Any good games about King Arthur?

Any good games about King Arthur?

King Arthur


Breath of the Wild

this little gem



>black guy portraying a character who cucks Arthur

What did they mean by this?


>mfw this cover keeps reminding me of that comedy movie

I can't be the only one who keeps confusing it for that

This sounds like the french.

Is he the guy who blacked saber?

>Black Knight
Well, now I'll be thinking of it too.

Aside from that one's 'comedy' being intentional.

legit good movie

Does it occur to you how surreal it is that this movie was about how absurd the idea of the black knight in medieval times would be but liberals today will beat you over the head if you dare dispute the fact they existed in abundance?

This picture makes me mad because I hate black people and see things like this as a globalist jew attack on the white race

Nobody ever claimed lancelot was black calm down dipshit

Doesn't it turn out that it was all a dream?

I don't want to devolve in Sup Forums shit, but was there a given reason why they picked a black man to play motherfucking Lancelot?

Artistic decision like the Hamilton play or any other piece of media where races are switched

Jews are trying to exterminate our race. It's your responsibility as a member of the master race to resist at every opportunity. We need to take this to the streets NOW


Just a coincidence that he's the guy who fucks Arthur's wife.

cringy falseflag

>KIng Arthur RPG
Tell me more about this

Its a total-war styled game with rpg elements

explain it with swords

It's left a mystery, but he does happen to meet a woman resembling the black lady with the same scar on her neck (from the antagonist), so more likely not.

He also falls back into the moat trying to get her number, only instead of Medieval England he's now in the Roman Coliseum.

To follow the modern trend and acquire easy goodboy points.

Also maybe jews.

It fucking sucked. One of the easiest and one would think most common sense source to adapt to an RPG and they fucked it up.