Third party support on Switch is flabby

No one is making their A teams develop games for Switch, because they know third party titles don't sell on Nintendo systems.

No one is making big budget titles for Switch for the same reason.

When the novelty wears off in a month, Switch sales will plummet and Nintendo will crash and burn, just like they did with Wii U.

Nintendo doesn't moneyhat for support.

Sony and Microsoft do.

Their loss then. People want FIFA, Madden, CoD and realistic game.

Nintend will never have mass market appeal with their own games only.

Shovel Knight sold pretty well on Nintendo platforms. Obviously PC sold the most because had the largest userbase by far, but the Nintendo consoles weren't that far behind at launch. And the Wii U version of Rayman Legends outsold the PS4 version in North America. If third-party developers actually make good games that have good gameplay, they will sell on Nintendo consoles.

Man that is one flabby ass. No wonder she's a jobber

Some devs jumped on the Wii, figuring that with that much install base, their games had to sell decently

And they ended up being dead fucking wrong because Ninteniggers only buy first party kids games

Why would any third party try their earnest to support Nintendo again, especially after U's failure?

>Falseflagging has gone so far that shitposters have created the "Cody" persona and continue to use it

Eventually people are going to get sick of paying hundreds of dollars for a console that only plays Sports games and COD clones.

It's already happening to a certain extent. Lots of indie games are becoming Switch exclusives because they do so well on Nintendo hardware. Shovel Knight is a great example.

Actual games are on Nintendo hardware.

How do you get an ass like this? Just asking for a friend

Take your faggotry somewhere else

3x8 squats on a cock, three times a week

>flabby ass
Irishman spotted everyone! Man the anti gay guns!

I'm not Irish. And while that is an amazingly fat ass, it's just not as shapely as the other sizable posteriors in the series

Soft, round, flabby butts are god tier

Who does it belong to? Is it that red haired country girl called non?

No. It belongs to her friend Aoba


Wait what?! Isn't that the super shy and cute girl who is also very slender?

There must be some mistake here. Her butt ain't plump.

Yes that's her. And make no mistake, she's a slender girl with a fat flabby ass

be a wome with good genetics and specific %bodyfat

>Shovel Knight is an example


You're wrong. OP ass is neither fat nor flabby, it's just a little soft.

Non is the girl with the flabby ass, not Aoba!

Nintendo has always had shitty third party support. The Switch is so bad it makes the Xbone look good.
>Am a thicc femboy with a jiggly ass like OP's pic
>total butterface and pretty stupid
Life isn't fucking fair

That's what you get for falling for the femboy meme

I just left this thread and I'm back again. Post more ass for god's sake

OP we all know you just wanted to post a gif of an anime girl's butt instead.

You have to be a girl first of all, you fucking faggot.

>thicc femboy
dont kid yourself all "traps" have man ass


Nintendo doesn't need to moneyhat shit if their console has a huge playerbase and is easy to develop on.

Downgrading a game so it could be released on already inferior console/handheld hardware so it could sell a tiny number where the cost of porting the games over would probably not be able to be recovered? no thanks.

>If third-party developers actually make good games that have good gameplay, they will sell on Nintendo consoles.
>If a good game is released on a nintendo console it will sell well

really get my noggin a wettin