God damn I fucking love my PC!!
God damn I fucking love my PC!!
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...and it's still a blurry fucking mess. How in the world does a game like this get a 98?
looks like a good ps2 game
upgrading my pc soon
post specs plz op
playable version when
sfm porn when
>y-you don't play Nintendo games for the g-graphics
There's the standard Nintenbro response.
yeah good luck playing that at more than 5 fps
>more than 3x the price
>3% more clarity
>can't leave the starting area
How will Nintenbros ever recover?
nostalgia fags.
It works at 15-20 actually, it's mostly CPU limited, the 4K barely adds any stress on the emulator.
Not wrong though. Graphics are the least important part of a video game, so long as information on the screen is conveyed to you accurately.
standard ps4 fps, but i find this unplayable
Who gives an actual flying fuck about graphics. It's the mediocre gameplay that does nothing special at all that pisses me off. The only reason people defend this game and praise it so highly is because they restrict themselves to Nintendo consoles and haven't played an above average game in so long. So fucking tired of seeing this game. It's not even a bad game by any means, it's just painfully mediocre
So is there an undub version yet?
>paying a group to play pirated games.
yeah ill wait.
That's quite an epic meme, may I use it?
LOL. I'm loving my BoTW text game oh wait it would never be made because that would fucking suck and no one would buy it.
>he hasn't played Dwarf Fortress
Game is literally ruined by graphics.
Nintendo is pretty much finished at this point, rip.
There's no need to pay 1.7.3c leaked on Sup Forums.
overacted garbage series
>It's the mediocre gameplay that does nothing special at all that pisses me off. The only reason people defend this game and praise it so highly is because they restrict themselves to Nintendo consoles and haven't played an above average game in so long. So fucking tired of seeing this game. It's not even a bad game by any means, it's just painfully mediocre
Clearly you haven't played it.
Can they mod in a draw distance fix?
More like standard Switch fps
Can't wait to see PCfags play for an hour and a half at most, see one misplaced texture/glitch, then delete the emulator and the game and never touch it again/
>you'll never play a zelda themed gold box game
Ah well, maybe I'll run a tabletop campaign in the setting.
Where's your xbox hat? Please don't discriminate my platform I've been a good boy all year on Sup Forums.
We're gonna be lucky to get a 60FPS hack in a few months, don't expect too much.
Texture mods are definitely possible, I can't wait to add DS4 button prompts to this game.
show me the links
>exposed midriff
why do they make him look like a teenage girl?
nobody dressed like that back then.
>spend $1000 to emulate a $250 console
>spend even more to get said emulator developed
>game still doesn't run as well as said console
>claimed that day one Zelda would be 4k/60fps, but have since backpedaled saying that was 'false flaggers'
>say they use their PCs for more than just emulation, but never site exactly what
What the fuck, do they know this is 2017
Don't really need a one when you have a PC.
plus you have to be autistic to enjoy dwarf fortress
I don't mind superficial issues, but the game is literally unplayable now because the physics are fucked up. 30 fps would be fine, but it doesn't even do that.
It's fun to be autistic though.
nintendo is stuck in the 90s
they think this is all very fresh and innovative. and people are happy to encourage them.
pretty funny.
shikata ga nai I suppose.
Are you guys really so starved for games that you have to steal console games?
Based user, thank you
Honestly getting the game working and fiddling with the settings to make it look better than consoles is probably more fun than playing it.
Soon I'm going to play it on my 4k screen at silky smooth 30 fps, the way it was meant to be played.
Is super mario 3d world worth checking out?
why do you newfags act like there is a divide on this board?
You're discriminating
Yeah, I won't be satisfied until Nintendo makes a portable, 60FPS full-HD open world game. Tablets these days can easily run things like this.
Yeah, that one works very well.
Same with Bayo1, except the cutscenes, they play too fast.
Gameplay is 50-60FPS, already did 2 chapters.
The games only been out like a week and there's already a playable version that can run at steady framerates on beast cpus. All that's left is to fix the grass, the physics, iron out bugs and optimize it. I'd say 2 or 3 weeks at most
I actually have a wiiu but I never bought 3d world, didn't spark my interest but i guess it would be nice to check it out on 60fps
Seems a bit too optimistic, unless they work 24/7 because they feel obligated by all the fags throwing money at them.
