Don't mind me, just stealing this video game

Don't mind me, just stealing this video game.

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lol too true

lol truu

>jesus buys 1 bread
>Starts duping it
>Bread man only gets money for the one as jesus makes bread man irellevant if he can just keep making bread upon bread.
bad comic, sit down mongoloid

this thread is always newfag central for people who haven't had the debate with retards 50 times already

I can see, that I will have to teach you how to be a villain.

This video should just end all arguments.


>food analogy

>buy used game because cheaper
>trade it back into same place because replay factor is not a thing anymore
>they sell it again
>this happens 5-7 times for each individual copy of most popular games
muh piracy is killing vidya tho

The solution is honestly offer reward programs for buying new games, like old Club Nintendo.

Physical gifts for people who buy new.

>This video should just end all arguments.

Why even bother with silly words like theft or piracy.

Simply call them niggers and dindus. That's what they literally are.

Why the fuck do all those stealing niggers care about it?

>oh noes, I'm not stealing you see, I'm pirating

Who the fuck cares, nigger. You are niggering, that's the point. You are trash. You are dindus. And you deserve to be shot, just like any other nigger.


The original plan microsoft had for the xbone would work too, I only buy digital anyways.

>I only buy digital anyways.
>Have bad day and slip up calling someone a nigger online
>Suddenly banned and all your game "licenses" are revoked, can't play anymore.

>Have a everyday and intentionally call someone a nigger online nonstop
Works on my machine

WTT KingsBread

Yup, of course nigger.

I'm not the nigger, who steals games and then complains that there is all sorts of invasive DRM including always online DRM and other shite. And that my beloved niche franchise died, because not enough people bought it. And that almost all big budget games are nowadays designed for consoles (b/c less niggers) and then ported to PC (which also means dumbed down, with horrible controls and simply shite).

It's like a retarded nigger shooting himself in the foot and then complaining that the foot hurts.

That's because on PC they can't do much of anything.

Range bans? No one uses those.

Hardware bans? Annoying, but you can spoof around them.

You don't need video games to survive

Is that so? Explain yourself.

There's that word again.

You can't OWN information.

"ownership" of information, now there's a crime.

and yet the pirates don't have to deal with the DRM, you do cuccboi
what was your beloved franchise?

This is bait
I know from the words and from seeing baits before

>for-profit industry based on a basic human need, especially bread

Everyone should be forced to read The Grapes of Wrath in school instead of The Giver or that shit jew-loving holocaust book.

Jesus owns bread. He created it.

>The Grapes of Wrath
What is that, some sociopathic libertarian drivel?

>implying Jesus bought the bread
>Implying someone didn't just bake it

Pirate owns a copy of the game he's seeding to others/uploading.

>Pirate game thousand of times
>Company goes bankrupt

Well, shit. I actually never thought of it this way before.

You just legit blew my mind.

The argument is really over whether you're cucked by capitalism or not. The way piracy works right now is actually a pretty decent argument for how a post-scarcity socialist society will function

Why don't pirates just admit what they're doing is stealing?
It just sounds like those faggots that scream "I DO NOT CONSENT!" when they get arrested.

I've pirated games, and still do...but I fully acknowledge that I'm stealing, I just don't give a fuck. I don't sit there trying to do mental gymnastics about what I'm doing.

make your bread better than his then fag. or make some sort of bread+wine bundle
give people a reason to purchase from you

The reason they purchase from me is because my copies come at the low low price $0.00


You are not a nigger, you are correct. You're dumber than a nigger. Probably an abo of some sort. I'd tell you to kill yourself, but nature will do it just as surely.

It's pretty leftist. The descriptions of men patrolling apple trees with shotguns was pretty purposefully a critique of liberal democracy

Because it literally is not stealing.

For example, you are wrong right now. If I explained it to you and you weren't retarded, you'd agree.
But if I, instead of calling you wrong, insisted that you are writing that piracy is stealing only because you have a nigger dick in your ass, you'd probably disagree.
Even though having nigger dick in ass is similar to saying that piracy is theft, they are not the same thing.

yeah and they probably taste like shit
if you make premium top quality bread and actually put effort into it I'll pay for the other guys

>even back then, Jesus was fighting industry jews by pirating food
Jesus was the original pirate.

That reminds me how Nintendo downloaded a nes rom and sold it

The Jews killed the one good one of their kind

Nah, the $0.00 bread is the best kind, because the bread artist does it for art and not money.

Living your life by categorical imperative is pathetic. Life isn't quite like that, pirating an EA or Ubisoft game is more moral than actually buying it. However, pirating a game by an ethical AA studio that really knocked their game out of the park in terms of quality is arguably scummy.

It's like the difference between shoplifting from Walmart and shoplifting from a mom and pop store

the funniest part of your post is how you assume there are more niggers on PC than console


they were mad because all the bitch-slapping at the temple

This is Sovereign citizen levels of retarded.
Literally just "Its not a crime because I say so"

You still did the exact same thing regardless of who you stole from. I'm not saying to not pirate from huge AAA devs that shit out half-assed shit I'm just saying that you're still stealing.
No idea why some people that pirate get all autistic when that gets pointed out.

Nigger, just admit what you're doing is stealing then only steal from places that act like cunts towards their customers.

