Does Sup Forums even remember this ancient meme?

Does Sup Forums even remember this ancient meme?

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still alive to this day


nintenbros still use it today

That meme will never die.

Fuck, I was the one who made this back in the day. Glad to see people still remember it.

no you fucking didn't

now it's ps4

It was a fun meme, since some idiots ALWAYS took the bait to defend PS3

Fuck, I was the one who made this back in the day. Glad to see people still remember it.

no you fucking didn't

Fuck, I was the one who made this back in the day. Glad to see people still remember it.

still alive to this day

Fuck, I was the one who remembered this back in the day. Glad to see people still made it.

Fuck, I made the one who was this back in the day. Glad to see people still remember it.

best meme

>The glory days of Sup Forums OC are over


>not posting best version

Even if this statement is not true, this comic will be funny until the heat death of the universe.

We had some good times back in the day in this shithole

Of course not, nu-Sup Forums is reddit newfags.

OC is reddit, Sup Forums memes are the new big deal


Fuck, I didn't make this back in the day. Hate that people still remember this

The best

Ice cream? I love ice cream!


Attack its weak point for massive damage


Fuck, I the made one was the back this in day who. People to see glad remember it still.


>It's all just shitty wojak and gold face posting now

haha yeah bro total cringe
you see the new leafy btw?


The torch has been passed to the PS4, and now it belongs to the Switch.

>gold face


this is what he is referring to

It's not that old. Also, it's still relevant.

>forcing a solid meme into console war faggotry
It applies to the PS3, and only the PS3

that guy's been around for fucking ever but I guess so has wojack

When is this guy going to get a name?
Like how feels guy became wojack.

it's about 10 years old right? relative to Sup Forums, that's pretty old, older than trollface


Fuck, I was the one who made this back in the day. Glad to see people still remember it.

>feels guy became wojack
Sure it's /newfag/ in here

PS3 was even more of a niersouls machine than the PS4


Butter came out?

Even once the PS3 got games, it had no games. Facts are irrelevant. It's a universal truth now. Birds fly, fish swim, OP is a faggot and PS3 has no games.

>I'm an oldfag! I've been here a whole week!
he was feels guy before he was wojak you faggot

>he doesn't know

Maybe its for the better, user.

This meme is virtually esoteric now.

Switch launched with 18 games, including GOTY.

Leave it to sony to have good pack-ins.

It's been so long that I forgot Sup Forums has produced any content at all

>That one year when reddit became popular and started taking all of Sup Forums's OC and bastardizing it


Do you have that pic of Ricky Bobby on the xbone?

Good time

Reddit is pretty much the annoying little brother.

and none were exclusive. sad!

Multiplats dont count. Switch has no gaems

You probably think he is a Sup Forums meme as well.

A company that has a game on two of their OWN platforms is exclusive :^) inb4 you meme about the retards paying to pirate


>I'll move the goalposts myself but it doesnt count because I said so.


>Move the goalposts

Lmaoing @ your life kid.

he was named wojak after being known exclusively as "that feel" for ages, and any claim to the contrary is objectively untrue

>PS4 has had a shit load of PS3 and Vita cross platform "exclusives"

>Switch launches with literal shovelware and one decent "exclusive" (that is also on the Wii U, and even emulators)

you pathetic faggots can't even be consistent with your own bullshit rules

fine with me bro, switch still has no games though.

>Multiplats dont count
says you, fag. Also >owning a Wii U

He was created by a Polish guy on Krautchan, newshit.
Guess his name, newshit.


Where did I say that in my post nigger?

>18 games
>This equals zero

Sorry you failed math class kid. Maybe if you try harder next year you'll pass with a C

if you don't know this meme then you're a new fag

Do you think that guy even knows what Krautchan is?

>ended up outliving the wii u

Irony or karma?

i'll pass your mom hard with my C


This one is still my favorite.

>for the past four years it's been "Why don't you own a WiiU? It actually has games, it goes well with PC, Nintendo cares about its fans, etc"
>now it's "lol who the fuck owns a pee poo? lol just get a fucking switch jc lol"
i hate you fucking faggots i really do

>implying this isn't the primeval console war joke

Sup Forums is infested with Reddit
Actual effort and original content is against their way of life.

>Not the actual superior version

if you think the switch has 18 games, then the ps4 has 1354 games

This board has become sonyga/v/.


never bought a Wii U. Stop projecting for 5 seconds

>If you think the switch has

I don't think.

I want to see you jump through more hoops. You can possibly take part in the special Olympics.

cool then the PS4 has 1354 games

It was funny because the PS3 legit had a shit launch and went a long time before it had any good games. By the end of the gen it had the best catalogue though.

But a lot of children on this board weren't in on the joke and legit still think the PS3 had no games.

Could you BE any more Reddit?

page doesnt exist???

>he actually jumped through more hoops

Good job son. You're gonna do well at the special olympics. You may even win gold over retard johnny!

just like the switch's games



m8, you're counting multiplats and literal shovelware as games

if you think the switch has 18 games, then the PS4 has 1354 games

speaking of no game this happened recently while i was looking for a used wii u to play zelda

>m8 you're counting video games as video games

SHOCKER. Why does this trigger you so much?

why does it trigger you so much that the PS4 has 1354 games?


>Why does it trigger you so much that

Never once did I comment on this. You're the one triggered that the Switch launched with 18 games. Triggered so much that you're strawmanning the PS4 and saying NUH UH THIS SHIT DOESNT COUNT BECAUSE I SAID SO