>level 50 story quests offers 4000 exp each
Thanks for the kindness FFXIV, that will sure help to keep me motivated grinding over a hundred of them
just buy the jump potion when it comes out :^)
>why does this game have so much content
I hope this is a lie. I'm level 47 at the moment on my first character.
>set up new pc
>can't log in because of security login restrictions
>don't get any email
>when requesting new password it says there isn't an account registered with that email
>can log in just fine on the squeenix homepage with it
Anyone had a similiar experience? I wrote a ticket, how shitty is the support?
You can grind from 50-60 with just story mission you dingus
Oh you'll be in for a surprise
Support is fucking terrible but they can probably sort out your issue. A simple refund seems to be too much for them to handle though.
>how shitty is the support?
Oh god, you're in for a ride, user.
Not that bad actually if you call or use live chat. They fixed every problem I've had so far,
It's not. You'll get a few levels from the level 50 story quests though, it'll give you a headstart when you begin Heavensward content.
It's not. You have to do all of the story quests added before the expansion launched in order to progress.
>sniff the chocobo
mmo's are boring trash. Why does anyone waste their life playing them?
Guys, i think i cancelled my SE account by accident, am i fucked?
I want the fourth mudra and go full naruto with shadow clones.
Also patlabors with the MCH
competitive games are boring trash. Why does anyone waste their life playing them?
Stop making these fucking threads retards.
indeed. we should put all of our content behind mandatory GC squads
and i hope you picked the right class, as we're gonna nerf some classes into oblivion and make you waste several hundred play hours
The community?
Just kidding, most of the community is awful with players only able to communicate with memes and erp. It's fun to play with friends but for the most part the game plays like a single player game so you can't really level together in an engaging way.
Do the quests you pleb, they're easy and throw xp and gear at you and it's story content
Yeah i do about 2 quests a day maybe my leveling queue and log off. Idk why the fuck they think stopping you at 50 for quests was a good idea, but their sub numbers speak for themselves
Yeah, the portion that makes up the content between the first story and Heavensward is pure hell. It's a goddamn slog of boring quests with barely any worthwhile things to do, especially with Heavensward stuff literally waving it's dick in front of you.
At least after its all said and done, you'll get more meaningful rewards when you hit the expansion content. Just be prepared for retarded Duties as per usual.
Why they didn't make Duties multiple people optional is beyond me, because they're suffering unless you're a melee class.
Post cats
What server
>stopping you at 50
Those are all the story quests added between ARR and HW retard
Sheesh, that's a big pussy.
And they're more boring than watching paint dry. Who can stand that shit
r8 muh cette
I've had enough of grinding Diadem.
But raiders said the i280 was free
so it turns out this game really is more boring than wow
Is leveling easier now with all the expansions out?
Then don't do it you mongoloid.
Only wowfags complain, I love the story.
I just got into parsing
>retards are actually below my ot PLD
that said, every so often my game loses window focus for no reason, which started when I set up ACT. Anyone know a fix?
I enjoyed my ride through 1 - 49 and 51 - 60
Same the story is great, every new speculation thread or chatting with FC mates about it is part of the fun
as a general rule of thumb its always an expansion or so behind wow in terms of whatever game mechanics its copying. See: diadem rng gear being a thing, while wow has been pushing rng on gear for the past 2-3 expansions.
>mfw eureka is basically a fate zone like diadem where you go to grind artifact power to power up your relic
The ending of ARR was SHIT
If only FFXIV could have good pet classes like WoW did
>ot PLD
You don't have the right to call others retards
I don't know, please help me.
But it's the only content worth doing in the game? Relic and raiding are not pointless.
I meant to say now pointless but I'm so tired from grinding diadem that my mind is starting to break
Fuck me if Eureka going to be anything like diadem, i'm going to stay unsub
Weabo SAM is cool though
With that mentality everything is pointless. Just do whats fun idiot.
I want to play HW already aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
The issue is it's not fun in my opinion to do content with less than optimal gear since I feel like I'm just unfairly doing worse than what I could be doing because of RNG.