>does it for art and not money.
that's pretty dumb. what incentive does he have to create better quality bread? if people will have his bread for free he can make it as shitty and hard as he wants because he has nothing to lose, besides inventory of course

I hope everybody likes eating the same copied stale piece of bread when nobody is bothering to make new bread

Heheh, you tell him dude. Gotta stick it to the man, SMASH CAPITALISM!!

a thousand times this

being against game copying is the same shit as being against used game sales, it's all about giving tribute to your corporate overlords who created and marketed the game and how you don't 'deserve' to play it unless you give tribute as well

oh you didn't give tribute to the creators? then you're a thieving nigger who deserves to die, it has nothing to do with ownership because it's literally impossible to steal information

Humans aren't only driven by capital. Large sections of the population absolutely are, but artists are often an exception

You are Sovereign citizen levels of retarded.
Literally just "this is the exact same shit as that thing it isn't like because I say so".

Theft is a crime where you take something that is and then the owner no longer has it.
It's not a crime that thief has it, it's a crime that the thief makes the owner not have it.
If a """theft""" somehow left the owner still in possession of the thing, it wouldn't be theft no matter what happened. It would be plagiarizing or presenting other's work as own, but not theft.

I didn't say I'm not stealing, just that's it's really amoral. I have no qualms with stealing from Walmart or from EA.

That's true but getting compliments/recognition for your art isn't what pays your mortgage or your education etc.

Being cucked by ideology in 2017

I'm cool with that, telling people they can't use their magic to copy bread because MUH PROFITS is unethical.

>jesus produces unlimited food
>all those people who relied on free food starve
>baker is the bad guy

Really gets the old brain box booted.

Why didn't they bring their own food.

Were early christians retarded? What did they think was going to happen out there.

Also couldn't they go for a few hours without food? How far out of the city did they even go.

Well Jesus is one with god/ is god so that does give him the right to copy and distribute everything in existence legally

That poor man will now be unable to provide for his family.


He's got bread for them to eat doesn't he?

And Jesus will freely give him more.

It's a good thing he can still get free bread if he just stands in the line instead of sulking like a little bitch. Welcome to the paradigm shift, yeastcuck.

>I'm not doing anything wrong because I said so
Literally how sovereign citizens act.

I agree with you. Morally I see no issue with stealing anything from large companies. But I don't pretend I'm not doing anything wrong in the process, I just don't feel bad for doing something wrong.

>Provides copied bread to his family

Now he can provided a non copyable good or service and no longer needs to spend money on bread.

Once all goods and services are copyable, post scarcity happens and capitalism becomes obsolete in entirety

>muh free handouts

Well they should stop being lazy faggots and start earning their bread money.

Well an interpretation of the story is that Jesus was a catalyst for people to share their food as they were too jewy to share their own food before hand

>Literally how sovereign citizens act.
Sovereign citizens refuse to call not-theft a theft?
I guess most people are sovereign citizens then.

>i provide the metal to a blacksmith to make me a sword
>when he is finished i take the sword and do not pay him

>i didnt steal it because it was my metal but his services were not payed

This is piracy

Bread burns. If Jesus were alive today we'd have unlimited energy.

"It's not murder officer, this man was BAD and so what I did was entirely justifiable!"

>This is piracy

Actually no, pirates don't give anything and expect everything for free.

More like
>provide metal to blacksmith
>he makes a sword
>pay for sword
>make a mold around the sword
>mold-cast more swords
This is piracy

yes but taking someone's labour without recompense because you don't actually like the game you stole is really ethical. Pirates complain about games being shit so they keep playing them.

I always thought piracy was copyright violation and thus a civil matter.

what's with all the "muh piracy" posts lately

Oh I understand, this is a 'no true Scotsman' piracy argument isn't it?
Gotcha, you're just retarded.

>executioner executes murderer through lethal injection
>they strap him in next and execute him
>then his executioner is strapped in and executed
>and so on

BotW-buyers experiencing remorse.

>>mold-cast more swords

>casting a sword

That is not like piracy because a cast sword is shit and useless compared to a properly made one. in piracy the copy is identical

You're just projecting here. You're the retard.

In many societies bread was a free handout. Bakers were compensated by the government.

>Go into cinema
>Start filming the movie in plain sight

I dare any of you to do this.

>get a camera
>find aborigines who haven't seen modern society
>pirate their souls with the camera
>sell them to necromancer

It's called a special edition. You can only get it by reserving a copy.

chinese people do that for me, so I don't have to

State approved law enforcement role = private citizen deciding what laws they want to follow or not

I'd do it if the jews didn't make it illegal.

Illegal =/= morally bad, unethical, etc

The process will cease when there are no more people physically capable of strapping someone to a chair or intellectually capable of understanding how a syringe works. You lose.

>it's only murder when it is proven to be murder
I guess the actually successful killers never become murderers then. Even though they do all the shit that counts as murder.

You can't kill someone who never existed.

He was an idea, and you can't kill ideas.

Not saying its unethical. Just saying that the faggots arguing that they're not committing a crime are full of bullshit.
If they believed what they preach then they'd have zero issues walking into a cinema with a camera and openly filming the movie.

But they don't because they know its illegal.

The world would definitely be a better place if nobody could make a living from writing. Great idea user.

why would I want to film a poor quality copy of a movie when I can download it online?

Reminder report threads like this for a better Sup Forums, yesterday or a few days ago someone made the EXACT SAME SHITPOSTING THREAD

Nice deflection.

Who do you think puts the copies of the film online 2 days before it's released in North American theaters?

what I want to know is who pirated my pipe?