I honestly just want a fix for Bayonetta 2's audio than BOTW, rest of the game works great but the ear rape is too much.
wonder if they'll be able to implement better anisotropic filtering.
Other than the bug where you grass is quicksand everything is working normally as long the grass is off.
Its only been out for a week, give it time.
>all that's left is to fix everything to make it worth playing
>tfw too smart to buy Switch/BoTW
The wise choice is to wait for a better medium to play BoTW
Lmao I've seen this meme cropping up over the last 2 days or so. I own a wii u and I'm waiting until the cemu version works because I can't be looking at fucking 720p on a 4k tv it looks horrendous
There's pretty much mobile phones stronger than the Switch already
You need to get the Nintendo cock out of your mouth
I'm getting about 3fps on my PC, which I thought was an okay PC, I was expecting like 15fps at the least.
what should I improve:
AMD FX-6300 6 core 3.5GHz
Geforce GTX 760 4Gb
16Gb RAM
Intel SSD 120Gb
>nintendo is stuck in the 90s
High 90s. In fact, 98, the highest reviewed game in a decade.
Back when? Ancient anime land?
>more willing to play with emulation bugs and glitches up the ass than just pirate it at 30fps (but bug free) on Wii U
You people never cease to amaze
>and a half at most, see one misplaced texture/glitch,
This is why im waiting atleast another 3 months for it to be running close to 100%
No need to play it now, the emulator and game arent going anywhere, and it will be a much better experience playing a mostly bug free game
Good meme.
You're saying nobody can explain what they use their pc for other than emulation? Am I getting that right?
Yeah, nintendo will eventually release Switch XL anyway.
Same thing happened with skyward sword, its irrelevant because zelda always gets a fantastic score except for twilight princess, and we both know there are a few turds in the franchise
What a bullshit graph
What's the best controller to play with? Standard 360 or does it not matter
I think that will also come with time. I don't think it is on the dev's priority list though. Hopefully I'm wrong and it'll come soon
Make sure the CPU mode is on "single core recompiler(fast)" and the timer is on "host based timer". Set GPU buffer cache to low as well, that gives me like 5 FPS.
>reviews meaning shit
Sorry for your brain damage
Who's playing it with bugs? It's not playable yet, people are excited about the quick progress its making. What are you talking about?
There is your problem.
Whatever you like, I use a DS4.
>say they use their PCs for more than just emulation, but never site exactly what
real games
media transcoding
diddling your mom
Looks like the right on my little switch screen though.
CPU for emu
GPU for normal games
>surprised that a $300 portable console has cheaper parts than a $600 phone
>closed source emulation
Be free or be dead. Play on the original hardware or dont play at all.
CPU, hardcore. Emulation has always been a CPU intensive thing and AMD cores suck shit for that because they aren't hyperthreaded. I had an FX-8350 and that exact same GPU and I couldn't even fucking emulate PS2 games at full speed all the time. Just switching to an i5 made a world of difference not only in emulation, but in some other things like saving shadowplay recordings mid game.
Well yes user its 900p on a tiny screen. But if you want to see it on a big screen, or if you own a wii u, a good quality picture won't happen for a few more weeks
it's an old ass shirt
>What is PPI
In all fairness, the description says the shirt is too small.
>switch XL
Its already huge, can't even play it on the bus. I don't understand all the people complaining about the joycons being too small and stuff
Doesn't it run at 720p in portable mode?
Paying only gets you the latest version of cemu a week in advance. Non argument. Also 4k vs 720p in 2017 is enough of a difference where you can safely say the original hardware if vastly inferior
sony wins again
New Switch then?
Get an unlocked i5
Get a good cooler
Don't worry about your GPU, shit older and weaker than that can run emulators at 4k no problem
Nice non-argument
No, I'm surprised how Nintendo thinks smartphone tier performance for a console is acceptable in 2017
No one cares Sup Forums
Oh yeah lol. Even worse. How do people defend that when other consoles are pulling 4k on b
>hasn't played the game
It's perfectly acceptable for a portable though
Other games have very high resolution kusoge
I wouldn't be surprised by a new dock desu, since the current one has bottlenecking issues