It's also not fun to do Diadem because of RNG. Honestly Diadem would have actually been fun and felt rewarding if the Emergency Mission was guaranteed instead of based on rng.
I love it when new content comes out and you autists grind the same shit over and over and over again instead of having fun. Then you come on here and complain about it or call the game shit when you decide what you do in it.
That's called autism.
But all the scions died one after another and you were framed for the sultanas death! It left the game on a somber note with only a glimmer of hope for the WoL... Truly our darkest hour...
>mfw seeing all these ERP faggots in here complaining
When FFXIV came out you didn't just had to do the main story quest and ignore everything else. You had to do EVERY SINGLE QUEST, including fates and leves in every single region to even keep up with the level. You even had to do leves multiple times because it still wasn't enough for a level up to move onto the next region. It was a real accomplishment getting to level 50 and levelling another class to 50.
Now ya'll fags are complaining that quests give you 4k xp, when in reality back in the day quests gave you 0.2% xp on level 50. You're a bunch of babies who don't like to accomplish anything and want everything handed down your throat.
You're right I should just ERP at the mists instead thanks guys you sure showed me
Everyone in the game is doing content with less than optimal gear whenever new content comes out. You can clear any piece of content in the game with min ilvl if you aren't shit at the game and have a good group.
>grinding diadem
fuck are you doing? fate spamming?
just complete your mission then afk until boss fates/EM spawn
>tfw no one cares about HIGH SPEED anymore
yes, yes, I will never speedkill, I can't skip soar etc., can you answer the question?
This but it's boring
Or just do it once a day or a couple times a week with a group of friends and actually have fun instead of burning yourself out.
>guaranteed Emergency Mission
You want people to be more salty about i280?
>being this salty about being called on his retardation
Start playing as the MT if you're going to be a PLD you stupid faggot
>final fantasy MMO
>its nothing like final fantasy and is just generic mmo garbage
You playing in fullscreen or borderless windowed?
The point of Final Fantasy is that it changes every game while keeping story themes and things like the summons.
RDM is going to be a whole lot of fun.
I don't even care for SAM.
It's not like I offtank ALL the time, there's just no point to compare dps with main tank damage you nitpicking cunt
was meant for
>emergency mission
>You want people to be more salty about i280?
You don't?
The only good thing is that a potato was sliced.
>battle content quality is consistently downhill since Thordan
>all the side content is trash
>Stormblood looks like the most boring MMO setting ever imaginable, a bunch of deserts and steppes with weeb bait stapled to it
>Yoshiponies will defend this
Thats ok OP you can have triple that XP but you must return to the waking sands
XIV is a shit-tier MMO.
Legion is much higher quality. Tried XIV first and then when I was disappointed, switched over to Legion.
Never looking back.
never had that problem before, but make sure that your overlay has "clickthrough" enabled. It could be that you're accidentally clicking on the window and causing the game to lose focus. Other programs like windows aero can do this shit too.
As a PLD you literally shouldn't ever be OTing, that's why you bitching about people not knowing how to play makes you sound like a retard, this isn't some dps measuring contest, this is you laughing at someone pissing their pants while yours are full of shit
do you like big dicks?
>Huge pauldrons
>No cat girls
If being a weeb is wrong I don't wanna be right.
Groups that care about their raid wide dps will always have the warrior pull anyway and rotate both tank's CDs from there. Its like xeno said "There is no MT or OT in this game, just shared tanking responsibilities".
So what's it like having a grey skinned shirtless bald man as the end boss of an expansion
Contact live support during the day, I did the same thing and got it sorted out just fine. Don't do it over e-mail though, they won't do jack shit.
isn't legion just the new wow expansion
Don't forget how the fight takes place in a textureless grey void.
>butt capes
>cat girls
Moms are garbage
not possible, I play with a gamepad, so I never even click the screen. I could just enable gamepad/full fps while in the background, but I don't really want to do that since my comp's not the best
>You can grind from 50-60 with just story mission you dingus
That is, unless, you get sick and tired of the class you leveled to 59, then start leveling another class. Then you're fucking screwed.
POTD, it's the catch up dungeon
My god that looks like shit
But it's so fucking boring. I hate doing something more than a few times in a row.