up all the graphics and now the game is more dead than a World Trade Center office

Fuck, Thrall even wore armor. He cheated in every way imaginable.

Blizzard sucks, Warcraft is dead.

>duel someone on a physical combat considered sacred in his culture
>cheat as you start losing
He's a shitter

Why did he challenge him to a duel instead of just killing him

not arguments. you challenge someone to a fight, they get to use their full range of powers.

>people get upset thrall cheated without any consequences
>immediately after the fight thrall says he senses a very deep "quiet"
>he chalked it up to Draenor being a fucking different planet so his shaman shit is odd
>turns out cheating in Mak'gora upsets the doomhammer, as it rightfully should
>it straight up refuses to work
>He gets the magic equivalent of ED and cant put it up anymore
>when he gets back to azeroth the first thing that the doomhammer does is tell the elementals about how much of a shit thrall is
>the elements laugh at thrall's tiny penis
>his wife fucking leaves, doesn't appear anywhere in all of Legion
>he gets cucked out of his doomhammer
>Metzen quit Blizzard because of this

This isn't just a "fight", this is an honorable duel with a specific set of rules to follow. Thrall broke those rules.

So that if he did win fairly without resorting to magic he could pretend that he was going to fight honorably all along

Unless you challenge them to a very specific form of ritual combat, and the other party abides by the rules while you break them.

Thrall cheated and lost his connection to the elements for being a cunt.

>challenge someone to a boxing match
>shoot them

Hold the fuck on, since when did the Doomhammer behave like that? It worked perfectly fine for Orgrim when he was an asshole.

Why the fuck would acting honorably matter when you're killing fucking Fantasy Hitler? Wouldn't it be honorable enough to just fucking cap him after he caused so much death and destruction?


>ever doing something that betrayed the horde or broke their traditional shamanistic culture
oh im laffin

Yo hold up since we're talking about the fucking Doomhammer, do we know what the fuck happened to the alternate universe Doomhammer?

Blizard makes everything up as they go, consistency isn't a consideration.

I want Khadgar to cast a spell on me.

The AU doomhammer is more closely guarded by the elements and flies around and hides in lava n shit.
after AU orgrim eats it, his hammer just fucks off back to the hands of the elements.

The horde didn't have a "traditional shamanistic culture" in warcraft 1 and 2, and even in the post wc2 retcons logic, they had long abandoned it by the time Orgrim became Warchief.

sorry you were the worst boss of siege of orgrimmar

A. It mattered enough to Thrall to challenge him to an honorable duel in the first place
B. Fantasy Hitler did nothing wrong
C. No, it's not considered honorable in any fantasy noble savage warrior race to backstab people.

I didn't say anything about backstabbing. Just fucking walk up to him and murder him because it's obvious that he is not going to stop causing trouble and needless deaths.

The horde wasnt more than ten fucking single color pixels arranged in three rows in warcraft 1 and 2

you can fuck off with your "muh original warcraft lore" bullshit

wtf I hate Greymane now

I don't have to.
He was a good guy until MoP wrote him as a retard.
Everything he did in Cataclysm was fine but when he decided to use the old god heart he went full retard. The only thing he ever did right since then was what he said to Thrall before Thrall bitched out.

I really wish people didn't just randomly hate Garrosh.

If it didnt matter he wouldn't have had the need to show how big his penis in a ritual combat that's sacred for the shamans and orcs and then fucking cheat

>not maining a Male Blood Elf Death Knight


>Getting this ass pained when someone points out blizzard's terrible writing and inconsistencies

Are you fucking serious, dude?

If he tried that without first deceiving Garrosh into thinking it was an honorable Mak'gora he may have lost even with his magic.

That would've been fine and completely justified.

But Thrall is a big MUH HONOR MUH HERITAGE fag so he challenged him to Mok'gora and then fucking cheated as soon as it became clear he was going to lose.

Suffer well, brother.

>good but hot headed guy in cata
>wrote as a fucking retard in mop
Why was this allowed?

Still waiting for the Warcraft lore to be reset for WoW 2

This game is so fucking shit. The MLP of PC games.

>Cairne runs circles around Garrosh in their duel and only loses when the pisoned axe scratches him
>Thrall almost beats Garrosh in Wrath but stops the duel cause Arthas shows up
>Somehow he "needs magic to cheat" in their second duel

Did I miss anything?

The Dreadwyrm set for this tier is hands down my favorite design. For the longest time I liked the Scourgelord set from ICC the most, but Dreadwyrm really does it for me.


WoW needs more Pandaren

Kalimdor Pandaren settlement when?

Thrall's powers started to shit the bed because he realized all of the shit happening lately was indirectly his fault.

Garrosh got gud and Thrall got retarded.

When you kill yourself, you furfag son of a bitch.

>Did I miss anything?
Yes, the duel where Garrosh was winning and Thrall had to use his magic to cheat.

It's really not that big a stretch to assume Garrosh simply became a better warrior over the years. WOTLK was a long-ass time ago even in the game's timeline.

So what's the next step of his master plan?

Probably when they introduce playable pandaren dk. So never

Khadgar actually hasn't been up to all that much in Legion, which is sad. He's one of the very few good characters to survive nu-Blizzard lore.

It would have been okay if he did all that fucking elemental circus on the fortress because he need to show how baddass he is, thats okay. But no, he had to challenge orc hitler to a honorable combat where he later cheated because he was going to get killed.
You have to admit that he fucked up bigly underestimating his enemy and then cheating in a sacred ritual for his people

Go back to playing your faggot elf


you're fucking stupid.

Post your UI, bros

If I played the first 3 Warcrafts and want to see where the story goes (even if it's shit) would it be worth playing solo WoW on some private server with a jacked up XP rate and stuff?

I haven't played since halfway through Mists, and I thought you were joking holy shit. I thought Vol'jinn just got the position but then I find out he's already fuckin dead. What, are we getting a new warchief every expansion now?

It's shit, kill yourself.

It would be extremely boring

reminder that WOD forever ruined his character.


It's a big game


no, the original warcraft stories were good for their time, but they wouldn't be that exciting now.

and when u tried wow you'd then realize how much blizzard shat all over their past work.

Gul'dan was a good character though.

>some pathetic twink cripple juiced on Sargeras' seed and all around legion cumdumpster